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Flex Mentallo

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Everything posted by Flex Mentallo

  1. Donations for laptop, redecoration and web site have been safely delivered. Lucina has now offered to help with Roshni. Cant begin to tell you how much that means. She is a brilliant teacher, and she is also in herself an exemplar and inspiration. Dear Michael, We both are thinking about Lucina's role in this partnership. She is very eager to join us in the regular process. I'll introduce her to the members of Roshni group at the earliest. We have received a sum of INR 65000/-+INR 24250/-= INR 89250/- and I've already start the process of buying one laptop. Yesterday Sahina called me and requested me for a portable projector as they are planning to show videos and motivational cinemas to the children and adolescents. I do a little research on the projector and found that we can manage it with the existing fund. Love and best regards, Purnabha
  2. I was thinking about these peer leaders overnight. I think their development is the key to success. If they can gain the essential skills in English and IT, they can subsequently train a whole generation of kids. So what we need as per Purnabha's last message, is expert tutors in those fields, and in addition educational materials for the school drop outs. The total cost of this for a year will be INR 92,000 - about $1400. But if that is broken down into monthly costs, it looks like this: English tuition per year 12x$50 IT tuition per year 12x$50 Educational materials 12x$25 So I'm looking for 24 boardies who might be willing to cover a month's tuition each, and another 12 to cover educational materials. (I will make up any shortfall one way or another.) If anyone feels they can help, please drop me a line! (Anonymity guaranteed if preferred.) At the same time, I hope you will all continue to comment in this thread, regardless. Everyone's circumstances differ, everyone has financial burdens to carry. You can help me to support them, just by reminding me that you are out there watching!
  3. And here is a group photo of Shahina (in the middle) with some of her peer leaders. When Shahina started out, she told me yesterday that she was not even allowed out of the family home. She refused to wear a burka. She wore her family down by sheer force of will, and now they support what she is doing. (Lending their home to 40 kids is proof of that.)
  4. Preparation of the new centre proceeds apace. Yesterday it was being wired for electricity. Today the redecorating should be completed. Meanwhile, a group met with Purnabha at Shahina's place. I'll post those photos later when he sends me his much anticipated report. Meanwhile, here is a message from them to all of us.
  5. I recall selling it. unfortunately, i recall your FACE! Oh dear.
  6. We are still on the lookout for donations: "There are several other aspects for which Roshni needs fund. For example, a good lady English tutor for the adolescents can be deputed with a cost of 3000/- per month and may be a good computer trainer also together that will cost INR 72000/- a year. "We have planned to work with 200 (150 adolescents and 50 mother at least) beneficiaries. So may be for drop out girls and boys some education materials can be purchased. Roughly this will cost around INR 15000/- to INR 20000/- (INR 100/- to INR 120/- for each adolescents). "We can even design new programmes for Roshni if funds permit."
  7. Target achieved! I have been able to send the funds needed for a laptop, owing to donations from KirbyJack and another boardie who wishes to remain anonymous. Thanks so much, both of you! So essentially, a group that only a month ago had no resources and was about to become homeless, now has a new base of operations, and will soon have a web site, coupled with the capacity to connect with the world. Soon I will tell you about another project that is in a similar plight, and which may be equally compelling, one we could not visit while I was there because of the distances involved, but will hope to be going to in November...
  8. I'm going to be utterly brazen here. It has emerged that they need a laptop for English and ITC because it turns out their clapped out Windows 95 computers are fit for glue. If we buy a laptop from existing funds, we'll face a significant shortfall in other areas, so I asked Purnabha what he reckons and he says this: After rough calculation I think the shortfall will be INR 24000/- to 25000/- if we purchase a new laptop otherwise if we purchase a good quality second hand laptop the shortfall will be around INR 8000/- to 10000/-. INR 25,000 = $375 INR 10,000 = $150 If anyone feels they would like to help, by all means shoot me a pm!
  9. Purnabha had another meeting with Roshni and they identified the following targets - this is pulled from a table so the language may read somewhat stiltedly (I'd rather you 'heard' his voice than me mess with his words) Problem identification of the Rajabajar slum - Identifying the intensity, frequency and dimensions of their problems by using Participatory Research framework Confidence building of the adolescent girls and married women living in Rajabajar Slum regarding daily abuses, domestic violence and human trafficking - A confident group of girls who will learn to fight their own problems in their own way Active participation of the adolescent girls and married women with intensive problems they faced in their family/ community - Making them aware on women rights in India Help them to learn functional English to express their story Help them to learn functional computer use to communicate with the outer world in ICT enabled platforms (They now want to buy a laptop as their two pc's are antiquated.) Trained Community volunteers Role plays or drawing on the daily problems they are facing; they can share that with fellow community members Open Development of children, adolescent girls and women from the existing situation through Community Art To increase their awareness level on different types of abuses and violence against them by using community art A 20 member group who can facilitate community Art work for the sake of gender equality, education Analysis of awareness level regarding Civil Rights, gender equality and peace building Active participation during open sharing sessions I'm promised more photos soon!
  10. I'm delighted and relieved to say that Roshni have managed to find a new room. Purnabha assures me it is an improvement on the old one. These photos for the anonymous boardie who offered to finance the redecoration. They have made a start.
  11. Happy to report that another boardie has weighed in with a very generous donation! Again, as with the other donor, he asked for confidentiality, but he allows me to say that the funds will be used to build Roshni a web site. Thus Roshni will have a means to promote what they are doing via the World Wide Web. They wont be isolated anymore. It will have a massively positive impact. Our next key target is the complex and expensive process of establishing a legal identity with the Indian government so they can formally accept donations, form a board, and thereby become self sustaining. Once that is done, we want to engage a paid English tutor. With mastery of English, impenetrable doors open for young people to escape the cycle of poverty. More soon...
