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Flex Mentallo

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Everything posted by Flex Mentallo

  1. Aim high, and you wont shoot your foot off Phyllis Diller
  2. I have to admit, I've been feeling pretty scanless recently.
  3. I think it's because the purple has become such a stigma, just as the word 'restored' has been increasingly pejorative. It's really just a matter of presentation and semantics.
  4. Were you at Sothebys, Adam? What was it like?
  5. Out of passion we sometimes step out of our weight class
  6. So... I visited my friend Richard Evans in Houston a couple of years ago, and I asked him who he thought had the best collection? After a moments thought he replied, 'Jon Berk' The answer surprised me - not The Doctor? -not Fish? Now I see why. (Had a great time in Houston BTW -more than I deserved)
  7. Jon Berk. He's our equivalent of a Roman general awarded a triumph. We jostle to wave back as he serenely passes by. He marks the times, from the beginnings of true fandom to the post-resto age of big investment. He collected for love's sake. If the boards have value in the long run, it is to mark the times Jon spans. (Image of Jon wearing white gloves to grade comics in the Sotheby auction - was that in Comicbook Marketplace all those years ago?) If in the context of panelology there is greatness, then Jon is its exemplar. That is the man, not the collection. He is also kind. Unlike the roman generals in their pomp, he has no need of a priest sharing his chariot, whispering Memento mori in his ear. We mark the passing of his collection, though he remains a vibrant presence among us - we all take notice when he posts. (And really should post more than he does) If you have something to share about Jon, please share it here.
  8. Thanks guys. Weirdly, this actually makes economic sense even though I overpaid, because I'm downgrading in terms of technical grades - and the surplus funds will find a good home in Serendipity (those who know will understand).
  9. I try to avoid bidding in the extended bidding phase. Something clicks in the brain and impulse takes over. Thank goodness I didn't win any of the Church Jungles in a previous CC auction. I was gutted at the time. I also found it incredibly, heart-poundingly frustrating to be outbid with 10 seconds to go on every single book. So this time I just put in my max well before, and watched 'em play out. Was sure I'd get outbid, but it never happened.
  10. I was broke before - I'm twice as broke now!
  11. I hummed and hawed about these and decided to fully commit only as the endgames played out. One more increment, and I was out on either one. High prices, but I have other copies to flip, or I wouldnt've gone in at all. I might never see copies with these colors again, and that's what it's about for me. I also think this single auction will begin to alter our thinking about resto - especially minor resto. I guess time will tell. But if it's good enough for the great JB, it's certainly good enough for the likes of me.