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F For Fake

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Everything posted by F For Fake

  1. Yeah, I sold mine because I already had most of the art in other forms and I have his sigs on a few things from meeting him once, and those are the things that matter to me most. But the leather binding is pretty snazzy, so like I said, one day I could see myself picking this one up again.
  2. And to be certain, it's a BEAUTIFUL book, full of gorgeous art, and the signature and leather binding make it very special. It's definitely worth picking up if you find one at a good price. And to be perfectly fair, I haven't kept up with prices for at least a couple of years, so it's possible that $600 isn't a totally insane price. But it's definitely more than I'd pay right now. Thanks for sharing the link, it's cool to know there is still some stock floating around out there in case I get desperate and decide to bite the bullet!
  3. Several of the Morrison DP books have popped due to the streaming show. 1st Crazy Jane, 1st Flex Mentallo, 1st Mr Nobody, etc. Since these have been dollar bin books for years, they're a great cheap pick up, and in grade can sell for $20+. Still one of my all time favorite comic runs. Such imagination.
  4. I haven't checked prices in a long while, but many years ago they were worth a pretty hefty price. But since they're magazine sized, they are sometimes overlooked. Great pickups!
  5. I found an Armorines 3 at least a couple of times in dollar boxes at comic shops. Don't think I've ever seen a #4 at all.
  6. It's a lovely book, I used to have one. But even the "closeout" price seems a little nuts. I bought one of these direct from Dave's estate for I want to say less than $300? Maybe a hair more. A couple of years ago I sold most of my hardcover stuff and this one fetched under $500, I believe. It's a gorgeous book, to be sure, and I would like to have another copy, but at that price I'm still going to be waiting a while.
  7. I saw this with a friend last night. Went in with low expectations, ended up really getting a kick out of it. Some of the broad humor didn't land for me, but overall I got that classic 80's kid adventure vibe, ala Spielberg, Dante, Zemeckis, and it worked for me. There were some surprisingly dark and jarringly violent moments that really surprised and delighted me, and reminded me of that golden era. The filmmakers obviously have a lot of affection for the source material, and I enjoyed the easter eggs that I found. I was super surprised that they paid off the small cameo early in the film with that mid-credits sequence. I actually clapped, I was so surprised. Not a character I ever expected to actually see make his way into a movie. Much better than I expected, a lot of fun.
  8. If I hadn't had a friend who had three extra original lenses, I would have gone the repro route. He gave me one because he didn't need it. Of course, the irony is that since it's such an expensive, hard to find, tiny, clear piece of plastic, I keep it sealed up in a baggie inside of a figure box instead of displaying it with the Moray, because I'm afraid it'll fall out and be lost forever! So I should probably buy a repro to display, and let the original sit in a box somewhere, because I'm a crazy person, I guess.
  9. I always liked the idea of D&D, but could never get into playing the actual game. I had a couple of the manuals, the monster compendium, stuff like that, and enjoyed reading about the world. But once it came to sitting down and rolling dice, it was a big ZZZZzzzzz for me. I did enjoy the old SSI Gold Box AD&D computer games, though. Spent countless hours with Pools of Radiance, etc.
  10. Still can't log in via Chrome. Explorer is working fine. I've always used Chrome, and up until Monday morning it worked for me. Now I get the same thing most of you are getting, the CGC masthead and toolbar, but nothing else. I can go to the Chat Boards page, and see the threads, but can't actually log in to them.
  11. It's very interesting to see how many Boardies are now in favor of GSP. For at least a couple of years, whenever it was first introduced, the very idea of GSP caused much gnashing and wailing. I've sold on eBay for 20+ years, and for the majority of that time, I shipped internationally. But it became apparent over time that the "problem" transactions I was experiencing were almost exclusively international ones. And I think the biggest issue is that once the items leave the US, the tracking doesn't really work very well, and it's nearly impossible to track down items, which lead to chargebacks, claims, etc. This is my hobby, not my job, so in time I decided it just wasn't worth it to sell internationally anymore. So I stopped. Once GSP was launched, it was great, because I could once again make items available to the rest of the world, with none of the risk. I realize, 100%, that the GSP really sticks it to the buyer. I 100% understand why buyers don't like it. I truly do. But that's just how it is, I'm afraid. And the argument that I am losing sales because I do GSP simply isn't true, because without GSP, I wouldn't sell internationally at all anymore. So it is only a bonus for me. If a buyer doesn't want to buy from me because I do GSP, I'm totally fine with that. No hard feelings at all. All this being said, when I sell on the boards I DO ship internationally, because I think the policing around here is much better than it is on eBay. I've never had a problem transaction internationally on the boards.
  12. Now now, friends, no need for all of this bickering. We're ALL tools!
  13. beatbutcomplete is my collecting mantra! It's very important to not abbreviate that to "BBC" when surfing the net.
  14. Wait, that's the plot of the comic Cobra: Last Laugh. Are they doing a straight adaptation? That would really be something, as that run of comics is remarkable. It's a straight up espionage/spy thriller where the characters just happen to be GI Joes. They even manage to make oddball goofy characters like Croc Master and Crystal Ball seem intimidating. It's pretty serious stuff. Although I loved the comics, I'd be very surprised to see them go with this take for a film, as it's definitely not geared towards kids..
  15. Would you be willing to do Signature Series? I'll find a facilitator...
  16. Oh wow, I've never seen those before, love 'em! Especially the Inferno one with the promo art. So cool!
  17. Yeah, I'm not a SS guy, so Stan wasn't getting his mitts on this. That book in the other thread is a heartbreaker! Ha, good point. Maybe Johnny had a death wish?
  18. I'm pretty sure there has been a restock, I went to three Targets last weekend and saw these displays out at each store, each with 5+ copies. Seems like they'd restocked the figures as well.
  19. Holy cats it's the guy from the tee-vee! Seriously though, that's a great find!
  20. Yes, my FF #5 is around .5 to 1.0, it's complete but cover is split/detached and there are many obvious issues. The money shot center image of Doom is still pretty nice. I'm thrilled to have it. Paid about 1/3 of the market value at the time, and it has only gone up from there. The problem with me is that when books start increasing in value, I'm tempted to sell them so I can buy more books.
  21. Oh brother, you ain't kidding. I love Batman, but making it through a re-read of the GA Batman omnibuses is a bit of a chore. I love the GA characters, covers, and history, but aside from Eisner's Spirit and Jack Cole's Plastic Man, most of the GA hero books are a snooze. I can flip through and admire the art and cultural impact, but to READ them, cover to cover? Zzzzzzz.