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Everything posted by fantastic_four

  1. Nobody has to get the unexplained references here any more than they did in the Matrix films. Everything will be explained, the hints are just there for the curious to speculate about what will happen in the future. The series will end with action, and if you re-watch anything here it'll be like the first Hulk movie and you'll just watch the last half and ignore the first.
  2. There's no possible way 80% of what I've figured out by mulling episodes over or discussing them here would've occurred to me while binging the show. I suppose most of it will be revealed eventually anyway, but the hints to the events leading to the X-Men emerging littered throughout this series almost certainly would have crept past me.
  3. I may be but it just is not working for me. The episodes are so short that it just comes across as irritating with the confusing plot lines. I don't mind a little mystery as to what is happening but here we are 5 weeks later and I just am losing patience with the whole show. I'm sure it will get better but at this point it is one big yawn. You're not the only one--plenty of people hate stories that are giant puzzles where the plot gives out the pieces slowly over time. Lots of people were frustrated when X-Files, Lost, the Leftovers, and the Matrix sequels did that.
  4. Well I included two levels of spoilers, and the first level doesn't contain significant spoilers, so you could expand the first and use it to decide if you want to expand the second. I'll also say I really do not know what the spoiler is going to be beyond my own deductive reasoning, so the whole thing could be wrong. But the source I got the info from is usually right unless it turns out the toy company gave the wrong info out, and that usually doesn't happen, so I tend to trust him. And he could be completely right, but then my conclusions based upon his info could be wrong, so who knows. But I'll be shocked if the source of my info is wrong and something isn't about to be revealed. The reason I say it's a minor spoiler is that based upon the last episode I guessed this myself anyway, just not WHEN it would happen, and it's just interesting that the toy world is aligning itself around what I already assumed was coming soon anyway.
  5. Wanda super powering everyone she gets mad at doesn't make sense. Maria was near the tesseract, maybe she touched it, blood transfusion to Monica after a childhood accident. The exposure gives Maria cancer in the long run, but powers monica? Were you suggesting I thought she got her powers from Wanda? Because I absolutely don't. If she got powers from Wanda we haven't seen her using them yet, so we have to assume she doesn't know she has them. But her refusing the x-ray suggests she DOES know she has them, and that means she got them before Wanda zapped her.
  6. I just learned of a potential spoiler from episode 6 or 7 from the toy world. It's a minor spoiler that's really just a hint that something will happen in one of those two episodes, and it's completely unconfirmed, but I'll put it in spoiler tags anyway:
  7. I think it has more to do with Wanda ejecting her from the bubble than anything. I suspect being subjected to the rapid onslaught of cosmic microwave background radiation Darcy was talking about is what's going to give her her super powers (and what borked her x ray and medical tests) since she has energy based powers when she's Captain Marvel/Photon/Spectrum in the comics. That's what I thought when the x-ray came back white, but when she explicitly declined to do another one that was an indication that she already knew why the x-ray was screwed. The easiest explanation for why she passingly refused another scan is because she knew why the first didn't work.
  8. That's a possibility, but there were several examples in that scene where they were both aware that they both knew the real truth of Westview. Shared glances as Vision said things were an example, but the big one is that when the scene started, Agnes was leaning over and speaking quietly to Herb, and when Vision approached them both she quickly stopped that conversation and put on her usual exaggerated Wandavision sitcom voice for Vision. I felt the same way when Bosco posted that article last week listing all of the High Evolutionary clues in the show so far, but I had never read any comics with him in at the time and really knew nothing about the character. I then went and looked up his skillset, powers, and history, and now I can't figure out how this guy hasn't been more prominently used. I guess he was, just nowhere I had stumbled across. I was already a big fan of Mr. Sinister and his genetic experiments, so Marvel weaving HE's origin as having been inspired by Sinister in the early 20th century immediately turned me on to him and how he differed from Sinister. I also didn't realize until a few days ago that Stan Lee's origin for Wanda and Pietro from 1966 had High Evolutionary's rapid evolution experiments leading to their powers and that the 1979 introduction of Magneto as their father was a ret-con. Now I'm absolutely fascinated with HE, and I see why Feige would pull him in as a catalyst for mutants entering the MCU.
  9. That's only half of what Shuri says in the Wakanda Files. She says that HYDRA had reason to believe that Sokovians had advanced genetic potential, and that's why HYDRA chose to experiment on them with the Mind stone leading to Wanda and Pietro's mutation. The unrevealed element is why Sokovians were more evolved than the average human. Feige tends to stick with the comics when it makes sense, and since it's High Evolutionary who mutated Wanda and Pietro in the comics, I can't see why Feige wouldn't have him do it here as well. Hence all of the references to him in Wandavision. But unlike the other residents he's not being mind-controlled, which we found out in episode 3 when he almost told Vision what was happening in Westview before Agatha Harkness told him to be quiet. Him having the New Jersey driver's license is why my current guess is he's Woo's witness, but I'm missing so many pieces in that puzzle I'm not at all sure he's the witness. I can speculate, but I haven't seen evidence actually in the show to support it.
