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Mark 1

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Everything posted by Mark 1

  1. Ummm er.... Put up your dupes... Thanks for reminding me...I need to close out that thread. Sale is a done deal.
  2. I'm not sure if you are serious...but no. I sold the Jamie copy to a board member. I kept the JIM 96 I bought from Comicdey a while ago. It has nicer PQ and is a nice copy all around.
  3. Oh that's right you "happen to know some police officers who are close friends." Maybe you can tell them a bunch of "Nazi's" on a comics board are being mean to you Yep, stop posting pics of your mom after she gave birth to you. It's really not a nice image of her. She just found out she bought a dupe of Journey Into Mystery 96. Get your story straight watson... She looked like that after she had to drive 70 miles round trip to Miami and didn't get to return the JIM 96. You would too if you had to drive in South Miami. (thumbs u
  4. Oh, but they most certainly did. They'd probably admit it, too. I don't believe that for a second. They were definitely teasing, but why would they actually want to hurt Mark's feelings? Unfortunately Mark brings a lot of this on himself by the way he reacts to it. If certain types of people know they can get a rise out of someone they will continue to poke and prod. It doesn't help that Mark comes off as oversensitive...he seems like a nice enough guy. I am nice, but.. Overly sensitive or am I just really tired of the constant nit picking, snide comments and assuming everyone knows every ounce of 10+ years of history here? Contrary to what some older members here think...not every post from me and other newer members has something to do with some past thread here or agenda. I made a "mistake" by not clarifying I meant CAL in my initial post and suddenly I have two or three guys on my tail making comments, I then edit my post which isn't even a big deal, more BS ensues, then when I stand up for myself...I'm a cry baby, drama queen, etc. To some i'm too sensitive...perhaps I am. Whatever...and I am a nice enough guy without an agenda. I'm too naive to all these years of forum horse poo to really give a rat azz. It's all BS. And I'll be totally open...I've had a really bad day today and this stuff didn't help at all. What matters is that a nice guy here is getting threats and instead of banning known members for political comments...how about we focus on getting rid of the scammers and shills?
  5. I personally don't see a problem with the boards asking a small fee for joining the forum and for posting in the sales forum especially. Some forums i've seen is $25 a year. I'm not one for paying extra money but if it means getting rid of the riff raff, random shills and scam artists who join the forum only to go to the sales forum...I'm all for it. There is another forum I belong to that has a waiting list to get into. That forum actually has some talented (famous) artists interacting with the members and it doesn't turn into a hate fest like it does here. Other forums have differing opinions and even heated discussions but i've yet to see any other forum that stoops to the levels that happen here. Certainly i've never seen anyone ever claim they were threatened to be beat up or killed. It's unfortunate and embarrassing as a comic collector/hobbyist. I don't know what the solution is but I know all this fighting ends up causing what happened to ComicDonna. It ticks me off to think people go so far in this place.
  6. That's the point, SKY - there IS no chat on PGX site. What does Patterson know that we don't? CAL can't stay long I dunno, I post on the same board as you do, I don't see all the strife, I see ONE FRUITCAKE...I mean ...one poor troubled soul...and some nice guys with a lot of testosterone. I don't see the horrible people RMA sees, or You see, or Mark1 sees. I don't get upset if I misspell something have to correct things, someone (dear Greg) pokes me, and I DON'T have high blood pressure. I come here to enjoy the company and to see some wonderful comics. If I was so troubled with everything, I'd walk away for a bit and read a book. I don't see all the cliques, I see people who happen to know each other for while and some who enjoy the same things, so they talk a little more, same way I see that happen offline...and I don't see all this MEAN, trolling stuff...I really don't...I see a lot of really nice people...and some very sensitive men.people.not that there is anything wrong with that, but if it's going to affect your health...step back and do something else for a bit. This place is wonderful...just look at how you all get together when there is a REAL problem...this is just a total Nutcase poor troubled soul...who has somehow managed to bring out all the people who are upset about small stuff. (((Mike)))...sorry about your thread. I think you are great Skypinkblu. And Mike, sorry for your thread as well. I started my posts with the best of intentions.
