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Everything posted by Logan510

  1. This is part of the problem, scheduling the shows for the dealers, as I can't imagine that people will be excited about doing these two giant shows in back to back weeks. Personally, my issue is that I usually get to end my summer on a week(ish) long trip to Chicago. I'm born and raised there, but haven't lived there in basically 20 years. I get to visit friends, eat wonderful food, and that week around the con is usually the only time of the year that I get this. Moving the con a week later takes it out of my last week of break and into my first week of teaching, which means having to miss class to fly to Chicago to do a quick hit and run for three days of the show. Flying instead of driving also means I can't carry as much stuff, and it costs much more. I'll still be there, but it kills all the extras that I so look forward to with WW Chicago. I'll live, but I'm not at all happy about it. If they are really going to do it back to back next year, I'll either decide to do one or the other or I just may stay in Chicago for a few days before I head off to Baltimore. No way I'm going to fly back and forth. I'll get the shed guest room ready Something out of 50 shades of grey I imagine.
  2. I loved BvS Why? Was it the fight scenes? It can't have been the paper thin plot, poor motivations and poor characterizations...right? It all boils down to personal opinion. Some loved it, some hated it, some thought it wasn't bad but could've been better. Looking at the varied opinions in this thread, it would be difficult to create a benchmark for why people love or hate this movie. For example... The viewers who found the plot too difficult to follow probably wouldn't describe it as paper thin. Batman's motivation was basic human overreaction. Superman's motivation was to do the right thing. When compared to what motivates a guy to put on a robotic goblin suit and fly around on a hover board, it doesn't seem quite so poor. The characterisations fit with the tone of the movie. There's deviation from the comic books, however this isn't a true comic book adaptation. The Nolan trilogy was awesome but I doubt anyone would see Bale's Batman as the definitive comic book version. As I said, it's all just down to personal opinion... Oh and the warehouse fight scene was superb Yep, the fight scenes were pretty good. Loved everything about it. Yep, the fight scenes were pretty good.
  3. I loved BvS Why? Was it the fight scenes? It can't have been the paper thin plot, poor motivations and poor characterizations...right? It all boils down to personal opinion. Some loved it, some hated it, some thought it wasn't bad but could've been better. Looking at the varied opinions in this thread, it would be difficult to create a benchmark for why people love or hate this movie. For example... The viewers who found the plot too difficult to follow probably wouldn't describe it as paper thin. Batman's motivation was basic human overreaction. Superman's motivation was to do the right thing. When compared to what motivates a guy to put on a robotic goblin suit and fly around on a hover board, it doesn't seem quite so poor. The characterisations fit with the tone of the movie. There's deviation from the comic books, however this isn't a true comic book adaptation. The Nolan trilogy was awesome but I doubt anyone would see Bale's Batman as the definitive comic book version. As I said, it's all just down to personal opinion... Oh and the warehouse fight scene was superb Yep, the fight scenes were pretty good.
  4. I find this practice in general to be really lame and a rip off to the people paying good money to see this stuff in the theater.
  5. I loved BvS Why? Was it the fight scenes? It can't have been the paper thin plot, poor motivations and poor characterizations...right?
  6. Me and the wife just saw this today. Wow...bad beyond belief. Liked the new Wonder Woman...thought Affleck was decent enough as Batman. The plot / story was a big bunch of poop. As many problems as I had with Civil War...at least that movie was fun.
  7. Parents basement, wife's basement...six of one half a dozen of the other.
  8. One of my favorite books from an art standpoint of that era. 64 pages of pure Art Adams <3
  9. But...but... they're "Cool Books". Some people just don't get it, and apparently never will.
  10. I would think it's because he gets dealer badges at the cons . The secret is putting the work in
  11. They probably have some left over from your onsite sub
  12. Man...he must be bad if one New Yorker is saying that about another New Yorker
  13. Do it He'd be better off playing a turnip. I can't let this pass. I suggest he go as a radish. With or without the leaves intact? He lost his leaves a long time ago
  14. I hope this isn't a boardie but click_4_comics is a nut. One of the worst transactions in terms of customer service I've had in 17 years. If you buy from him, just make sure you don't want to do a return because it's less fun than getting a root canal.
  15. Do it He'd be better off playing a turnip. I can't let this pass. I suggest he go as a radish.
  16. Maybe...But... It's also an August movie, the biggest August start ever, not the March blockbuster opening weekend of BVS. It's doing this in a month that only GOTG had ever really conquered as a massive opening. It's almost doubled the #3 August opening ever. Blockbusters just don't happen in August. And it has $75 million less budget than BVS. This movie is a winning hit already. Why are we as comic fans surprised that Harley Quinn and Deadpool have the two biggest breakout movies of the year? A whole generation of younger people have grown up reading stuff like Deathnote and playing games like Arkham Asylum - they don't want Batman Adventures. They want sick, crude, demented violence and perverse humor. I can't even imagine what's next. The end of days? Probably the same thing your parents thought when they first heard Heavy Metal
  17. No it wasn't. -literal JAM He edited it, and your sarcasm metre is broken, *spoon*. See, the joke there was that I signed it "literal JAM", the indication being that I was picking up your sarcasm, and then pretending you actually meant it was a good post. I'm not saying my joke was a home run, but c'mon. I expect a lot more after HarveySwick voted you funniest Boardie and liked all your pictures on Instagram. I wish he did. He only liked my tastefully done nude selfies. Harveyswick doesn't know funny even if it reached around him and tickled his funny bone I disagree. The PIF and giving tree threads were very amusing.
  18. Now you know how I feel watching almost any Marvel movie. How many times have they included the rerelease falcon in Marvel movies? I will hug the stuffing out of you.
  19. Now you know how I feel watching almost any Marvel movie.