  10. Then who is Herb, and who genetically altered wide swaths of people in Sokovia? And why have they dropped at MINIMUM a dozen hints at High Evolutionary? I think we're up closer to two dozen now; I'll try to dig up the lists being compiled of all the hints later. Usually Marvel easter eggs that go nowhere are shown once and then never referenced again, but they are REPEATEDLY referencing High Evolutionary.
  11. Yes, Hayward clearly wants to kill Wanda for whatever reason so he wouldn't have SWORD call Strange, SHIELD, the Avengers, or anyone else until he achieves whatever it is he's after.
  12. Kang is already confirmed to be in the next Ant-Man and Wasp movie as a time traveler, so I doubt it's him. The majority of the speculation I've heard is Strange's big bad will either be Wanda or Mephisto, but I'm still hoping it's Shuma-Gorath.
  13. The last two big open questions I have are why did SWORD director Tyler Hayward try to kill Wanda, and who is Woo's witness. I still can't think of possibilities with supporting evidence making them likely to be true, but my current wild guesses are that Hayward is HYDRA, and Woo's witness is Herbert Wyndham. But I don't know why High Evolutionary would be an FBI witness nor what HYDRA's agenda with Wanda would be, so it's not adding up. If Wyndham did evolutionary experiments in Sokovia it would most likely be with the assistance of HYDRA, but why would they want Wanda dead now? It's not making full sense for Hayward to be HYDRA yet. Maybe Mephisto and HYDRA have some bone to pick with each other we're unaware of so far, and that's why Mephisto seems to be taunting both HYDRA and Wanda in those Wandavision commercials. The two smaller questions I have are why Mephisto would be allowing Agatha Harkness and Herbert Wyndham to be in Westview. He would know who they are, so why would he want them there?
  14. Most Marvel films aren't written by Kevin Feige--just guided by him--but I saw an interview with Elizabeth Olsen yesterday that she did a few years ago when Wandavision had been greenlit but not yet begun production where she said all of the ideas for this show came from Kevin Feige, and that he had them many years ago when they were planning Wanda and Pietro's presence in Age of Ultron. That's the third implicit confirmation I've seen that Feige had the idea at the time for how to introduce mutants into the MCU if they ever got the rights back from Fox that I outlined in the thread a few days ago, and that once getting those rights back became a reality he knew that it was time to tell the tale we're seeing in this show. It's also highly possible that he may still be saving the full reveal of mutants for a future movie or show and will just drop hints all along the way throughout phase 4. That's what he did building up to the Avengers in phase 1, so it certainly fits that same mold to do another slow build to the X-Men. There are no full mutant-centered films on the current upcoming slate of phases aside from this one featuring Wanda, and I doubt they'd fully introduce the X-Men and make us wait years before we get to see a film centered around them. So all of the High Evolutionary easter eggs we're seeing in Wandavision seem likely to be hooks being thrown out to hardcore fans to assure us that mutants are coming. So that big moment Olsen likened to Luke showing up in Mandalorian may have been the one we just saw in episode 5. Having Michael Fassbender show up and then we don't get to see him again for three years would be too much of a tease.
  15. Agnes has to be there helping Wanda and Mephisto for a reason we haven't seen, but if the show mirrors the comics like it has so far her ultimate goal is most likely to banish Mephisto back to his own dimension. Why Mephisto is allowing her to be in Westview at all is an open question that puzzles me, because he clearly knows she's there since she's an integral part of the Wandavision show, and we saw her reveal she's not being mind-controlled last episode when she asked Wanda if she wanted to re-shoot a scene they flubbed. In the comics Wanda's sons were semi-illusions she created herself from elements of Mephisto with help from Agatha Harkness, and Agatha did it to help her defeat Mephisto. She explains it in the two pages shown below from Avengers West Coast released in 1989. This idea seems abstract and hokey to me, so I'm guessing it's somewhat different in the show, or at least explained in a better way. Herb is most likely Herbert Wyndham, aka the High Evolutionary, who in the comics was at least partially responsible for Wanda and Pietro's mutation at birth in Thor #134 from 1966 that I posted a page from a few days ago in this thread. The idea that their mutation came from Magneto being their father was a much later ret-con in 1979. I would guess that he's there to study what would be his greatest creations if he's responsible for the evolved genetics of Sokovians that led to Wanda and Pietro mutating their powers. If that's what their plans are we may never see him again in this series, though, and his presence may end up being left as an open question that isn't answered until later films leading to the full emergence of the X-Men.
