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Phill the Governor

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Everything posted by Phill the Governor

  1. The old "I've got an issue to sell, and this IS the WD thread, so why not post it on here, right?" sneaky sneaky.....
  2. I am so excited for this arc to unfold. I've really liked it so far. That review really got my hopes up - stomach churning is what I like from this thing - the downright gritty that we got when Hershel's daughters were murdered by Thomas, or when Michonne is tortured and raped and then tortures the of the the Governor! I feel like the comic hasn't had any real "get it where it hurts" moments in a while.
  3. Except for "one of a kind items" and consumer electronics. haha
  4. Got a few new pieces of published OA today. you can check them out here: http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryDetail.asp?GCat=48777 So excited for the next issue Wednesday!
  5. Great pieces! I know the smaller pages aren't nearly as awesome as the full sized 11x17, but it is what it is. As for the cover, it's by FAR my favorite issue from the series. Congrats!
  6. I think you have the wrong link here, for me it just goes to manage my own gallery?
  7. To Clarify, I'm looking for the "Made to Suffer" promo poster. However, as Jerry added, I am also looking for pages from issue 48, in case anyone here didn't know. Thanks! And WOW! those are some crazy prices on CGC books. Was the 9 Raw?
  8. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_aatuWUTj6ic/RqpnJDbECuI/AAAAAAAAAmw/LlpNqNloHqI/s400/z072707walking_dead.jpg This is the poster I was wondering about. Can't seem to find one anywhere. If anyone has one for sale, let me know!
  9. Pic? I've looked but I can't seem to find a picture. I know that it has the covers for issues 44 45 46 and 47...
  10. Hey guys, I've been looking for the promo poster from the "Made to Suffer" story arc but can't seem to find one. Considering I collect art from the series from [mainly] this arc, I wanted the poster to put up on the wall next to my pages. If anyone had one, or knows where I can find one, please let me know. Thank you!
  11. speaking of which, i forgot to give you a shipping quote on my, maybe, profitable (maybe $5) transaction with you...sorry, PM coming (yes, I know, if I actually had the 10 copies I thought I was getting it would be a lot more substantial) at the end of the day it all adds up. if he can do 5-10 of those transactions a day, maybe bring in an extra $30-$40, that's $210-$280 a week, over $10,000 a year. cummulatively it starts looking like something real. if he has no retirement benefits at his job, that's a pretty nifty IRA contribution or whatever. it'll also cover the payments on a new car with some left over. in an economy where jobs are tough to come by, particularly jobs that entail you sitting in your house, it doesn't sound so terrible if you aren't pulling in six figures to start with (and even if you are and, let's say, just had a second kid...) There's no question that if you're doing 100s or 1000s of bulk transactions, even a $1-2 profit pr. transaction starts adding up. In that case I'd also assume that you'd have the bulk-machinery-listing-packing-and-shipping system down, so your time is maximized. But that's not what we're talking about here, though - we were talking about single eBay transactions where you've gone to your LCS, picked up 1-2 books, listed & sold them on eBay for a $3-4 profit and now has to ship & pack them as well. At that point branget is totally right - it's a lot of work for a tiny payoff. Its cake and its easy secondary income. Alot of people actually like doing it as well. Imagine providing a service that you know how to do well and make a small profit at it. How many other hobbies can say that? Its also a great feeling when someone thanks you for actually sending them the books well packed and grading correctly. I would imagine a retiree or someone on disability can do very well at this over time. I pride myself on my packing and ability to grade decently. I enjoy shipping people well packaged books. I couldn't agree more. I was buying and reselling copies of Fatale #1 when it came out for 15 a piece, making after costs only about 6 or 7 bucks per issue. Regardless of if it adds up in the long run, it gives me short term satisfaction if anything that I could make a quick buck with something I enjoy reading. I generally always get thank you's from customers telling me thanks for the well packed item and they're stoked to get it. Win win situation if you ask me.
  12. I believe the price for issue 75 was also $3.99. I'm sure it's nothing permanent.
  13. Hey guys, Figured I could finally join the club since I have access to my copy and a scanner! Here it is:
  14. Update: "The Herald reports detectives believe the victim may have been homeless and the naked man suffering from "cocaine psychosis," Also, got a new page of WD OA. You can check it out here: http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=898043&GSub=105591
  15. http://www.ebay.com/itm/WALKING-DEAD-ISSUE-53-PAGE-21-1ST-ABRAHAM-ROSITA-AND-EUGENE-ORIGINAL-ARTWORK-/261009215743?pt=US_Comic_Books&hash=item3cc55c90ff#ht_581wt_1151 $600 Bucks. Sheeeesh.
  16. Yep its insanity - especially on something unpublished which 65% of the real estate of the piece is a gorgeous splash of white... I inquired about 8 pieces before Mark posted the pages online, the prices were insane - I bought similar pieces last year for half the price...I am passing too... But I am sure some members here will buy, and put them on ebay immediately, thus driving the price even higher for fellow members who actually collect...but thats another story.... True story. Since when did $100 pages become $400 pages overnight??? It's pretty much bull$*#& if you ask me. Makes it that much harder for me to obtain the pieces that I love and collect. I mean, to be fair, the series has been out for almost a decade. It would stand to reason that at some point there would be a robust, growing market for people who want to collect the OA. At least you're not getting into buying pages five years from now!
  17. Just snagged a nice NM copy of 48 for my collection. The one I have has a few spine ticks. Gonna put it in a nice mylar and put it on the shelf next to my pages from the issue!!
  18. I don't understand the big deal. Sure he could have made a new thread, but it's related to this thread too. Let it stand - no need for an attack.
  19. Yeah, I had that cover offered to me too, but there's too much open space for me to have condoned the price. Great cover nontheless!!! An excellent addition to your Gov. collection.
  20. I wouldn't agree. Ricks actions are justified as there is a threat. The Governor was the threat, and given the last page of the issue and the next 5 covers, I think we know who the threat really is this time. Kirkman really likes to foreshadow.. ex: Hershel in issue 45, "I can't shake the feeling that that was the last time I'll ever see Maggie". 3 Issues later - dead.
  21. Even with this caveat, you are still mistaken as one of these "types" was trying to buy it off eBay and it didn't change the valuation very much. Just because one prospective buyer fits that type doesn't mean that the rest of the non-traditional Walking Dead buyers wouldn't have paid big bucks. Think about the fact that Walking Dead Weekly sells for big money. Woah. Hold up here. Are you making a comparison between weeklies and OA? Weeklies = speculation OA = not even in the same category.
  22. I hate to say it, but at least two of those pages listed by the guy who has about 15 on ebay now, have sold for excessive amounts of money. As it's been stated before on this forum, sellers are not looking for a price to sell to everyone, they are looking for a price to sell to one person. I know the selection of WD art on splashpageart like the back of my hand, and there have been SO many pages that have sat stagnant, only to be bought up now that the price has been increased. At first I thought it was simply flippers (and I'm sure they're out there), but all one needs to do is look at the art that has been uploaded on CAF in the past few months to realize that many people are getting into the market. Good for Charlie. Good for the WD market. Good for all us guys who have a bunch of pages already. My only question is how deep can the rabbit hole go? A mediocre preacher page with Jesse Custer on it can sell for 500 bucks min. What will become of the WD OA market in coming years when much more of the art is out on the secondary market? I think it only has room to expand in one direction; up.