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Everything posted by Bio-Rupp

  1. You're right, the post that was deleted by the mods told me to go to hell. Why the hate? Why did you feel the need to tell me anything about this thread in the first place? I can read, I would have seen the statement I made had already been brought up. I am not as stupid as people apparently think I am. I hadn't read that far yet, give me time to catch up. So no one should ever point out the redundancy of any post to a poster? We should all hold our collective breaths until said poster achieves the nirvana that comes with reading the entire thread before posting? Gotcha. Is there a time limit we should allow? A few minutes, at least. -slym Perhaps a few minutes on the part of said poster, prior to clicking send, might also be in order? Are you saying that as the "pot" or the "kettle"... or the other "pot" ?
  2. You're right, the post that was deleted by the mods told me to go to hell. Why the hate? Why did you feel the need to tell me anything about this thread in the first place? I can read, I would have seen the statement I made had already been brought up. I am not as stupid as people apparently think I am. I hadn't read that far yet, give me time to catch up. So no one should ever point out the redundancy of any post to a poster? We should all hold our collective breaths until said poster achieves the nirvana that comes with reading the entire thread before posting? Gotcha. Is there a time limit we should allow? A few minutes, at least. -slym Yes a moment of silence ....
  3. So, what you're telling me is, I CAN'T suck it? Aw Man. No one man can take away another man's right to suck it. That man always has that right... to make it his choice... to enact that right Is that right?
  4. I have logged some hot laps. It pulls a little coming out of the third turn. Never a bad thing when it pulls just a little
  5. You can sometimes tell the quality of a baordie by his defenders. Says the pot calling the kettle more or less a pot Definitely tell the quality of his spell checker too I might add x2
  6. You can sometimes tell the quality of a baordie by his defenders. Says the pot calling the kettle more or less a pot
  7. Actually he said that he posts the way he posts, and anyone who doesn't like it can suck it. Slym has gotten about 1200 breaks and he keeps on trying to break the sound barrier in the Douchatron-5000. Just like the rest of us has gotten 1200 breaks in the past too... and each and every one of us posting here right now has each taken a ride in that very same Douchatron-5000 Carry on Slym ... and also I'm buying X94s all day long ! http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=7440704&fpart=1
  8. Why all the attention focused on Slym ? He stated he jumped the gun on the post and is going back to delete his posts in order to keep the thread clean. Geez fellas... give the guy a break.
  9. So much for "blind poll" results with even the poll starter throwing out voting information
  10. He has another, earlier eBay account as well. The skies will crack when the world finds out this kid is really some forty something year old, 310 lb comic store owner who carefully planned this ruse over the last few years setting up a fake Facebook and ebay account in order to screw the CGC boardies out of their hard earned cash
  11. This is pretty much my point of view. However, we know this is not going to happen, because the father said in writing, that he was proud of his son's negotiating skills. Therefore, his father was encouraging poor behavior. I know some wonderful honest sales people. These actions do not make me think that the words "honest and salesperson" go together here. This was a clear case of manipulation of facts and now there seems to be an attempt to play on sympathy. I'm probably as sympathetic as most people here, but I'm concerned about the welfare of minors, too...and this minor who obviously has a lot of talent and charm, is being encouraged to use it in a less than ethical manner and his parents bragged about it. That is what really concerns me. How is a child supposed to know right from wrong when he's given sales goals on a forum that he joined by lying, and his parent brags about his "negotiating skills" and loves watching him work his magic with adults So, to GIJOEISAWESOME's dad... if you are reading this thread, I encourage you to sign up for family counseling. I saw that one of your son's accomplishments is being a "boy scout" ...how do you think they would react to his and YOUR actions here? Your son said in the video that he has been selling on eBay for "years" ...He needs to stop, and your account should be closed. I'm sure someone here is going to come up with that ID if you won't disclose it, it's just a matter of time. You need to keep him off voluntarily before further action is taken. If your son really loves comics, take him to some shows. He can trade books in person, as himself. I'm sure he'll do well and you can both enjoy the hobby in an honest fun manner, plus! you can get rid of some of those MOS 18's that way. maybe he'll even want to trade them for some books he can READ. I know I'm going to be putting MOS 18 on my eBay watch list. I'm sure I won't be the only one. Sadly, I vote for a HOS poll. The ID that I found on ebay... which was extremely easy to find, states "member since July 7, 2013. Lots of CAPs in the later feedback... lots of "AWESOME" as well. If he's been "selling on ebay for years"... then that's malarkey too unless its under a different name.
  12. I had promised to pass along the father's concerns and requests, along with clarifying on the SPAM email he had no idea this had been sent. If he is playing me, then he is the best actor I have ever happened across. From the concern in his voice, I do not believe this was an act. Maybe it was Lee with a voice modulator. Hope his testes un-torted. Probably wouldn't need a voice modulator if it hasn't un-torted
  13. And since he's banned... why worry about a vote. Just put a sub-heading below the probation list called "BANNED" with his name linked to the conversation here. Easy peesy
  14. Nothing positive can come from either the Dad or the son at this point. We compared PM's sent from the GIJOEISAWESOME persona... some were in a very different in syntax than others. Some obviously written by a child... and some by a person with more than 8 years of grammatical study. I believe two different people were GIJOEISAWESOME... and both knew exactly what they were doing, even though I feel one of those people was heavily influencing the other. That kid is a scammer who got it honest... via hereditary means.
  15. After seeing that video last night, I would say this is an extremely bright child. I can see him writing that response. But after learning all these additional details, I don't know what to think. Was GIJOE a single-person operation, a family thing, a buddy thing with another kid - who knows other than the person/people that were on the other side of that keyboard. Agree with you Nick. Just can't see this kid being able to do this all by himself.
  16. +10 Gazillion Wait...what? You mean you guys actually READ comics? For me, the order goes like this: Reader Collector Flipper There are a lot more nouns to describe you than this... True. Among them are not: Thief Hoser ( debatable ) Poor grader Poor packager of comic books Oh take a joke Casey... don't get your panties in a wad
  17. +10 Gazillion Wait...what? You mean you guys actually READ comics? For me, the order goes like this: Reader Collector Flipper There are a lot more nouns to describe you than this...
  18. All true. He needs to make amends for what he's done. Pay back the people he lied to to get partial refunds, and (if he overgraded) refund the people that he took on that end of deals. I pray someone shows him the error in his ways, that the end doesn't justify any means. There are many ways to make money and just as many to lose one's integrity. Chris, just to throw this out there... since many of us sellers were selling to a minor... can't his father, and or family, legally demand that we refund him for merch sold to him? I assume this, deception on his part or not, since he isn't old enough to enter into a legally binding contract. xxx ooo Rupp You're right, he cannot legally enter into a contract at his age. That's where parental liability/approval comes into play. If the parents had no knowledge of dealing they could object, but as the father so proudly claimed he was monitoring all the emails and watching him do deals and checking the account balance and helping pack books, etc. If he wanted to make a claim to that it would seem he waived that opportunity with his knowledge and approval. Conversely, since they were involved and approving of his actions, any improper dealings would fall on them from a liability standpoint. Gotcha
  19. All true. He needs to make amends for what he's done. Pay back the people he lied to to get partial refunds, and (if he overgraded) refund the people that he took on that end of deals. I pray someone shows him the error in his ways, that the end doesn't justify any means. There are many ways to make money and just as many to lose one's integrity. Chris, just to throw this out there... since many of us sellers were selling to a minor... can't his father, and or family, legally demand that we refund him for merch sold to him? I assume this, deception on his part or not, since he isn't old enough to enter into a legally binding contract. xxx ooo Rupp