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Everything posted by ashsaytr

  1. Probably because there aren't a hell of a lot of female superheroes to work with that have the potential star power Captain Marvel does - besides, they're working specifically with Carol Danvers, not some made up "female version" of the character. I imagine she'll wind up essentially playing the Ms. Marvel role, but Ms. Marvel might not translate as well as "Captain" Is it a given it`s Carol Danvers? It could be Kamala Khan. From a business perspective if I am Marvel I pick Khan over Danvers. given her back story (and i had to look her up) wouldn't she be better suited for Agents of Shield?
  2. Watchmen was a prime example of how the theatrical cut should have been the directors cut... maybe this as well... I like Snyder's movies and how he handles them... the massive scope of some of the stories as well as how they are shot... he seems to give a about the material... and i get the run time issues... sorry over!
  3. come on... another week in theaters... i need to see it on the big screen!
  4. can this be the SUCKER PUNCH support group?... 'cause i loved that movie!
  5. i wish i had book shelves like that! sweet room!
  6. looks like the same actress that played the genderless angel in (Keanu Reeves) Constantine. Implies transcending gender is a higher state of being (ala Heaven's Gate suicide cult). she is
  7. Watched a crappy version of this movie last night... just couldn't stand it any longer ...anyways i enjoyed it... a lot!... it had a couple WTH moments in it... clark in the (Artic?) one moment then back fast enough to save lois... and getting the spear... wears him out just pulling it from the pool... but is able to fly with it.... other then that... I liked it... not seeing where all the extreme hate is coming from.... its a superhero movie that's done very well... very comic book like... ya have backstory (briefly i might add)... lead in...crazy bad-guy... manipulation... hero's fight... become friends... more hero's show up.... save the day... bad guy goes to jail... new movie lead in... i think people are taking this way to seriously.... I can't wait for the DC of the movie... if its anything like the Watchmen it will tighten everything up and flesh out the story... I am excited to see this in a more ...ahem... HD format!
  8. i just meant what if they rolled with DJ as Shazam as opposed to BA (he'd make a better BA)... diversity and all that~
  9. well it looks like fun.... I'm there!
  10. okay...never had any interest in these characters... their powers always seemed ehh... so what makes it a good fit for tv?
  11. if this is the case, I think it is only fair to make a post in that thread to alert and warn any potential members. If that's considered thread crapping then I don't see a point of any probation list. That makes perfect sense. I'm sure there are a lot of members who don't read the probation list. but do it in the kindest public service announcing way. A simple FYI without details. Perhaps it should be a rule that if you are a seller and on a list here, you MUST make mention of that in your first post of your sales thread. Anyone care to second that? change the color of their name on the boards?
  12. hey here ya go~ http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=4219131#Post4219131
  13. okay for starters i haven't seen this movie... and spoilers don't bother me... i've been following the up and down reviews... but i have to say very well done Chuck thank you!
  14. well i hope you guys find your book... i seriously dislike that cover
  15. Hey whats up buddy! long time no see i just kinda lurk around here ... how are you doing? straight up working here!.... glad to see all these books up... I do believe that Death Dealer #1 was the first SS book i had done and you guys did it (think the 08 signing)... the other may have been the same time but i picked it up, not long after, from another boardie!
  16. I thoroughly enjoyed the Watchmen Director's Cut and 300. And with Man of Steel I think it is an 8.5/10 to a 9.0/10 for me.
  17. busy reading this - Mountain Man by Keith C Blackmore and Lynn O' Dell love this book series... give it a whirl if you like post apocalyprtic / zombie stuff... very well written... depth of characters... nice flow... 4 books in the series~
  18. never much cared about the character.... didn't like Deadppol either, but i loved the movie... with any luck it will pan out to be a good flick... if not...eh~