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Everything posted by seanfingh

  1. For Marvel and DC I would never buy a 9.6. I have many 9.6s and even some 9.4s because I like to buy raw books and get them signed. My Y the Last Man #1 is 9.4 because I missed a fingerprint on the BC. My Transmet #1 is 9.4 because Warren Ellis manhandled it (Which is cool in a twisted sort of way now. ) and my Fables #1 is 9.6 for a reason that i don't know because it was suuuper sweet. I love all those books, but the resale on them is impacted heavily by the lower grade. Fortunately, I don't have very much invested in them. The real heartbreak is cracking a 9.8 and having it come back 9.6.
  2. I was just joking. I pretty much say "tree fitty" whenever anyone asks about the cost of anything. It's that damn Loch ness monster!
  3. I feel you, man. I cracked my .5 and gave it to a buddy that is a huge Infantino fan. He loved it and I didn't have to look at it mocking me. I'd be mocking you too for sending in a Silver Age book without counting pages first.... Looks like you already are.
  4. I feel you, man. I cracked my .5 and gave it to a buddy that is a huge Infantino fan. He loved it and I didn't have to look at it mocking me.
  5. There is no green/yellow because the yellow label is already a qualified grade because of the signature. The bolded part of your quote is incorrect. It was .5 because the book was incomplete. It could have other defects, that would otherwise be appropriate for a green label in a blue label submission, that would not affect the grade as much as being incomplete. I hope that Metro makes it right for you, though. How do you explain the purple/yellow signature series label then? I think a green/yellow label with an accurate grade would make more sense, along the lines of what they do with PLOD Signature Series books. The explanation for Purple/Yellow is simple. It is a restored book with a verified signature on it. The label tells the type of resto and indentifies the provenance of the signature. No possibiliy for confusion. The Yellow label already signifies that the grade is being qualified. The book is graded as though there were no signature on it. Because of the nature of what makes some of the qualified grades qualified, most notably unwitnessed signatures, a Green/Yellow label is too potentially confusing. Having to put the information necessary to explain many of the qualifiers would be impossible and it would be confusing to the consumer. I believe the decision is correct, as it is clear from looking at your Av 4 and my Batman 181 that they are much better structurally than 0.5. Thus simply identiying the missing page provides the most information to the consumer with the least possibility of confusion. Economically it is a bad deal for folks who miss a non-story page in their page count, but as a business decision for CGC it is sound as a pound.
  6. There is no green/yellow because the yellow label is already a qualified grade because of the signature. The bolded part of your quote is incorrect. It was .5 because the book was incomplete. It could have other defects, that would otherwise be appropriate for a green label in a blue label submission, that would not affect the grade as much as being incomplete. I hope that Metro makes it right for you, though.
  7. It sure does. I got a .5 spanking on a Batman 181 so i feel the pain.
  8. Great books, DP. In a few of my first big submissions, I experienced the same thing. ten or twelve Bronze 9.2-9.8 and a couple of 6.0-8.0. Usually a result of too much NCB wear, interior defects or very light water damage. Easy to miss when all of the books are from the same source. Now when i am prescreening books that I know are all from the same source, I start grading from the back and with the book upside down so i don't get lulled into skimming them after I go through a couple of really nice ones. Really, really sharp Colan submission!
  9. I almost typed that, but then i was positive that i was confusing it with Middle Earth. I still can do the first 8 lines pretty well.
  10. Can't hurt to throw it up here for no fee. If you don't get what you want, off to Ebay.
  11. What do you mean? A buyers' only job is to pay for the item in question - that's it. True dat. When I tried to make all of my buyers send me a tape of themselves reciting the prologue to the Canterbury Tales in Old English, in addition to paying, Arch made me quit.
  12. Those are dreamy, esp. the Eclipse Archive MM book.
  13. Hit one of the LCs yesterday. Scored a couple of Copper beauties. 1st up is one of my favorite Dave Stevens covers on a very nice copy of an Eclipse Twisted Tales GN: Second, I pulled the trigger on a Razor Annual that I have been looking at for a long time. It is signed by Evertt Hartsoe and some else, maybe Billy Tucci, in a series of 999 signed copies. I don't know if these were done at the time of publishing or were after-market. It is about an 8.5. It looks much better but is has a real severe crunch in the LLC. Very nice for the price
  14. That's kind of my point Sean. Jmarch51 has been an active member of this board. He's bought & sold many items and has multiple positive comments in the Kudos thread. He simply didn't know about the probation list ("where is this probation list? Does it say why I am on there"). He didn't know he'd been blackballed (at least, by the people who follow the probie list) over something that happened 2 years ago, and frankly that strikes me as unfair. That's what difference it makes, to me. I can't remember if I've bought from jmarch51 or not, but I've seen enough of his threads to have thought about buying from him, but my "point" (not beef) was simply that I'm suggesting an addition to the Probation List process -- to notify the people who are added to the list. I'm surprised there's so much criticism of that idea. Maybe it is a "secret cadre" as comix4fun suggested (I don't really think that). I do understand where you are coming from. Here is where I am coming from: The folks that come here and do nothing but buy and sell do not really do a lot for me, personally. Not to say that I wouldn't do business with them. But to me part of the social contract with being part of the marketplace is being part of the larger community. Not that you have to, but that you should. To me it is almost like bad manners to do nothing but buy and sell. Just my opinion, though. Anyone that is so loosely involved with the forum as a whole so as not to have established relationships, or even one person who would say "Dude, you need to clean up that Probation deal!" tells me that is not a person that I would worry too much about, because they don't seem to care one way or the other. It's not that I don't think you have a point. it's that i think you are wasting your energy fighting for the type of folks that don't give a squirt about anything other than peddling their wares. Finally, I like having the Probation thread here to do its job, because while evidence of being on the probation thread is not necessarily damning, multiple infractions mean stay the hell away. I am the guy that went out and found, bought and sent Connor CapFreak a golden age comic for helping Kenny out with Christmas a couple of years ago. I need to be reminded who the bad guys are.
  15. There it is. Now I can quit worrying about the Cain and Abel thing that was going to happen if one got stuck with the 9.6.
  16. What are some examples of this happening? mikegg is one. The sale went bad and he's on the probation list until he apologizes to the seller. After the sale went bad the seller made no effort to contact him to work things out to mutual satisfaction -- he refunded the money but was still upset so wants the guy on the probation list. Look at Jmarch51 -- OK it's from 2 yrs ago but the posts are still there. Buyer reports the deal falls through and he took the book to ebay. Ok that's wrong. Didn't say anything about trying to contact him and say "hey we had a deal, we need to work this out". Just "the deal fell through let's probie him" and bang! the next day jmarch51 is on the probation list. It's being used as a punishment by people who are angry their deals fell through. In neither case is anyone out any money or merchandise, and while I agree that backing out of a deal is wrong and should be discouraged, people are being added to the probation list for busted deals without actually trying to work things out. First of all, if these people are are so tenuously and tangentially involved in this Board that they can go two years without knowing they are on the Probation List, what difference does it make? Secondly, how does either the mikeggg or the Jmarch51 example show that there was no communication or no attempt to resolve the situation. It's been a while since I read the mikeggg story, but my recollection is that he made it quite clear, initially, that he wasn't going to do the deal. What would the other party need to do to satisfy you? I'm not sure I get why anyone should even care?