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F For Fake

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Everything posted by F For Fake

  1. So very sorry. We have been there before, it’s always heartbreaking. I think we love these babies too much sometimes. Warm wishes to you and yours, take care.
  2. Wow, 1/3 scale, that's going to be substantial! Not cheap, but it looks sharp. Love that alternate head sculpt.
  3. I always love this thread. A chance to reflect, and also a chance to see pics of a lot of really cool stuff! Here are my three favorite things that came into my house in 2022
  4. ha, well I had the opposite problem from you guys: I had a cart FULL of stuff I wanted to grab, but ultimately had to settle on these two. It's been years since I've bought a Sideshow piece, so there is a backlog of stuff I'm interested in, but at the end of the day, these were the necessities. Only so much money to go around, especially at this time of year. And space, phew, that's another nightmare. That's why Rogue is staying in her box in my laundry room for the time being ha
  5. Haven't bought any statues for a long time, so I haven't visited the thread in a bit! Got sucked in by Sideshow's B1G150%off sale, picked up this Catwoman I'd had my eye on, as well as the Rogue maquette (not pictured because I haven't figured out where the hell I'm going to put it! It's enormous!) Anyway, this Catwoman piece is gorgeous, and goes nicely with the previous Sideshow Catwoman. I'll take all of the Michelle Pfeiffer they want to give me!
  6. This also showed up this weekend. I'd gone out for an annual Christmas dinner with a couple of old friends, and got home around 10pm. My wife was waiting at the door, all excited, to tell me that Santa had dropped something off while I was out. Couldn't believe my eyes! She'd been sneaky, having it shipped to her folks, the in-laws had dropped it off while I was out. She wanted me to get it Friday so it would be ready for our big Christmas party on Saturday, which meant I was up until 1am putting it together! But it's well worth it, lots of fun. Really love it. I can see how these things would be addictive, but space will limit me from getting many more.
  7. It's funny, I preordered these at Target what seems like a year and a half ago. Then, a couple of weeks ago they showed up on hasbro pulse. So, I ordered them there, and canceled the Target order, which was still sitting at "release date TBD". Three Tiger/Pythons in the hand are worth three in the pre-order bush...or something...look, I never said I was good at metaphor.
  8. Thanks friend! Boy, you're not kidding about the space. I had to do some serious rearranging to find a spot that could accommodate it. Ended up having to put it on a bottom shelf sort of out of sight, which is a shame, but I literally have nowhere else to put the beast!
  9. Certainly hope everything works out ok. Take care, Dr. X. This is a great tradition and one the has brought a lot of joy to boardies for many years, but the most important thing is always your family.
  10. So, I've not been keeping up (sorry), how long are ME's supposed to take these days? I sent one a month ago, received 11/15, still sitting at "scheduled for grading." So, just a couple of days short of a month. Not crazy, not angry about it or anything, just curious how long they're running these days.
  11. And finally, some full price stuff. Legends Daredevil 3-pack from Pulse, and Camo Khan from Mattel Creations. The Khans are already sold, now I wish my Wun-Dars would finally show up! I don't buy many Legends aside from the occasional X-men, but I wanted this DD set. I'm a big fan of Bullseye in this deco, and I also dug the Deodato-esque wild-haired head sculpt that came with Elektra. And that's it for now! No more toys until Xmas! Happy Hunting!
  12. Next up, Gamestop had a big clearance sale, where all of their clearance items were 50% off. So, the price was already reduced, but then take another 50% off of that, and wow, I couldn't say no. The Necas were about $12, the Joes about $8, the Pops $3-$4.
  13. Next up, Best Buy had some NECA stuff on clearance, figures were $19.99, and I had some rewards points, so I got all of these for about $13. This is my third Macready. Can you ever have too many? He comes with so much stuff!
  14. Lots of cheap Holiday sale/Black Friday/Cyber Monday/whatever purchases still rolling in. First up, if you have a Burlington store, it's worth checking out. They had cases of Studio Series Wreck-Gar and Sweeps showing up, $12.99 ea. I managed to snag another Sweep for my squadron. They also had the Marvel retro 375 figures for $4.99, which is exactly what I want to pay for them.
  15. OH man, i LOVE that. I had some of these as a kid, had He-Man's shield, and the power sword that split in half, silver on one side, yellow on the other. Used to "fight" my father in the basement. Eventually I upgraded to a giant thick plastic Voltron sword, and we had to stop "fighting" because I was whacking the old man too hard, that thing was a monster! ha I'd love to get my hands on these sets again one day. A local toy dealer had a sealed set, I believe the Skeletor set, but he wanted like $500 for it. May be worth that much (they're uncommon for sure) but I'm not paying that much. That Hordak stuff is INSANE. This is way too cool.
  16. Great books. I'm especially fond of the Alan Davis stuff. The Tec 570 is an all time favorite, from the cover through the whole book. Just classic stuff.
  17. I had a giant Heathers British quad poster in my bedroom for most of my teenage years. Winona forever xoxoxo
  18. Sweet! This one is high on my list. I've been trying to put together a collection of all of the battle stations, complete with boxes. I've got 7 or 8 of them so far. I try to pick up a couple at every Joe show. So much great playability.
  19. Heather Thomas, Heather Locklear...the 80's was a quality time for Heathers.
  20. This morning I had my first run-in with the error message. Logged in with no problem, but when I clicked on the notifications bell at the top, I got the error. Happened three times, then eventually i was able to reload the page, go to notifications, etc, with on issues. Not the end of the world or anything, just mentioning it in case you're still collecting examples.
  21. I'm not Patrick, but for what it's worth, I think sharing the pics of old toys is PERFECT for this thread, as so much of it is tied up in nostalgia. So, in that instance, I'd say keep them coming. For more in-depth toy forums, FF has already mentioned the Fwoosh. I personally like the transformers boards at tfw2005, which are obviously heavy on Transformers content/topics, but they have a separate forum called the Toy Ark where other lines have dedicated threads.
  22. Love it! Man, those were days. Taking a picture, having to wait maybe days or weeks (or more!) until the roll of film was finished, then taking it off to be processed, which could take god knows how long, only to get them back and find them a little...underwhelming. Now we're all walking around with movie-quality cameras in our pockets. Insanity.
  23. The market decides which book it cares about. The rest of it doesn't matter, aside from nerds on the internet arguing to prove a point. I should know, I'm a nerd that likes to argue on the internet!