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Flex Mentallo

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Everything posted by Flex Mentallo

  1. In June or July 1947 an airborne object crashed on a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico.
  2. Hundreds of similar reports flooded in from around the world in the weeks that followed. Most described saucer-shaped objects.
  3. On July 12th, Enlo Gilmore saw eight bright objects over Tulsa, Oklahoma. He took a photograph,which was published in the Tulsa Daily World the following day.
  4. On July 4th a United Airlines crew over Idaho en route to Seattle spotted five to nine disk-like objects that paced their plane for 10 to 15 minutes before suddenly disappearing.
  5. A woman named Ethel Wheelhouse likewise reported sighting several flying discs moving at fantastic speeds at around the same time as Arnold's sighting.
  6. Arnold's sighting was partly corroborated by a prospector named Fred Johnson on Mt. Adams, who saw six of the objects on June 24 at about the same time as Arnold, which he viewed through a small telescope. He said they were "round" and tapered "sharply to a point in the head and in an oval shape."
  7. Kenneth Arnold wrote a series of articles for Fate in which he expressed the belief that the objects he'd seen were of extra-terrestrial origin, including Phantom Lights Over Nevada, and Are Space Visitors Here?.
  8. He was recognized by a woman in a cafe in Pendleton, who cried out "There's the man who saw the men from Mars." She then ran away.
  9. The publication of his account seems to have caused widespread hysteria. A preacher had called and told him that the objects he saw were "harbingers of doomsday" and he was preparing his congregation "for the end of the world."
  10. "Arnold had the makings of a reliable witness. He was a respected businessman and experienced pilot ... and seemed to be neither exaggerating what he had seen, nor adding sensational details to his report. He also gave the impression of being a careful observer ... These details impressed the newspapermen who interviewed him and lent credibility to his report." Mike Dash
  11. He described the objects' shape as being somewhat disc-like or saucer-like, leading to newspaper accounts of "flying saucers" and "flying discs." This was the first occasion the term had been used.
  12. About 30 seconds after seeing the first flash of light, Arnold then saw a series of bright flashes in the distance off to his left. The source appeared to be nine objects flying in formation. He landed at Yakima soon after, and the following day he was interviewed by local press.
  13. On June 24 1947, a civilian pilot named Kenneth Arnold saw a bright flashing light, similar to sunlight reflecting from a mirror. At the time he was approximately 20 miles south of Mount Rainier.
  14. "More young people believe they'll see a U.F.O. than that they'll see their own Social Security benefits." Mitch McConnell (United States Senator)
  15. U.F.O "Our sun is one of 100 billion stars in our galaxy. Our galaxy is one of billions of galaxies populating the universe. It would be the height of presumption to think that we are the only [intelligent] living things in that enormous immensity." Wernher von Braun
  16. Quite a challenge! One you make look deceptively natural. Technically speaking it's another tour de force. I cant think of many contemporary artists with similar gifts who really challenge themselves the way you do.
  17. I'm sure that's true, but stunning nonetheless, given how tough this book is in grade!
  18. The New Cathedral of Salamanca, begun in 1513 and consecrated in 1733. Although various claims have been made that the carving - which is real - is evidence of alien visitation, it was actually added as part of a restoration in 1992. It seems that it is a tradition among cathedral restorers to "sign" their work with a contemporary symbol.
  19. “That writing as careless as von Däniken's, whose principal thesis is that our ancestors were dummies, should be so popular is a sober commentary on the credulousness and despair of our times. I also hope for the continuing popularity of books like Chariots of the Gods in high school and college logic courses, as object lessons in sloppy thinking. I know of no recent books so riddled with logical and factual errors as the works of von Däniken.” Carl Sagan
  20. The monarch is wearing traditional Mayan hairdo and jewelry, surrounded by Mayan symbols that can be observed in other Mayan drawings. The right hand is not handling any rocket controls, but simply making a traditional Mayan gesture, that other figures in the sides of the lid also make, and is not holding anything. The rocket shape is actually two serpents joining their heads at the bottom, with the rocket flames being the beards of the serpents. The rocket motor under the figure is the face of a monster, symbol of the underworld.
  21. The Sarcophagus of Palenque can be readily interpreted without recourse to ancient aliens.
  22. Von Daniken was later found to have fabricated most of his evidence. For instance he had never been in Cueva de los Tavos, basing his account on the descriptions of a local guide. When challenged he said he had done this to add interest to the book. A geologist examined the area and found no cave systems.