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Everything posted by fantastic_four

  1. The Bible says nothing about what Satan looks like or what Hell is like; later authors defined this, which is why I referred to "Faustian notions of Satan" since he was responsible for many of the elements we now associate with Satan. Faust clearly was referring to the Bible, and Stan Lee definitely had both Satan and Faust's name for him of Mephistopheles in mind when he created the character as he explicitly confirmed multiple times. People also assumed Silver Surfer must be inspired by Christ since Mephisto first appeared in his comic, but Lee has said he wasn't thinking about Christ at all when he wrote Silver Surfer. What matters for China is that people don't think of the Christian notion of Satan when they see whatever Mephisto looks like, i.e. a red demon with horns and a trident. Should be eminently possible.
  2. Nightmare as the big bad doesn't hold up to ANY scrutiny I can deduce, and that leak offered nothing at all to fill in what I can't find. I was still open to the idea that they had inside information until the paragraph quoted above. I certainly agree that China may not accept a devil-like character, but that doesn't mean Marvel can't create a version of Mephisto who is more generically evil with minimal references to the Faustian notions of Satan that passes China's standards. That would be an improvement to the character for me anyway. I never liked them bringing Mephistopheles into the comics and implicitly tying the character to any sort of Christian ideas, which is likely the reason that a country like China with a long history since the rise of Communism of banning and/or persecuting most religions aside from Buddhism wouldn't like it either. China has eased up on their anti-religious stances over the last decade or two, so I don't know what they'd accept and what they wouldn't at this point. They accepted Hela in Thor: Ragnarok who is pretty much Satan in the Norse religion, but that religion didn't gain any traction in China so it's likely that they didn't see it as a threat to inciting negative thoughts in China's Christian population. If Disney minimizes the Satanic elements of Mephisto they should be able to get it through.
  3. Mephisto is from another dimension, but my understanding is that each universe has multiple dimensions and that's not the same thing as a different universe within a multiverse. I've never heard of Mephisto having the power to traverse universes within the multiverse--have you? The only character I've heard of myself who has the power to go to different universes within the multiverse is Shuma-Gorath. I'm sure there are others, but I don't know who they are.
  4. I can't rule out either interpretation and I can't figure out how either mirrors the commercial's metaphor well. If Wanda is the kid she's getting some "nourishment" (time with Vision) from Mephisto so I don't get him withering and dying. If Wanda is the shark Vision is also getting his nourishment from her magic, so what's the equivalent with Vision of the kid not being able to open up the magic? The island in the commercial is killing the kid, but with Vision it's the opposite, the hex is all that's keeping him alive. I think I'm left not entirely understanding what that commercial means, but either interpretation leaves the apparent intent the same with Mephisto taunting Wanda's situation.
  5. Did he have some advanced way of sensing their presence anywhere on Earth? I re-watched Age of Ultron last week and wondered that as he destroyed what he thought was the last bot, but I didn't notice any indication that he had that ability. Either way you're right, a bot stowing away on the Quinjet with Hulk is also an out for an Ultron return.
  6. The part of that hypothesis I've been assuming all along is that they didn't find all of the Ultron-bots. There were just too many of them, so it's easy to explain in a future work that they missed one, or even a hundred. They had NO idea how many there were, or where they were deployed to.
  7. Maybe. I'd love this as a way to explain how Vision was re-created, but if Ultron is on the outside trying to get in he didn't re-create Vision, and Vision wouldn't be limited to just existing within Westview, he'd be able to leave. So if Heyward is Ultron I don't get why they'd bury one of the biggest Marvel bads around in such a minor role.
  8. The idea of who has re-created Vision is still bugging me. None of the current cast of characters either shown or hypothesized should have the ability to re-create artificial intelligence, so how is it working? I'm starting to think it'll be some generically glossed-over magic making it happen.
  9. Heard that the last three episodes are all slated to be double-length, about an hour each. So based upon what we're used to this show is more like 12 episodes, so we've only seen half of it so far and there's a plenty of time left to reveal tons of stuff.
  10. Mainly because she's exhibiting more powers than they've ever shown her have in the comics or in the MCU. Also there's just no way she's editing and broadcasting Wandavision. Plus EVERY Wandavision commercial is a subtle and often-sadistic taunt at Wanda, so it wouldn't make sense that she's doing that to herself.