  12. Purnabha will be meeting with the group once again on Tuesday. We go back and forth every day and our thinking continues to evolve. For example, he is now headhunting for a group of like minded friends and colleagues to form a board to support Roshni. A web site is in the planning stages. He is scoping out the possibility of establishing social enterprise, to produce and sell handicrafts along the lines of Paddyfield School. And we are beginning to look at the complex issues associated with legal status. (More on this in another post.) But I also want to credit you guys for your comments. Seeing through your eyes has fed directly into my dialogue with Purnabha. Here is his latest: Dear Michael, Thanks a lot for your detailed research. I know the Nirbhaya case. Special court has already given verdict in Nirbhaya case and one lumpen on the ground of being juvenile has got only three years imprisonment. Others got either life imprisonment or death sentence. To be very frank situation in Rajabajar area is no good for the women or girls working or living there. Roshni are from this community. And their thoughts are genuine. They are heroic. In this ground we must try our best to empower them living in the area. Though we know that we have to go miles before we can make things sustainable here. Lots of challenges are awaiting. The situation really is very poor. I heard the story of Anoyara Khatun. Poverty and illiteracy are the two main forces behind those incidents. A real solution is hidden in education. I will personally try to help them at the early stages. For now as some cost is involved we have to take more pressure. We have to develop programs to protect the children living in the area. And against child abuse also. Those girls are very courageous. Roshni is self motivated. And they are willing to break the situation. Within two years we have to find out some way. Lucina did it. Lilufar and Bulbuli are trying. Those are real examples. I think few of my friends who are now assistant or associate professor in nearby universities can help them. Then later we can form a new NGO with your support, and what we can learn from empowering Roshni can teach us how to empower others. We must try with our heart and soul. Regards, Purnabha
  13. I just learned that Roshni lost the room I was desperate for them to keep. Thankfully they have found another for the same rent, which Arc's funding will cover for a year. Meanwhile Kshama is using the single room in which her family lives to continue teaching the children. I got these pics from her this morning. Overnight, in response to Andy's suggestion, I received a very generous donation from a fellow boardie which perfectly covers the cost of the new room's decoration. That could not have been more sweetly timed. He wishes to remain anonymous, but I don't think he will mind if I share what he said when making the donation: 'Your chronicle has eclipsed your past, has eclipsed even yourself. It is your story, but it's also you bearing witness to something else entirely.. It is not necessary to understand, or even preferable - awe will do nicely.' Thanks so much for the assist!
  14. You know, guys, I'm so overwhelmed by all your supportive replies. I was on the brink of shutting down this thread, but you've changed all that. It's difficult to explain, and after all, it's not about me, so it doesn't really matter. But for what it is worth to anyone, I don't feel remotely like a hero. More like Lazarus.
  15. Indeed. And speaking of contributions - Michael, is there a way for us to send donations to either your organization or to India, either of money or perhaps other things that are needed? If so, please let us know how to arrange that. Thank you. Andy, thank you. Yes, it would have a massive impact on Roshni's morale, especially right now. Purnabha and I are working on a list that is growing day by day, and we quickly began to realize we would be struggling to cover even half of what we feel is needed. Anyone who is interested can shoot me a pm. I will preserve the privacy of anyone who prefers anonymity. If anyone wants to shout it from these rooftops be my guest! The impact of any donations will be faithfully reported here.
  16. Purnabha and I are in contact day by day via Whatsapp. Shahina, Kshama, Farhin and Thasina from Roshni all stay regularly in touch. It is they, not I, who deserve your approbation... More updates will follow in due course. “Oftentimes we call Life bitter names, but only when we ourselves are bitter and dark. And we deem her empty and unprofitable, but only when the soul goes wandering in desolate places, and the heart is drunken with overmindfulness of self. Life is deep and high and distant; and though only your vast vision can reach even her feet, yet she is near; and though only the breath of your breath reaches her heart, the shadow of your shadow crosses her face, and the echo of your faintest cry becomes a spring and an autumn in her breast. And life is veiled and hidden, even as your greater self is hidden and veiled. Yet when Life speaks, all the winds become words; and when she speaks again, the smiles upon your lips and the tears in your eyes turn also into words. When she sings, the deaf hear and are held; and when she comes walking, the sightless behold her and are amazed and follow her in wonder and astonishment.” ― Kahlil Gibran, The Garden of The Prophet
  17. “When you get to the end of all the light you know and it's time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen: either you will be given something solid to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly.” Edward Teller
  18. But for me, in the dark, standing at that moment in the crush of Rajabazaar, in that moment of blinding light, I knew a sense of purpose regained.
  19. For the next year, Roshni, Arc and Prantakatha will work together to develop an international relationship. Purnabha will visit them every week. He is now employed as Arc's development coordinator in Kolkata. We have many challenges ahead.
  20. I returned home to present this plan to my Board of Directors. I'm happy to say, they agreed to all that I asked for.
  21. Purnabha and I came up with a plan that would provide Roshni with the finances, network and skills to develop its mission.
  22. Apart from limited mentoring from Prantakatha, Roshni has no local network, hence they are quite isolated.
  23. But the monthly rental on this space is 5000 rupees (about $80), to them an astronomical sum. When Purnabha and I visited that day after seeing Bappa, we discovered that they were on the verge of losing the room. At that moment Roshni was without funding of any kind.
  24. The group operates from a small rented room in the heart of Rajabazaar. It is perched precariously atop a ramshackle building and accessed only by a rickety ladder. To Roshni it is immeasurably precious, because space is nearly impossible to find in such an overcrowded district.