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Mark 1

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Posts posted by Mark 1

  1. The Savanah 6.0 copy sold for $27,485. Strong price for it considering it sold for $8,664 back in 2011. However, a 6.0 sold in October for $28.950. Close in price....but I thought the Savanah copy would go higher.


    Me too (shrug)


    Didn't know you owned it so congrats on the sale. I did think there was more meat there to at least 30k. I wonder if the BP just scares people because the next bid would have been well over 30k with BP baked in....


    And for what it's worth, that copy looked great to me. Are you also the one selling the Showcase 13 and 14 6.0s? I'm hoping the prices pick up steam on them before the auction ends....I just bought 6.0s myself...and they weren't cheap... :)


    Good luck!



  2. I thought you didn't know what a Ferengi was and Star Trek wasn't your thing?


    If you don't know what it is then how can you equate it to something with enough certainty to lock Jeffro into an implication.


    I said had, which implies past tense. There's this little thing on the internet called Google...which I used to find out what that word meant. It also allows people to find other things.... ;)


    You went from entirely ignorant of their culture and ways to absolutely certain in just a couple of posts.


    From what I saw of the Ferengi on DS9 they were obsessed with profit and trade, but mostly profit.


    Does that sound like an incorrect comparison?


    Yes....I can read. Big shocker there I know.


    It's not necessarily an incorrect comparison..you just chose to leave out other relevant parts, such as:


    "They and their culture are characterized by a mercantile obsession with profit and trade, and their constant efforts to swindle unwary customers into unfair deals. They are also known for their business acumen and for rampant misogyny. They also sometimes force their women into the sex trade."


    I'd say that's a pretty damning accusation, wouldn't you?




    So you read Jeffro's comparison between the Ferengi and your blatant attempt to profiteer off of a movie announcement as him saying you force women into the sex trade?


    That might be the absolute worst attempt to play the victim we've seen on the boards this week.


    That's the best response you can come up with? Seriously...that's the best?


    The fact is you don't have a response other than to continue to hurl insults at me.


    I'm not playing a victim....you are welcome to say whatever you want. However, when I ask you how you make your accusations and you result to insults, it shows how small you really are...


    Go find someone else to bother boy



    What accusations did I make? Exactly what?


    Is that the best defense you can make, seriously? Why not just own the mercenary in your heart? Why feign injury and insult? Does a scorpion have his feeling hurt when someone calls it a scorpion? Why would you be so hurt and upset that someone calls you a profit-motivated person? Given your entire persona, actions, and words I would think you'd wear that badge with pride.


    You don't have a defense because you and I both know how important that sweet sweet profit is to you. More important than lots of other things that others would prioritize far higher.


    You made more headway when you chose to not engage me head on.


    Send me a PM...and I'll happily send you my phone number. We can work this out via telephone as men, right?



    You've already proved to me, in spades, who you are and what you priorities are.


    That's why I am not shrinking from telling you how disappointed I was in how you handled Beau's books after his passing and how you neglected to give those books, and by extension the donations made to help his family, anywhere near the respect they deserved.


    Which is why when you call other board members "cheap" or when you rip on other board members for their buying or selling threads and prices I am reminded that sometimes people can only see the faults in others and be blind to their own. In some cases it is completely so.


    The way people prioritize their decisions and how they handle seemingly small matters (and what is small to them) are windows into who they really are. I've seen it. I don't need any more proof.







  3. I may need to make this my first 1:2 scale.



    That looks pretty spectacular.


    I can't believe how much product is being made as we speak. This market is gonna crash and burn soooo hard. lol



    HAHA! That may just happen. lol


    I hope not but I never really got into these statues from an investment POV. I love how they look and style my comic room.


    That 1:2 scale is awesome.... my problem is I have no more room!

  4. Thanks Guys...


    I actually bought Showcase #4 originally off the shelf at a little Candy store around the corner from where I lived in East Orange NJ, called Jimmies. It followed me in late 1955 to a new apartment in Orange NJ but was lost somewhere afterwards along with the Detective with the first appearance of Batwoman. :(


    I thought Showcase 4 came out in early 1956 (March 1956 is the listing on the book).


    I didn't think it came out in 1955. I could be wrong though.


    My bad; :eek:


    It is a Sept/Oct 1956 book that would have reached the shelves in the Summer of 1956.

    I moved to Orange on Oct 1st 1956 a week before I turned 9...Probably why I still had it with me...



    No problem...was just curious.

  5. Thanks Guys...


    I actually bought Showcase #4 originally off the shelf at a little Candy store around the corner from where I lived in East Orange NJ, called Jimmies. It followed me in late 1955 to a new apartment in Orange NJ but was lost somewhere afterwards along with the Detective with the first appearance of Batwoman. :(


    I thought Showcase 4 came out in early 1956 (March 1956 is the listing on the book).


    I didn't think it came out in 1955. I could be wrong though.