  11. Mainly because she's exhibiting more powers than they've ever shown her have in the comics or in the MCU. When I isolate out the things they've never shown her doing before and try to match them to any of the big bads we've been hypothesizing only Mephisto matches them. In general Feige sticks to the comics unless he has a compelling reason to do otherwise. It's hard to imagine they'd make the already-overpowered Wanda into someone even more overpowered than she's ever been.
  12. Is Mephisto really that hard to work in though? Yes, for reasons explained earlier today--people would roll their eyes or outright try to ban the show if they see the Devil as the big bad. If it's Mephisto it'll be very interesting to see how he looks and is portrayed.
  13. One might think the frozen people were because Wanda's mind control has a limited range and they were outside of it, but they've shown her mind control affecting people from very long distances in the past. In Age of Ultron her mind alteration of Hulk extended very far from wherever she's located. That all suggests when she alters someone's mind it stays altered no matter where they are. So the reason for everyone being frozen wherever Agnes was is bizarre. I have no guess for what they were implying was happening.
  14. Yea her being frozen like the rest surprised me since she showed signs of not being mind-controlled previously. Anyone have ideas for why everyone near that edge of the hex was frozen? Whatever was doing it did affect Agnes, but not Vision, which is strange.
  15. They've dropped a ton of Mephisto hints so he wouldn't be much of a reveal, but whoever it is has to have more hints dropped because it can't be a sudden, un-hinted-at reveal. This sounded so much like a case for the reveal to be Mephisto that I had to read it three times to figure out why an argument almost entirely geared towards the big bad being him somehow concluded with it not being him...but it didn't help, I'm still confused.
  16. She could in the comics though, and Feige has been explicitly saying for years how inexperienced at using her powers she is in the MCU and how they would be pulling more of them in from the comics.
  17. When did they show her waking up--are you referring to the scene where she left the hex, threatened Heyward, then re-entered the hex?
  18. So he feeds on these things, and not in a distant universe all the time. There is absolutely no way this series ends with the entire thing having been a nightmare dream, and we've seen no evidence of shorter dreams to date. Dreams typically focus on the dreamer, but we've seen plenty of scenes where Wanda isn't in them and the characters behave independently. Well, yes, it could all be a dream--if they want every critic and fan to give them sheet from now until the end of time. "It was all a dream" stories have been passé for well over half a century now.
  19. Who is that? She looks similar to Enchantress, but Enchantress usually wears a costume with different patterns.
  20. Here's the case for Nightmare as the big bad: I don't buy it. Nothing we've seen through six episodes matches Nightmare's modus operandi, and he doesn't have the powers in our reality to fill in for what Wanda hasn't been shown to do to date. This is fiction so you can do whatever you want, but that's not how Feige usually operates. He tends to stick to the comics whenever possible, so giving Wanda and Nightmare new powers makes little sense, and Nightmare has no strong ties to Wanda from the comics. Throwing Nightmare in matches virtually nothing we've seen so far, and if that's the direction he went it begs the question--why didn't he go with Mephisto, who DOES have close ties to Wanda? And just coincidentally Mephisto DOES possess all of the powers we've seen aside from one--the ability to re-create Vision. That one I'm still largely clueless on. I don't even get how people are hypothesizing Nightmare as the big bad for Multiverse of Madness. Nightmare rules his own dimension within our universe and has no interest in the multiverse I've yet heard of. The most multiverse-centric Strange villain I know of is Shuma-Gorath whose entire goal is to rule as many universes within the multiverse as he can.
  21. In the moment I thought that may be significant, but when I re-watched it on the surface he appears to be referring to Halloween decorations that were planned by the neighborhood association. My hypothesis he's not afraid of them at all and is using the broadcast to try to suck them into the town.
  22. Since other SWORD agents turned into clowns that may just be the pattern of a different circus performer.
  23. Spent some time looking at what Nightmare can do, and while he's virtually omniscient within his own realm I can't see that he's capable of what we're seeing done in Westview that falls outside of the scope of Wanda's powers as they have been defined within the comics and films to date. He can't reverse time, he can't broadcast Wandavision, he can't create those commercials, and he can't create a sapient synthezoid--all he can do is haunt people with illusions from his dream realm. You'd think that if Nightmare were an antagonist that we would have had some kind of dream sequence at some point by some character during the first six episodes, but I can't think of anything that qualifies as a dream that the person woke up from. If the big bad is Nightmare, he's coming from about as far from left field as I can imagine.