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Everything posted by fantastic_four

  1. You'd be stuck there, though. Cap made it back to the present due to the freezing. It worked in X-Men: First Class because Magneto and Professor X started out old, so going back to their beginning and taking a few who-cares-if-they-don't-make-it-back-to-present-day mutants from the huge stable of mutants available worked out fine. If you start the FF in 1961, you're tying future movies to that time, too. Unless you reboot yet again.
  2. This is a brilliant idea. Awesome take on it, Roy. That's what Marvel needs to do when they get the rights back. Doesn't seem likely. Captain America's tie to World War 2 was huge--particularly given the whole buried-in-the-ice thing--but there's very little about the 1960s that is at all essential to the FF. They translate well to any time period.
  3. I don't remember people loving Groot after the trailers. It wasn't until you got a full feel for him from the film.
  4. Why? His appearance was the only part of the teaser that impressed me.
  5. He said the suit wasn't finished...the black would provide more protection, the red less, but that he didn't have time to complete it. Hmm, didn't notice that. Why would they do that? Is it so that the costume seems sort of in-progress much like the scarf he wore all season was? With the last episode being the big coming out of Daredevil, you'd think they'd unveil the polished real deal for that episode...seems difficult to believe they were still thinking of a work in progress.
  6. Foggy was over the top in the comic, too, so I wasn't surprised by the overacting.
  7. Melvin Potter explained why there was black and red in the suit. He said black could stop a bullet, red could only stop a knife. That doesn't explain why he couldn't just make the whole thing red. If him knowing which sections are bullet-proof is useful--not sure how it is, but perhaps it could be--different shades of red would work as well.
  8. Closeup of the mask. Love the ear slits, hate almost everything else. The mask in the opening credits is better than the one they actually used. Why not just color the whole suit red? Easy to mistake him for Batman if you make it black.
  9. While I didn't like his voice, everything you're saying you didn't like I absolutely loved. It humanized him in a way you never really see with the comic Wilson Fisk. You do see the comic Fisk display the same lack of temper, the same occasional childish fits of temper, and there is back story in the comic showing how he became that way as a tormented fat kid, but D'Onofrio's portrayal and the writing on the character makes him believably tormented. Loved it. He also was a ringer for the character from the neck up. Obviously he doesn't match Fisk's sheer size from the comic, but he's realistically as close as you can hope for since no human being can match the way he was frequently drawn in the comic. I'm listening to the latest Kevin Smith "Fatman on Batman" as I write this where they spend the whole podcast talking about Daredevil, and he's similarly lauding the D'Onofrio portrayal. Apparently Smith watched all thirteen episodes in one binge, and he's in love with it. Which says a lot since his work on Marvel Knights followed by Mack and then Bendis started the best non-Miller run ever done on Daredevil. Here's a link to his podcast focusing on the Daredevil series: http://smodcast.com/episodes/digging-daredevil/
  10. I do think it is one of his funnier stories he tells. Especially with the repeat studio executive meetings. Just finished listening to this. The part where the producer insisted on there being a giant spider at the end was hilarious.
  11. Any clue which podcast this might have been? I'd like to listen to it. I just looked at the synopses for every episode of Fatman on Batman, and none of them mention Superman Lives that I noticed. There is one that's about the "Man of Steel" release, but the synopsis doesn't mention Superman Lives. If you can recall when the podcast came out that could help if you can't remember which episode it may have been. Smith does a bunch of podcasts...could it have been on one of his other ones? Here's the full list of episodes: http://smodcast.com/channels/fatman-on-batman/ And here's a direct link to that episode that came out when "Man of Steel" was released (it's episode 40): http://smodcast.com/episodes/man-of-steel-super-special-fat-man-and-gar-man-on-superman/
  12. I finished as well. And also thought D'Onofrio's voice sounded too forced. Overall a good job by him though. I generally liked the new costume, but the mask looks strange. This suit seems far more functional than most others, but the visual design of the mask needs some work.
  13. 'Tiger sidekick'? Taking ideas from He-Man is pure inspiration.
  14. Yep. Sony never learns. It's a crime against comics that they own the film rights.
  15. Need a closer, fuller look. At first glance, I like the movie costume better, but that pic and the other one are so dark and incomplete that I can't really tell. Looks like they addressed the issue of his ears being covered--I think I see little vents over his ear.
  16. Just started watching episode 5 and what you're referring to is in the first few minutes of that. He meant that figuratively and was using the same language as Rosario Dawson who was asking him "what he sees." Here's the complete text of it:
  17. I'm only up through episode 4, so I'll look for what Mark is referring to. Historically he uses his ears to "see," and I'll be surprised if they change that.
  18. Marvel Studios CEO Kevin Feige appears to poop nothing but gold. The head of Warner Brothers Kevin Tsujihara should start his search for the future of his DC Comics franchises by mining whatever he can manage to dig out of Feige's executive toilet.
  19. Definitely looks better than I was expecting.
  20. Rewatch the show! Whenever the new seasons of House of Cards comes out, my wife and I rematch the season slowly for about a month leading up to it. Have that many people never binge watched a show? There seems to be a lot of confusion with it. I haven't had cable for years so my wife and I have been binge watching shows for the last 7 or 8 years, I guess. I always binge watch. I watched 5 seasons of breaking bad in about 4 weeks. It gives the series a lot more flow that way I think. I'm sure there's heaps of people who watch shows that way... I've always read comics this way too. I let them stack up until a 3, 6, or 9 issue arc is done. I hate having to remember plots and stories from week to week; I inevitably forget things. The little summary sequences they do now at the start are nice for that, but I prefer to not need them and just watch all parts of a story arc in a short amount of time.
  21. I gotta agree. My guess is because some things about DD are cheesy they felt they had make what they could as adult as possible. It's make some people say "Wow this ain't no show for kids!" and then then they look past some of the cheese aspects like his name and lack or powers or whatever. It's more like Frank Miller would have shown violence exactly like this when he significantly darkened up Daredevil during his run, but he couldn't because of the Comics Code.
  22. My recollection is that he was always insanely jealous and protective when it came to Vanessa, and that he would resort to extreme violence from time to time when he either lost his temper or to prove a point. A bit more that is slightly spoilerish for those who aren't through episode 4 yet...
  23. Huh? He's blind. His radar sense is based upon the same echolocation that bats do, so what he is able to "see" actually comes in through his ears. Which raises the obvious next question that makes very little sense to me--why do most iterations of his costume cover his ears? Even the scarf-mask he wears in this series covers his ears. Seems like he'd want to keep those uncovered. The strange thing about Daredevil is that not only is he greatly inspired by Batman, if you were to take Batman and give him a bat-like power, Daredevil's echolocation makes the absolute most sense. Daredevil is more bat-like than Batman is.
  24. Daredevil always had eye holes. I have long wondered about that but never been sure. He is usually portrayed as having some sort of red covering over his eye, but whether or not it was opaque was never clear to me. I'm assuming that since he's blind that they're opaque, but that others might assume that they're like a one-way mirror.
  25. I find it hard to trust Rotten Tomatoes television reviews. Television critics are more forgiving than film critics for some reason I haven't figured out. The series is sitting at 97% right now, but if it were a film, it'd definitely be significantly lower. Probably in the 70s or 80s.