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  1. I hope you feel better, and I hope you keep this discussion online (I really want to know why this page is so valuable).
  2. Re: The Bryne, where are you coming up with a 30k discount? Is it a previous sale?
  3. I can't find the thread at the moment, but on a collecting goal thread I think in 2023, one of my two goals was a Miller Daredevil page fighting ninjas, so subject matter this is pretty much exactly what I wanted. I can't think of the right words to phrase this, and Gene mentioned "artistic elements" in the post above, but to my not very trained eye, the page doesn't scream "Miller". Maybe I am just trying to talk myself out of spending a lot of money. Would someone please (Gene or Scott or somebody who has expertise in Miller) mind (and send me PM if you don't want to do it publicly).elaborating on the "artistic elements" on this page? Thanks in advance. On an unrelated note, there were a few really great pages of the Kirigi character that I enjoyed looking at on CAF.. I never thought to inquire if they were for sale (they weren't marked as such). They are not there anymore. On the off chance the owner is reading this and they were taken down in anticipation of selling, please drop me a line as I would be interested.;.
  4. I have a few Byrne X-men pages and bought one recently at Heritage (it’s on my CAF page), but I hardly consider myself an expert. As someone in the market for another one though and a potential buyer, I was turned off by the yellowing word balloons. Absent that issue, I would have bid higher, as otherwise I think it’s a fantastic page. Regarding the DD 181 page, how would you compare it to the one in the upcoming auction? I don’t own a Miller DD page but am actively looking for one and was very tempted on the 181 page. It doesn't have DD in it, but is that really what fans of Miller’s work are looking for? I always thought it was the surrounding characters that he had the most profound impact on (Bullseye, Kingpin, Punisher, and obviously Electra and Stick). Yeah, ideally I would want DD interacting with them, but if they are “artistically equal”, does a Bullseye only page rank below a DD only page (and I am leaving out the 181 bonus points)? Also, and I don’t have the proper words for this but hopefully you get my point, but isn’t the shading, motion and black and white contrasts that are on this page, especially the 4th panel, what made Miller’s work so groundbreaking? Very interested in what an expert has to say (Gene, anyone else feel free to chime in).
  5. I really wanted the Captain Marvel cover (I was the underbidder, but got the sense the buyer was just going to pay any price and dropped out). I would be very curious if anyone knows anything about the history (did it change hands recently, was it marketed privately, etc.). Thanks in advance for any response.
  6. After being mostly out for many years, I would like to buy a really nice Byrne X-Men panel page and a Miller Daredevil page with some Ninjas.
  7. The 124 page appears to have been cut several times and taped back together. Any thoughts on how that affects desirability? Just curious if people care.
  8. Did the Romita panel page price make sense when compared to the splash that sold last year (was it preferable to the splash, or was this just the current market)? https://comics.ha.com/itm/original-comic-art/john-romita-sr-and-jim-mooney-amazing-spider-man-88-splash-page-1-original-art-marvel-1970-/a/7283-91027.s?ic4=GalleryView-Thumbnail-071515
  9. Did the Sandman and Lucifer pages get pulled? If not, would someone please post a link? Thanks.
  10. FYI, the $360,000 figure on the 107 included the buyer's premium per Heritage's archive. The 98 sold for $432,000 when BP is added. I agree that it is a more desirable cover, although the description did include reference to moisture damage.
  11. This is off topic, and maybe i misheard, but I think the auctioneer, when describing the X-Men #1 comic, said that the price appreciated more than any other silver age comic since 2019, and if you want it to continue to go up, you have to bid. So, irrelevant comment, or totally on point?
  12. The link to the price discusses moisture damage. Has anyone seen it close up or can elaborate on the damage? Thanks.