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Flex Mentallo

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Everything posted by Flex Mentallo

  1. "The entire abduction event is precisely orchestrated. All the procedures are predetermined. There is no standing around and deciding what to do next. The beings are task-oriented and there is no indication whatsoever that we have been able to find of any aspect of their lives outside of performing the abduction procedures." David M. Jacobs
  2. Aftermath. The abductee must cope with the psychological, physical, and social effects of the experience.
  3. Theophany. Coinciding with their immediate return, abductees may have a profound sense of love, a "high" similar to those induced by certain drugs, or a "mystical experience", accompanied by a feeling of oneness with God, the universe, or their abductors. Whether this is the result of a metaphysical change, Stockholm syndrome, or prior medical tampering is often not scrutinized by the abductees at the time.
  4. Return. The abductees are returned to earth, occasionally in a different location from where they were allegedly taken or with new injuries or disheveled clothing.
  5. Loss of Time. Abductees often rapidly forget the majority of their experience, either as a result of fear, medical intervention, or both.
  6. Tour. The abductees are given a tour of their captors' vessel, though this is disputed by some researchers who consider this definition a confabulation of intent when just apparently being taken around to multiple places inside the ship.
  7. Conference. The abductors communicate with the abductee or direct them to interact with specific individuals for some purpose, typically telepathically but sometimes using the abductee's native language.
  8. Examination and Procedures. Invasive physiological and psychological procedures, and on occasion simulated behavioral situations, training & testing, or sexual liaisons.
  9. UFO researcher Thomas E. Bullard argues most abduction accounts feature the following events, though not all abductions feature all the events: Capture. The abductee is somehow rendered incapable of resisting, and taken from terrestrial surroundings to an apparent alien spacecraft.
  10. "Tales of abduction are intrinsically absorbing; it is hard to imagine a more vivid description of human powerlessness." Terry Matheson
  11. A trick question asked if “Trondant” held any secret meaning for them. Anyone who answered yes to the nonsense word was eliminated as unreliable. The results of the Roper survey took them entirely by surprise. Roper's representative American sample showed that one out of every 50 people met the profile of an abductee. The report was published and distributed to every member of The American Psychiatric Association. Thereafter it made its way to clinical psychologists and other therapists dealing with post-traumatic disorders.
  12. Do you remember finding puzzling scars on your body and neither you nor anyone else remembering how you received them or where you got them?
  13. Do you remember experiencing a period of time, an hour or more, in which you were lost, but could not remember why or where?
  14. Do you remember having seen, either as a child or adult, a terrifying figure-- which might have been a monster, a witch, a devil, or some other evil figure-- in your bedroom or closet or somewhere else?
  15. Do you remember having seen unusual lights or balls of light in a room without knowing what was causing them?
  16. Do you remember feeling that you were actually flying through the air although you didn't know how or why?
  17. Do you remember waking up paralyzed with a sense of a strange person or presence or something else in the room?
  18. Do you remember feeling as if you left your body?
  19. A poll done in 1992 by the Roper Organization for the hotel and aerospace mogul and U.F.O. advocate Robert T. Bigelow sought for the first time to quantify alien abduction in America. Because few were likely to admit to being an abductee, the pollsters asked the 5,947 respondents if they had ever experienced any of the key abduction-type symptoms: Do you remember ever seeing a ghost?
  20. When a big company, like Coca-Cola or Proctor and Gamble, decides to market a new product, the company seeks the views of the "average American" and designs its product and marketing strategies to have the widest popular appeal. A random survey is not reliable enough when millions, or billions, of dollars hang on the success of accurately reading the minds of the American populous. That's why large companies often look to The Roper Organization. Based in New York City, The Roper Organization spends more time deciding from whom they will solicit opinions than they do asking the questions on their nation wide Limobus survey. Their demographics go far beyond the random selections based on age and gender. Roper's sample populations contain the precise percentages of each ethnic group, political affiliation and education level as is reflected in the most recent census data. From a relatively small sample, The Roper Organization can determine the preferences of hundreds of millions of American individuals. Also, their data base can often reveal subtle psychological factors that not only tell a marketer not if his product has appeal, but why. In 1973, the Roper Organization instituted the Roper Reports, nation-wide opinion surveys that were issued 10 times a year and were subscribed to by over 50 organizations including leading firms in business, advertising, and professional and trade associations, and governmental agencies.
  21. The Roper Report "The Roper Organization's research on behalf of Bigelow Holding Company produced results that were unexpected by Bigelow Holding Company; chiefly because the number of people reporting occurrences of items on the list far exceeded what was anticipated, and also because the answers cut across most demographic subgroups... It is clear that significant numbers of people do report that these unusual events occurred, independent of any factors in the survey that might increase responses."
  22. When Oppenheimer observed the first atomic explosion, he famously reported that his first thought was the quote from the Bhagavad Gita describing the god, Krishna: "If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky That would be like the splendor of the Mighty One ... I am become Death The shatterer of worlds."