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Everything posted by fantastic_four

  1. Pretty sure that’s Reva after watching again. Where's her spinny double saber?
  2. Re-watched that scene and I think it's clear how she knows--she reads it in his thoughts when she tells him she's going to take him to Lord Vader. Obi-Wan gets a confused look on his face when she mentions Vader, and she looks around and says "you didn't know?" as if it's a questioning observation presumably from her reading his emotions.
  3. A gripe--there's a scene about two-thirds into episode 2 where the Grand Inquisitor is asking Flea where Obi-Wan is. He's spinning his lightsaber in Flea's face...what's with the extreme close-up where you can't even see his hand? That scene SCREAMS for you to back up and see the full shot of the saber. Does it spin on its own, or is he spinning it with his hand?
  4. OK I saw someone suggest that Reva is one of the Padawans they show running from the Jedi Temple at the beginning of the first episode. It's hard to see them under those helmets, but I paused a scene where you can see all of their faces and the tallest of the Padawans is definitely a girl around 10 to 12 with very dark skin, similar factial features, and similar braided hair to Reva. That would make the character in her early twenties, but why would she hate Obi-Wan so much?
  5. The actress for Reva is 29, so if we assume the character is a similar age that puts her as being a young adult when the Clone Wars ended. Is she shown in Clone Wars at all? Obi-Wan must have done something to her during the Clone Wars.
  6. Anyone know why she's got it in for Obi-Wan on such a deeply personal level? It's almost like she's Vader's kid and Vader told her stories growing up about Obi-Wan hacking off his limbs and burning him to a cinder.
  7. How is Obi-Wan so chauvinist? Bail Organa has to absolutely convince him that Leia is worth saving. I wondered something similar in Empire Strikes Back when he tells Yoda "that boy was our last hope" and Yoda replies "no--there is another." We find out in RoTJ that Yoda is referring to Leia, and we find out in Revenge of the Sith that both of them are completely aware of Leia's origin and existence.
  8. Alright, I was alarmed at one thing--that scene were Reva tells Obi-Wan that Anakin is still alive. How would she know that HE didn't already know? She's reveling in that moment like she's cutting into him, but she shouldn't have any idea that he's unaware of Anakin's survival.
  9. If that's the case the next question is clear--who is that in the poster? It seems like they're trying to make you assume it's Vader, but that doesn't make sense given that in Episode IV Vader talks to Obi-Wan as if he hasn't seen him since he was a Padawan. ("The circle is now complete. When I left you I was but the learner, now I am the master.") Although I suppose that doesn't completely match Revenge of the Sith either since he attained the rank of Jedi Master towards the end of the film.
  10. I know some of you guys are experts at the lightsaber designs...is this Vader's saber? It generally looks like it to me, as does everything else about the outfit.
  11. Who's the girl Obi-Wan says Leia reminds him of? Padme? Ahsoka?
  12. It's the Uncanny Valley. That Indy looks VERY much like Ford, but it falls slightly short and ironically that makes it worse for many people than if it looked LESS like him. Most Hot Toys figures have this same issue. Sometimes they really nail the faces, but not often--usually they're right there in the valley of unease.
  13. Which Gamora shots were CGI? Most were just Zoe Saldana in makeup, so I'm not sure how a character that maybe used occasional CGI compares to a fully-CGI character like Hulk or She-Hulk. If the budget on this show is really $15 to $20 million per episode then they got bilked. I would have to think they switched CGI companies or something. Actually...who owns Industrial Lights and Magic now? Is it still Lucas, or was that a part of what he sold to Disney? I haven't wondered who Marvel uses for CGI for over a decade, but this trailer's sub-part CGI has me interested again.
  14. I've been on the edge of buying Hot Toys Ahsoka for months now. Seems dangerous to me, too...what if I enjoy it? I might want to buy more!
  15. I hope you didn't pay that 5 cent price written on the cover. Sure, it's a discount from the 12 cents cover price, but still, CLEARLY that comic has already been read.
  16. Rama-Tut is doubly cool since he was later ret-conned into being Kang the Conqueror.
  17. One thing I'm surprised by is they went with the classic thin, lithe version of She-Hulk. Whether or not she's ripped has been an integral part of her evolution in the comics. For decades she was thinner as we're seeing in the trailer, and it wasn't until the last decade or so they made her more ripped although certainly not to the extent Banner is. Which makes general sense since her gamma exposure was so much lower than Banner's. Most people--both men and women, but particularly men who are still the primary audience for superheroes--just don't like looking at muscle definition on women because it makes them look masculine, but in this far more feminist age I'm surprised they didn't go for more ripped. Maybe she evolves to be more ripped as the series progresses. My 6-year old daughter captures this exactly. When I got the action figure in the first pic below whose design is taken from one of the more modern storylines my daughter was 4 at the time, and she hated that She-Hulk because she said it looked like a boy. For most of the last year or two she would only play with the second one shown below that's far more similar to her classic look and how she looks in this show.
  18. Every comic I've ever seen her in she could transform back to human form so I'm not sure why you're asking. I'm aware there are storylines where she can't control the transformation, but I thought from the start she could and that her loss of control over it is only a minority of her existence. But maybe I'm wrong because I never read the original She-Hulk comic; most of the stories I've read with her were when she was with the Fantastic Four where I remember her as controlling the transformation.
  19. Wait, what? I missed it, when was that?
  20. CGI on her face is rough by today's standards, but it looks like fun.
  21. In the comics the Eye of Agamotto had a different function: We know that the Eye could turn back time in the MCU, but the Time stone was separate from the eye itself and Strange took it out when he gave it to Thanos. The remaining part of the Eye could be assumed to be useless, but it could also still function as the Eye in the comics did. Strange never said what he was doing, but when Shuma-Gorath was throwing cars around he initially couldn't see him, but then he suddenly could. I need to watch it a second time to see what he does with his hands, but I assumed in the moment he had used the Eye to reveal Shuma. There was another point later in the film where Strange emitted a VERY large shield that appeared to emanate from his chest, and I wondered in the moment if it was the Eye doing that. After the Shuma reveal I assumed their plan was just to revert the Eye back to its pre-MCU comic function, but I'm not sure of it. I plan to freeze-frame those scenes where he may (or may not) be using the Eye I pointed out.
  22. There wasn't as much of it in this film, but in the 2016 Doctor Strange film they showed Mordo training Strange in combat. The scene below is when they first train, but there's a big time jump where he skips from raw recruit to a more seasoned sorcerer where we're supposed to assume quite a bit of time has passed, and presumably they continued his combat training during that time skip.