  7. Paraphrasing Shakespeare, "All the world's a stage and everybody's got their role." Additionally, I'm having trouble thinking of a place on the Web where people congregate and everyone agrees with everyone else and no one is ever rude under threat of banishment. Except Byrne Robotics. And to that I will paraphrase someone else, whose identity escapes me, "The exception proves the rule" or something Oh, but there's a colossal difference between working out disagreements, and shredding people we don't like any and every chance we get, no...? Now this Thread is 10 pages long. Got out-of-hand. Instead of blaming others for this long disaster, let's just close this thread out w: 1) we do not agree w/ threats of any kind 2) we should try to get along better - not dissect and magnify every post with our typos, etc. 3) remember that this is a PUBLIC Forum as of now. What does this show about us? It goes for me too, but I don't recall crossing the criminal line like what happened to comicdonna. So let this Thread die out, and move forward. CAL gotta go Amen
  8. Hi Tom! Hope all is well with you.
  9. That's what I was thinking. Apparently nice isn't on the minds of some older members.
  10. Oh now I've taken it too low into the gutter? I'm attacked for some ridiculous (and mind you innocent) edit in my post and somehow I'm a drama queen, etc? Where the EFF are any of you guys discussing the matter at hand? A forum member's life was threatened. That is where my head is at. All this other BS is just that BS. Cal's agenda? Who cares? I edited my post to make it more clear I meant Cal...who cares? None of it means anything except to a few lonely post count junkies on this forum who like to think they are better than everyone else because they happened to join the forum years ago and have a post count to prove it. It's all nonsense. I won't sit back and be attacked for nothing. Whenever someone stands up to bullies on this forum and calls them out on it...suddenly they are drama queens or cry babies. Well, I've had enough. I'll stoop down to the level that I see here on a daily basis if that's what it takes. And, as someone who actually thinks this forum has a lot of good to offer...it's too often guys like some in this thread turn it into arguing and bickering. I can only imagine what their home lives are like. Pathetic really. And if my life was threatened, I would be quite happy if someone on the forum offered to help me with some law enforcement officers. But hey, that's just me. Wow get real Harold is a little punk and would run from the first person that confronted him! He has sent me a PM before and I just laughed at him and he went away, how many times have he sent threatening PM's to people Apparently it meant something to Mike or he wouldn't have posted this thread alerting us that it happened. Just because you feel it's not anything meaningful or actually going to happen doesn't mean someone else shouldn't be concerned.
  11. Oh now I've taken it too low into the gutter? I'm attacked for some ridiculous (and mind you innocent) edit in my post and somehow I'm a drama queen, etc? Where the EFF are any of you guys discussing the matter at hand? A forum member's life was threatened. That is where my head is at. All this other BS is just that BS. Cal's agenda? Who cares? I edited my post to make it more clear I meant Cal...who cares? None of it means anything except to a few lonely post count junkies on this forum who like to think they are better than everyone else because they happened to join the forum years ago and have a post count to prove it. It's all nonsense. I won't sit back and be attacked for nothing. Whenever someone stands up to bullies on this forum and calls them out on it...suddenly they are drama queens or cry babies. Well, I've had enough. I'll stoop down to the level that I see here on a daily basis if that's what it takes. And, as someone who actually thinks this forum has a lot of good to offer...it's too often guys like some in this thread turn it into arguing and bickering. I can only imagine what their home lives are like. Pathetic really. And if my life was threatened, I would be quite happy if someone on the forum offered to help me with some law enforcement officers. But hey, that's just me. I've tried to give you the benefit of the doubt after our last dust up, but you've shown the entire board that you are no better than the lowest level of conversation on these boards, which at times can be admittedly very low. I won't sit back and be attacked for nothing. Whenever someone stands up to bullies on this forum and calls them out on it...suddenly they are drama queens or cry babies. Oh yes, altruistic superhero Mark must stand up for all the downtrodden and berated on these boards. Spare me. If you have so much issue with all the drama, as you obviously do, then leave. Where the EFF are any of you guys discussing the matter at hand? A forum member's life was threatened. That is where my head is at. Okay, I ask you then, what can I do about it? One d-bag threatens violence against a well liked board member. It sucks, It's uncalled for. It's way over the line. What the bloody can I do about it? Form a posse and bring him back for a proper lynching, old west style? You tell me hotshot, what can I do? You've given me the benefit of the doubt? I don't care about what you have to give or what you think. The faster you learn that...perhaps you'll put me on ignore and then we can move on. Also, I'm not going anywhere. People like you aren't going to drive me away just because you say so. Again, who are you? Nobody to me. And you think I am someone on this forum who brings the level of conversation to the lowest common denominator? That's laughable. Really laughable. Fact is, guys like you and others are just old dogs who think you own this place. You don't. You never will and it's time you get over the fact that your little clique is also filled with lots of other members who don't give a mess about you or your clique. I certainly don't. And you ask what can you do about ComicDonna being threatened? For one, you could keep the discussion focused on that topic rather than join in on some bandwagon of attacking me. But, guys like you are like sharks....see blood and join in the frenzy. Rather than be mature and say...you know...i'll not join in on that issue...i'll contribute something positive. But, that's beyond your control. You've proven that time after time. Let's all attack the newer member. That's fun. Oh ComicDonna we can't do anything about your life being threatened but it sure is fun posting negative things about newbs. Again, you're a tool (edited because I felt like it) and I stand behind that. So stick that in your holier than thou pipe and puff away.
