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Everything posted by fantastic_four

  1. Most of the DC incarnations I've seen in comics have been exactly like that, excessive laughing. I was a fan of Nolan's far more subtle take with Ledger.
  2. Maybe you should expand your horizons! Some of us like that I'd have rather seen this: So instead of her looking like a weird, cracked-out hooker, you'd rather see her looking like a weird, cracked-out hooker. I think I'm confused.
  3. I just learned from this weeks' Fatman on Batman" with Kevin Smith that DC had fully cast the Justice League movie back in 2007 with Mad Max director George Miller directing. They had also cast Wonder Woman as 6' Australian model Megan Gale. I like her look better, but I know nothing about her attitude or acting. Godot is a definitely prettier in the face though. She claims that George Miller liked her so much that he wrote her part into the new "Mad Max" screenplay just so she could be in it.
  4. And related to this--anyone know how Marvel got the Punisher and Ghost Rider rights back in 2013? The Punisher had a film out in 2008 and Ghost Rider in 2011, so it can't have been due to not putting films out for a while on Ghost Rider at the least. Oh, and I suppose Fantastic Four is likely to have a 10-year timer since the second film came out in 2007 and this new one will be released 8 years later. I'm pretty sure the Spider-Man timer is shorter, and maybe the X-Men one too since those have been Marvel's premiere properties for decades.
  5. Anybody remember what the expiration timers are on Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, and X-Men? We've been talking about it being 10 years without a film for Daredevil, but I'm pretty sure it's less than that for some or all of those three franchises. I'm mostly hoping Fox loses money hand over fist on this next Fantastic Four film. I'm fine if it's stellar and they don't lose money, but if it's like it looks, I hope they take a huge bath.
  6. Why are the Elektra rights unclear? Feige said they had it, and it seems obvious they either got it back with Daredevil or earlier this year following the 10-year mark of the Elektra film release.
  7. One reason is that it separates you from everybody else. People with face tattoos are generally looked at as a bit cracked, and it's difficult to imagine anyone getting one without realizing that.
  8. Date of Birth 26 August 1980, Los Angeles, California, USA Birth Name Christopher Whitelaw Pine Nicknames Peenè Pinewood Piney Height 6' (1.83 m) From: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1517976/bio?ref_=nm_ov_bio_sm There's a guy who runs a site that obsesses on celebrity heights who thinks he's over 6 feet: http://www.celebheights.com/s/Chris-Pine-2627.html Definitely looks around the same height as 6' 1" Zach Quinto in pictures, although you can never tell for sure from pictures due to shoe sole and posture differences.
  9. DC hasn't demonstrated that they even KNOW when a film doesn't suck. Marvel movies had this exact same problem back when the closest thing they had to a creative head was Avi Arad, and that guy had no idea when something would suck and when it wouldn't. The only really good thing they've done in the last twenty years is hire Christopher Nolan and trust him to do well, and luckily for them, he did. There was no guiding hand of Kevin Feige there, just them getting out of the way and being lucky enough to have Nolan knock it out of the park. Hopefully they'll figure out how to create movies that don't suck in the near future, but when that will be is hard to say. Does DC even have an equivalent to Feige? Is there one guy who runs their movie division, and if so, is he comic-savvy like Feige is? The closest I'm aware of is Geoff Johns, but he's been in a position of some control for several of the recent DC stinkers. Whether or not that's his fault or Warner isn't giving him or someone else enough control is what I'm wondering about.
  10. Because there is going to be a scene where Batman appears. Shhhhhh. Looks like the Joker is sitting in it in that last pic.
  11. Why does that look so much like the Batmobile?
  12. I've always found it bizarre that Stan is so much more incredibly open to creative changes than most of his fans are. There are a bunch of changes to the team. None of them excite me, but none of them turn me off. If the movie sucks, it won't be because of the changes, it'll be because it sucks. My expectations are low, but it has more to do with the inexperience of the writer/director and the fact that he just got fired from doing the Star Wars spin-offs than what I've seen from the film to date. If it's great, then awesome. If it sucks royally, my great hope is that it sucks REALLY hard so that Fox stops trying to make these films and the rights revert to Marvel. So I'm hoping for extremes either way. I'm sure the odds are that it'll be somewhere in the middle and get mixed reviews like the Tim Story films.
  13. I'm neutral about any film yet to be released because if you pre-judge it based upon pre-release material, there's virtually no chance you'd ever enjoy it. The fact that you assumed I had a bias in the opposite direction of your own tells me that it'd have to be one of the top 5 superhero films in history to ever break through the wall of pessimism you've already built for yourself. But you do this repeatedly in these threads for multiple films, so I know you get off on it and you'll never stop.
  14. ...and even they'll walk out. Sorry, incorrect. I'm excited for this movie (thumbs u Yeah. I'm more optimistic about this one than I ever was for the previous films. I'd tone down the optimism a bit...if you get too loud with it, Chip will be along to correct things before long.
  15. Looks that way. That shoulda been in spoiler tags.
  16. That's what comic guys do. The opposite is true--comic guys are FAR more likely to just see "thin + gorgeous face = HOT." Non-comic guys tend to look for more assets than a pretty face. Your own sig line used to be bedazzled with girls who won the genetic lottery from head to toe. As I said before to each their own. I find Margo Robbie is gorgeous. That's because she IS gorgeous. She's just not a total package like a Kelly Brook.
  17. That's what comic guys do. The opposite is true--comic guys are FAR more likely to just see "thin + gorgeous face = HOT." Non-comic guys tend to look for more assets than a pretty face. Your own sig line used to be bedazzled with girls who won the genetic lottery from head to toe.
  18. Great "Fatman on Batman" podcast this week with Kevin Smith talking to Joe Quesada for two hours about the Daredevil show. Quesada said it was his idea to cast Charlie Cox, he said he saw him in the first "Boardwalk Empire" season a few years ago and loved him in it, and even at that time noted to himself that he'd make a great Matt Murdock if Marvel ever got the property back. I don't remember what role he played myself. http://smodcast.com/episodes/joe-quesada-daredevils-step-dad-steps-up/ If you've got a smartphone, listening to podcasts like this while you're doing chores, exercising, or driving somewhere is a lot of fun.
  19. Yea, but she's got no boobs either. She's got a great face and is in TERRIFIC shape. Average body other than the conditioning. Really great face though with a nice devilish smile like Harley should have.
  20. How can you tell that from just the casting? Not really getting the negativity here--there's nothing to be positive OR negative about, we know next to nothing about what it will be like.
  21. They look awful, but they are making a comeback (see Roy's post). A lot of the big "stars" are wearing them now. I know it's a look that Taylor Swift (probably the biggest pop star on the planet right now) is wearing. Hmm, guess you're right. I'll ask my girlfriend about it, and if she's unaware of the trend, I'll use this information to make her feel old.
  22. nooooooooo so sad that some of that stuff has come back in.... bad the first time, worse the second +1 The high-waisted jeans are awful. I also don't see evidence that they're back in vogue...the waist lines have been plunging for years on women's jeans. Where are you guys seeing evidence the high-waist look is coming back?
  23. They're used to hardcore fans being dissatisfied with everything. Doesn't matter what he looks like, it matters how he acts. Ledger was good because he played it well and the writing on his scenes was stellar. Here's a thread posted here back when the first pic of Ledger as the Joker was released--mostly people pooped on it. What a surprise! http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Board=4&Number=1685869