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Everything posted by sufunk

  1. Based on this And this.. I gota side with heresy on this one. Seems odd that the corner would rip off but if joey thinks that could easily have happened, thats all i need to hear. After 5 years, heresy just doesnt strike me as someone who is going to lie and cheat over a $175 book. It sucks to have to eat the damage since it didnt have insurance but thats the price of doing business once in a while. I gotta agree with him that that wasnt the best apcking job and imo, the damage was caused in shipping. I believe heresy and think he should get a refund here
  2. Congrats man! That was your raw copy you subbed? Did you buy it recently or have you had it for a long time? Either 1988 or 1989 - that was when I put together my first run. After watching the #36 fall recently I knew it was time to sub this one. Nice that's awesome! Single highest is damn impressive! I subbed two Iron Man 9's last year that I bought raw like 12 years ago that got 9.8w's and there were only 3 other 9.8's at the time IIRC is the closest I've ever come to getting a single highest. I don't think I have any other raws that have a chance at single highest status. Congrats!
  3. Oh, and those Black Panthers are awesome books That cover art just screams "1970's" and my childhood
  4. Congrats man! That was your raw copy you subbed? Did you buy it recently or have you had it for a long time?
  5. WHOA!!! When did you start talking again?!? Welcome back! A lesser person would point out how childish and pathetic it was to initiate that ridiculous "protest" of not talking until the ignore function was fixed to his liking. That same person might also point out how hilarious/pathetic it is that RMA just gave up his protest instead of sticking to his "word". I wont do that though (thumbs u
  6. WHOA!!! When did you start talking again?!? Welcome back!
  7. Now THATS a comic room! I gotta make a run to IKEA and get one of those glass displays! Ah nevermind, i found it, Detolfs (thumbs u
  8. Long answer: No, The person making the complaint has to go to the Probation List and add Qualitycomics Short answer: Yes!!! Yes I feel what Brent did was wrong and Probation list worthy, but I have to ask, why are you pushing it so hard? Did you buy something from the FS thread? If so, you do have a right, if not the people who bought off him should be pushing the issue. Just for the record, I could care less if he's on the PL list. He needs to send out invoices. It's incredibly rude and irresponsible. If it was some noob, he'd have been on a while ago. His flippant attitude about this I find highly annoying And no, I didn't buy anything from him nor would I ever after this. Why exactly shouldn't people be pushing this though? Do you think it's ok to set up a sales thread and the. Just act like it didn't happen?
  9. Long answer: No, The person making the complaint has to go to the Probation List and add Qualitycomics Short answer: Yes!!!
  10. It's supposed to make you drool over the notion that you may have found a rube whose comics you can buy for a song. And, they're hoping it'll provide cover after they rip you off and you report them. "Duh, I didn't know funny books was worth moneys!!!" It's supposed to give you the warm fuzzy feeling of pulling one over on some poor little old widow that doesnt have a clue
  11. No, you have it right. No invoices or payment info has been provided I believe. At this point, especially since he responded in this thread last week and STILL hasn't invoiced the buyers, I would definitely vote for him going on the PL list Just flat out inexcusable and rude!
  12. I don't understand, are you saying you can't go on the PL for not sending out invoices because it wasnt " completed" or talking about something completely different
  13. heres his puppy pic from the breeder This is him with his handler when he was about 1 and won his 1st show I cant find a recent pic of him in my photobucket account but hes close to double that size now. Now, he'd come up WELL past her hips if he was in the same position. Like i said, unless you've had a HUGE dog, people are shocked by his size. If you have like a Lab or German Shepard or a "big" dog like that, he dwarfs one of those
  14. I'll post one for you when I get home in a little bit (thumbs u
  15. That door is actually Inside the house so no sunlight comes in thru there and no one can see in From the outside window(Shades and a bookshelf blocking it). All my neighbors on both side for like 7-8 houses down have been broken into in the last 5 years or so except for us. We have a 150lb Greater Swiss Mountain dog that FREAKS if anyone comes near a door or window. You'd have to be a VERY brave soul to attempt a break in at our house with him barking his head off at you! Any burglar steps inside our house and I'll be scooping up chunks of him our Swissie out for a week!!! (thumbs u Challenge accepted please PM me or Walker your address. You would NOT make it trust me! My only worry is a determined burglar that knows the place and would be willing to just shoot and kill him. It seems like all the burglaries in our neighborhood are opportunists that chose the houses at random and avoided us when they see the dog. Unless you've owner a great Dane, swissie, mastiff or the like, you would be shocked how big he is when you see him. I love dogs and have never been scared of a dog in my life except once. When we went to buy this swissie and went to the breeders house to see his parents, they had 7 adult swissies. We went in the yard and she gave us a big speech that she was letting them out, just stay still and don't be scared and DO NOT runaway! I was laughing to my wife how stupid that was since I would NEVER run from a dog! This lady let them out and these 7 giants came running at me, it took everything I had not to just freak and run for the gate! When those things came running at me, that's the closest I've ever come to my pants in my life!
  16. Apparently i'm not the only one annoyed! 21 to 1 is a pretty convincing total! even "crack" which usually piles up the votes and is incredibly popular only has 2 votes!!! I'd start working on invoices if i were Brent
  17. That door is actually Inside the house so no sunlight comes in thru there and no one can see in From the outside window(Shades and a bookshelf blocking it). All my neighbors on both side for like 7-8 houses down have been broken into in the last 5 years or so except for us. We have a 150lb Greater Swiss Mountain dog that FREAKS if anyone comes near a door or window. You'd have to be a VERY brave soul to attempt a break in at our house with him barking his head off at you! Any burglar steps inside our house and I'll be scooping up chunks of him our Swissie out for a week!!! (thumbs u
  18. I have a feeling you're right. Only thing you forgot was the "I've bought from him many times and still will even if I have to wait 2 months for an invoice!".
  19. Gallup himself would be in awe of your ability not to weight a question! You should have seen the 1st draft!!!
  20. +1 There's VERY few excuses to not send out invoices within say 5-7 days after the thread ends. For a dealer, there's no excuse whatsoever for a 40+ day wait unless he's been in a coma. Totally and completely rude and irresponsible especially considering he knew about this thread and people being upset like a week ago. I know he has friends here and I'm sure some will come and defend him but I'll be interested to hear what possible defense they can come up with for this. It's just plain rude IMO
  21. I would be down for that. Just curious...if the seller had been a newbie instead of Brent, would people still be walking on eggshells? Seems Brent's been pretty roundly rebuked. :shrug: Really? For a guy with a history of this, it seems he's gotten off pretty lightly +1 I'm pretty surprised he STILL hasn't sent out invoices if that's the case. I didn't think this was PL worthy a few days ago but if he's still just completely ignoring his responsibilities to the buyers even after this thread, I say throw him on the PL until he can learn how buying/selling works on this planet! A noob would certainly be PL'd by now IMO. Totally inexcusable! I know I would NEVER buy from him with what I've seen!
  22. I dont think i ever posted this but picked it up last month. Ive missed out on like 5 different copies on ebay and different auctions before finally getting it here on the boards
  23. I keep forgetting to post this but got it last month from our very own drummy I dont even collect or really even like FF's but i just cant pass up a nice Pedigree anymore. I officially need a Pedigree intervention