  12. Not a threat, just a simple reminder for later.. Then your screen name would be appropriate.
  13. Oh now I've taken it too low into the gutter? I'm attacked for some ridiculous (and mind you innocent) edit in my post and somehow I'm a drama queen, etc? Where the EFF are any of you guys discussing the matter at hand? A forum member's life was threatened. That is where my head is at. All this other BS is just that BS. Cal's agenda? Who cares? I edited my post to make it more clear I meant Cal...who cares? None of it means anything except to a few lonely post count junkies on this forum who like to think they are better than everyone else because they happened to join the forum years ago and have a post count to prove it. It's all nonsense. I won't sit back and be attacked for nothing. Whenever someone stands up to bullies on this forum and calls them out on it...suddenly they are drama queens or cry babies. Well, I've had enough. I'll stoop down to the level that I see here on a daily basis if that's what it takes. And, as someone who actually thinks this forum has a lot of good to offer...it's too often guys like some in this thread turn it into arguing and bickering. I can only imagine what their home lives are like. Pathetic really. And if my life was threatened, I would be quite happy if someone on the forum offered to help me with some law enforcement officers. But hey, that's just me.
  14. Oh that's right you "happen to know some police officers who are close friends." Maybe you can tell them a bunch of "Nazi's" on a comics board are being mean to you Yep, stop posting pics of your mom after she gave birth to you. It's really not a nice image of her.
  15. Then quote/reply to the right person you are referring to...you replied to Flaming Telepath not Calamerica. And also edited his post after the event. What kind of man tries to hide his mistakes instead of admitting to them. But you didn't say that, did you? You've just gone back and edited your post...but fortunately I'd quoted the original. I'm going to leave it at this... I changed it before I even saw FT or your idiotic posts trying to cause an argument. I don't read every little thing that spews out of your head onto this computer screen. Fact is...guys like you who hide behind computer screens can't see the forest for the trees. You attack the very people who actually try to make this community a true community. Instead of going after the real problems of this board you go after people who actually contribute and try to enjoy this place. It's a sport to you and to F_T and others to attack those who didn't happen to join the forum before 2010. You can try to attack me on things like changing my post to make it more clear or other superfluous innocuous and benign issues. Why not focus your detective skills and huge amounts of time spending on this forum to actually do something positive? You have the post count to prove you like being here...how about showing it instead of trying to make others feel like lesser members? I happen to know the answer already. Because you are so inept in your own little lives that the only thing that makes you feel better is to attack others. To try and find every minute detail that could make someone look bad...you get off on it. That to me is pathetic. So go on....focus on other issues that have nothing to do with the fact Comicdonna had his life threatened. That's not important...what's important is that I changed a few words in my post to make it more clear so fools like you don't try to attack me for it. Newer members have to walk on egg shells in this place every time they post something because the lame post nazi's like yourself have to jump all over them for it. I feel sad for people like you. Get a life and focus on what is important in this forum. Attacking others for innocent mistakes is beyond lame. It just shows how sad you are. Again, ComicDonna...I would be concerned if that happened to me and I'm willing to help you anyway I can to try and find that scuzz.
  16. I didnt quote him did I? No I just hit the reply button Some guys here just like to attack people for any reason even if it's uncalled for...just because...
  17. Hey flaming.. You get a clue I meant cal
  18. Who cares about Cal's agenda here? One of our forum brothers had his life threatened. To me, that should be the last straw of tolerating these shills on this forum. I'd gladly pay a fee to join this forum if it meant getting rid of the non stop drama these shills and fools make here every day. Or is it that some here enjoy this nonsense? Would the forum be too mundane unless we have shills popping disrupting discussions or makin threats?
  19. Comicdonna, I'm sorry to hear you received threats. I'm in Florida...if someone knows where this guy lives....PM me I happen to know some police officers who are close friends.
  20. Thanks! Not a chance Jason...that guy won't get my money ever again. It came from a guy on eBay in Hawaii. Unfortunately, the guys friend passed away and his wife asked him to sell the comics. He has perfect feedback and solid references (even a guy who bought an AF15 from Florida who I contacted). I did my due diligence before buying from him. He has a FF 1 for sale and a Hulk 1 for sale that are pretty nice I get the JIM 83 on Monday!
  21. Thanks! Very excited! My run is almost complete
  22. My latest purchase that is on it's way to me! JIM 83 CGC 2.5 OW/W Pages
  23. Here is my latest purchase! It's going to be shipped to me today! CGC 2.5 OW/W Pages Some chips and stains but pretty solid for a 2.5 The back cover is pretty clean
  24. That's a beauty Brian! With the corner crease that breaks color I would venture a 8.5? White pages is NICE!