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Everything posted by fantastic_four

  1. The only time frame relative to the Blip we have is that Monica goes to Westview a few weeks after the Blip, and we know Wanda created Westview well before that. So Wanda probably went to Westview within a week of the Blip, and if any of them have any idea what she's doing at that time I'd be shocked. Now that you ask this, I think I need to re-watch the Endgame funeral memorial for Tony Stark--was Wanda at it?
  2. Are you under the impression that I'm John Byrne? I didn't write the comics, I'm just reading where Feige's writers drew their story from. Whether or not they alter Byrne's material is anyone's guess.
  3. If we assume Sokovia is some Eastern European equivalent to places like Kosovo...what would you recommend within the time, which should be around 1995 to 2005? Her options as I understand them from history are limited to nonexistant.
  4. I would think Mephisto would be black magic. But maybe that doesn't fit into the sprung-from-imagination color wheel of magic. I went looking for whether or not the comics have established the color of Mephisto's magic but couldn't find anything. Maybe this "the color identifies the faction" thing is entirely a new MCU invention.
  5. Depends upon which decade you prefer to accept. Originally she was Magda Maximoff. Eric Lensherr was later ret-conned to be the father and her name was Magda Lensherr while married to him. Now she's not their mom, and their mom is Natalya Maximoff. It's easier to smooth out the multiple ret-cons with Wanda and Pietro than it is her supposed parents before and after each ret-con, so I've been ignoring the parents aside from Magneto. Fans like him being their dad best so my money is on him being their dad for the MCU and probably Magda being their mom. They didn't name her mom in this episode so who knows, maybe that was Magda, maybe those were adopted parents. We'll probably find out much later either before or after the X-Men emerge in the MCU.
  6. I'm not convinced Agatha was identifying Wanda as a mutant. We're talking about magic here so there are a lot of possibilities...maybe some people are just born magical, somehow. But yes, she said she's supposed to be a myth, so she's heard of the existence of someone like her. It may be as simple as she has never heard of someone like her existing so she's "the" only one she knows. Since she thought she was a myth she may not know if it's possible for there to be more than one of her.
  7. Silvermane suggested that yesterday referencing the scene from Star Trek 2 where Spock uploads his mind into McCoy.
  8. Most of her magic looks like a mix of red, white, and yellow. Vision looked almost entirely yellow as he was being created, or perhaps greenish. I'm red/green colorblind so I get those colors wrong a lot, but he was definitely a LOT brighter than the colors used to create everything else. If the colors are supposed to mean something in that scene I'm unsure of what.
  9. "The" Scarlet Witch, definite article. Coincidentally I had the show up in another window and had just watched that scene again moments before you typed the question.
  10. Do we know if Shuri was dusted by the snap? If so, not much time has passed from her perspective since she was operating on Vision's brain. I'm getting the Wakanda Files book she wrote, and if the films didn't address whether or not Shuri was blipped I'm sure that book does.
  11. We were hypothesizing a few weeks ago that's how they'd bring Vision back, because Shuri saved his mind off to disk before she started operating on it. But that wouldn't explain how Vision is sapient in Westview, so maybe it's just going to be what you laid out, that his consciousness is somehow stored in Wanda. I mean Shuri tried, but she just ran out of time and Thanos won. That story could easily just end there, but maybe she did save his mind.
  12. I felt the same way about both after a first viewing, but I recently re-watched both and enjoyed them MUCH more this time.
  13. I don't think he did know that. Heyward's motivations seem explained in full now by his desire to turn Vision into a weapon. He tried to kill Wanda to free Westview's citizens, and I doubt he had any idea she would throw his drone back at him charged with her hex powers that he's now apparently channeling into Vision to animate him. He lied about Wanda stealing Vision, but all governmental investigative agency heads lie when it's needed to protect their assets...I LIKE him lying, it seems more realistic. I haven't seen him do anything yet that's more evil than the things someone like J. Edgar Hoover did as head of the FBI. That whole thing with the drone being charged with chaotic energy seems dumb on multiple fronts at first glance. I really hate the mix of science and magic, and funneling magic into an android to make it work is breaking the part of my brain that likes to make sense of the world.
  14. It's unclear that she would necessarily have to serve Dormammu to draw power from the dimension he's all-powerful within. Kaecilius willingly served Dormammu in the Doctor Strange movie, but I never heard it established that he had to do so to draw his magic from there. Certainly Agatha's "mother" and her coven believed that was unavoidable, but Agatha thought she could still be good. They could write that any way they want, so we'll see.
  15. I posted these pages from Avengers West Coast #52 a few weeks ago--they weren't real in the comics, they were the same sort of magical construct by Wanda we now know Vision to be in Wandavision. Wanda provided the bodies, and fragments of Mephisto's soul provided them with souls/sapience. Later in the story Mephisto re-absorbed the fragments of himself that gave them their souls, and their bodies were absorbed bizarrely as the arms and hands of one of Mephisto's minions the Avengers fight in the story. They were later re-introduced as Wiccan and Speed, but they weren't Wanda's children, they were someone else's and explained to be reincarnated versions of Wanda's creations. How that works I have no idea. Maybe they will do the same thing here with Wanda creating the bodies and (fill in mystical being here) granting them souls, maybe they won't. Let's say Wanda IS creating their souls/sapience in the MCU--she's definitely not producing and broadcasting Wandavision. We've all laid out hypotheses for that, and I'm sure one or some mix of them is true, but Wanda's not doing that.
  16. Then it's time to get happy because she's not the big bad--unless you can tell me one bad thing she did. I can't count anything she did to constructs Wanda may have created like Vision, Tommy/Billy, or Sparky because I don't understand what those things even are yet.
  17. The color of her magic seemed different than the color of the magic of the rest of the coven so maybe it is a light side vs dark side jedi type of magic. Bosco just posted the color origin--it claimed purple is the color of magic from the Dark Dimension, i.e. the place shown in the first Doctor Strange movie that Dormammu is from. I haven't verified that all of those bad guys in the movie had purple-colored magic yet, but it's on the to-do list.
  18. Can anyone make the case that Agatha has done anything at all antagonistic? I can't identify anything at all yet that's definitive. If you assume those are real kids she seemed to be pretty tough on them at the end, but in the comics Wanda is not the direct mother of Wiccan and Speed and the twins she thought were hers turned out to not be that at all, so that may be the case here as well. Seems more likely they're the same sorts of constructs that the Westview version of Vision is.
  19. Studied and practiced what her "mother" described as the darkest of magics. I put mother in quotes because Agatha didn't seem to care much about her dying. Maybe she was just an extraordinarily tough and uncaring mom...
  20. What have you seen to suggest that? Looks wide open for that to be the case.
  21. It's from West Coast Avengers #45. The main pages covering it are below. The first two are pages 7 and 8 where Hank Pym describes his efforts to fix Vision and why he had to remove Vision's skin, and the second two are pages 12 and 13 where Pym describes why his emotions/soul are gone. His consciousness came from Wonder Man and was integrated into Vision by Ultron without his permission, and most of the rest of the issue is Wanda trying to convince Wonder Man to voluntarily allow Hank to re-integrate a copy of his mind into Vision because Wonder Man doesn't want to do it.