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Flex Mentallo

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Everything posted by Flex Mentallo

  1. I really hard to grit my teeth on this one because of the pq.
  2. Me too. No gloss right? And black and white interiors? Here is my only 'foreign printing'. I love that book, and...I want it I passed on a copy for under $10 abut 20 years ago and this one is the first I've seen since.
  3. Of course it was, Brian! I hadn't meant to suggest otherwise. As for me being a nitz, unfortunately there is no denying it. I found the perfect definition: 'A Bossy show-off who can't stand not being the center of attention, a loudmouth person_too_unaware_of_social_graces who tries to order people around even through he's not a supervisor' Hmmm....Thanks for the definition. I thought it was just a Jerky Boy name... And I thought you missed the joke... I guess I'm special, cause I don't have any issues of Planet... 'Jerky boy', that's me! Hmmm...maybe the Jerky Boys never made it across the pond...here, listen to this: Bring in the tank!
  4. Of course it was, Brian! I hadn't meant to suggest otherwise. As for me being a nitz, unfortunately there is no denying it. I found the perfect definition: 'A Bossy show-off who can't stand not being the center of attention, a loudmouth person_too_unaware_of_social_graces who tries to order people around even through he's not a supervisor' Hmmm....Thanks for the definition. I thought it was just a Jerky Boy name... And I thought you missed the joke... I guess I'm special, cause I don't have any issues of Planet... 'Jerky boy', that's me!
  5. The original for comparison. It's the Toledo copy, but CGC no longer recognizes the pedigree.
  6. Me too. No gloss right? And black and white interiors? Here is my only 'foreign printing'.
  7. Not aware of any specific source of reference. The only real clue seems to be that the more intense the colors, the more likely to be close to the original intentions. But that's just a general rule of thumb I use, with which others may disagree. We may never be sure.
  8. #32 is one that sees lots of variation. wow quite different indeed! I find that issue's cover color variances perhaps the most interesting because they both seem to work equally well in terms of color composition. Did they print in transparent layers to achieve a greater range of colors? The top layers might be fully present in the early part of a print run, but not the latter part if they failed to replenish the colors. Perhaps it was even a deliberate choice to save on the cost of printing. It's pure speculation, but if for example, red was overprinted on an orange base, it might explain why there are copies with variable amounts of red in different parts of the cover. In the case of #32, I wonder if orange is the secondary overlay, but this time on top of yellow? At least that's how it looks to me. For years I just assumed the yellow version was the only one. I was quite amazed when I saw a darker version for the first time.
  9. Of course it was, Brian! I hadn't meant to suggest otherwise. Your witty comment made me realize that he is the only boardie I'm currently aware of [with the exception I just realized of Steve Fishler] with a complete set now that cheetah has sold up - unless mikephoen completed his (I've not seen Mike post anything new in a while). jbcomicbox has the cover art to Planet #1. I'm not sure how many of the run he owns, but I think he has some Larsons. I also dimly recall he had some publisher's bound sets of much of the run. Otherwise Mike is probably closest to completing. jhutton2, kelholt and I might just have a set between us. Along with Artboy99, I think that's about it for those of us for whom Planets are a specific collecting focus? Among dyed in the wool Planet collectors, who am I missing? adamstrange has a wonderful group which is mainly Spokanes. sacentaur has great copies of #1-#10, and at least two - #3 and #5 - are Larsons. [steve once posted a story about a guy who had a complete Fiction House collection many y ears ago, who had gone to prison for killing his wife, and sold his collection to make ends meet after his release.] I'm not sure how many BangZoom has, but his copies of early numbers are great as well. Fifties seems to have a fair few, I suspect whomerjay, Inaflash, scrooge, jayman and October may as well, and last time I looked, so did Mr Bedrock. skybolt sold his I believe. I know there are many others with wonderful runs, so no disrespect intended to anyone I'm forgetting. But are there any other complete sets on the boards? Or for that matter, off the boards that anyone is aware of? As for me being a nitz, unfortunately there is no denying it. I found the perfect definition: 'A Bossy show-off who can't stand not being the center of attention, a loudmouth person_too_unaware_of_social_graces who tries to order people around even through he's not a supervisor'
  10. He has a complete set. The only one on the boards I suspect.
  11. .... the color is so fresh on that 33 that it almost seems like a different comic GOD BLESS... -jimbo(a friend of jesus) Exactly right jimbo. A wonderful copy.
  12. Wonderful colors. Looks three dimensional.
  13. With some issues color fastness on the reds never seems to be a significant problem. I've seen scans of #7 with brighter yellows but never clear if that is an actual variation or a scanner artifact.
  14. Note that while this one looks colorful, the green girl's gun belt should be bright red.
  15. In the case of #16, I would surmise that Mars God of War must have had a bright red breastplate. Does anyone have one like that by any chance?
  16. I had given up on finding a copy of this issue with the correct colors until this one turned up. With fugitive reds tending to attract the attention, blues aren't much discussed. I suspect though that Fiction house blues sometimes fade to a greenish tint. And sometimes I think blues can be bright bright even when the reds are absent, and conversely faded when the reds are present. That may explain why they sometimes appear to have been produced with varying palettes, but it's just a theory. So it may be that #12 once might have had a bright blue background. It's debatable as I've never seen one.
  17. A couple more with 'true' colors (or at least I think so).
  18. ...Better late than never! (I like the purplish cast of your #14's background -- mine is more of a blue.) Very nice!
  19. Already posted this, but it is probably the most dramatic contrast I can think of between how copies typically look, and how the first print run must all have really looked. This is not photoshopped,and the scan is not juiced, as Mr Bedrock can testify. So where are they all?
  20. Dang! So that's how the book is supposed to look. Here's my copy. Dang! So that's how the book is supposed to look. Here's my copy. .... methinks someone on the Isle of Tide and Mist has an orphan pedigree.... GOD BLESS... -jimbo(a friend of jesus) The pencil tick top left always nagged me, but I never made the connection. Cosmic Aeroplane maybe?