  16. If she is the CI she got mind wiped like Monica so she isn't in control Agnes knows what's going on. Mephisto knows she's there, and she knows she's there with Mephisto and about his pact with Wanda. That's why she's overacting in every Wandavision scene, it's why she was uncomfortable when Herb almost spilled the beans to Vision--which, by the way, suggests Herb wasn't being mind-controlled by Wanda like everyone else is--and it's why she asked Wanda if she wanted to do a second take on a botched scene early in episode 5 to make Wandavision as polished as Mephisto wants it to be. Agnes knows as much about what's going on as both Wanda and Mephisto do. I've been referencing Mephisto like I'm sure it's him, but I'm only about 80% sure it's him. I could be someone else, but I now HIGHLY doubt it is. Too many puzzle pieces fit for it not to be him.
  17. It's also odd they didn't have Woo identify his CI when they made a point of identifying other people we'd seen on the show. Yea...if it turns out his witness is one of the players on their board, I'm going to be pissed they didn't indicate that fact like they indicated facts about all of the others.
  18. So why is she playing along with it? No choice? Why would she have no choice? I can't figure her motivation out.
  19. That likely captures some of what leads to Multiverse of Madness. I hope Feige and company gives us ideas about a multiverse that are better than what I've enjoyed to date. I haven't liked them much since I first envisioned them after early time travel stories I read, or in comics after learning about Crisis on Infinite Earths. As soon as he killed Stark, Cap, and Vision as a way of tying actors to characters since we all naturally identify with them as one entity I figured they were on the way to multiverses since they will undoubtedly re-introduce those characters down the road, and it's clear from the second Strange movie and the next Spider-Man movie with past versions of Sony Spider-Man actors in them that the multiverse is quickly bearing down upon us.
  20. Actually this can't be right. Mephisto wouldn't have had a hypothetical Vision illusion urge Wanda to release the town or do any of the other things we've seen him do apart from Wanda. He does seem to have free will and independent sapience, so he's either Vision or some other living life form with a Vision illusion over him.
  21. That Mephisto hypothesis leaves multiple items to be explained: Why is Agatha Harkness there? While I'm not sure, it seems clear that Mephisto knows she's there. What's the agenda of the SWORD director in killing Wanda? (not sure) Who is Woo's witness? (not sure) Who is Dottie? My guess is she's Mephisto. Why is Mephisto broadcasting Wandavision? My guess is to draw more souls into the town for him to eventually collect. Why does Wandavision have so many references to HYDRA? Wanda was in HYDRA for most of her life, so this is Mephisto taunting Wanda in ways only she would understand to remind her of their pact.
  22. I don't think I've ever read a Marvel comic with Mephisto, so I had to review his list of powers: Superhuman strength Shape and size shifting Illusion projection Memory manipulation Altering time Highly resistant to injury Changing the structure of reality in his own dimension, but not other dimensions (such as ours) His power derives from collecting souls, but the soul must be given of its own free will, usually via some sort of pact Every moment I couldn't explain how Wanda could have done something is covered in that list of powers. The boss choking without Wanda moving her hands and time reversing when Wanda sees the beekeeper are examples. I mentioned earlier that she seemed to possess the powers of the Mind, Time, and Reality Infinity stones, but Mephisto can apparently achieve the same effect of the Time stone, and what appears to be reality manipulation could just be illusions projected by Mephisto. If we assume Wanda and Mephisto have made some sort of pact, what's the pact? We know what Wanda might be getting--Vision, although how Mephisto could possibly reconstruct Vision's mind if we limit his powers to the list above from the comics is an open question I'll come back to. What Mephisto could be getting are the souls of everyone in Eastview. How? They're not willingly going to give themselves up--unless, perhaps, Wanda's ability to manipulate the human mind counts as freely giving themselves over to Mephisto. I have no idea if that counts for his requirement to collect souls, but it might. So since Mephisto can't alter reality in our dimension, he enlisted Wanda to do it for him and to hex the residents of the town into giving themselves over to him in the same way she demonstrated that ability in Age of Ultron, with the main example being how she altered the Hulk's free will to serve her own ends. So how did Mephisto revive Vision? Here's my guess--he didn't. He lied to Wanda about being able to revive Vision, and the Vision she's seeing is a complete illusion being projected by Mephisto--or the animated corpse of Vision being bandied about. Since Mephisto doesn't need Vision's corpse to create an illusion of Vision he may or may not be moving the corpse around under the illusion--maybe he is, maybe he isn't, I guess we'll see. None of the powers in that list suggest he can move objects around so easily, so my guess is Vision is 100% illusion, and he had Wanda fetch the corpse just to reinforce his lie that he could reconstruct his android mind.
  23. Yea I can't see compelling visual evidence of Mephisto. But the scene seemed bizarre in multiple ways until I heard the suggestion that Pietro could be Mephisto--or someone else, even, that is capable of altering their appearance--and that explained everything that didn't make sense. What I still can't make sense of under the idea of Wanda's accomplice being Mephisto is all of the HYDRA stuff. Why would there be a relationship between HYDRA and Mephisto?
  24. If this Pietro is from a parallel universe pulled into the MCU, how would she know it was that Pietro at all AND be shocked to see him? It should be one or the other--either she knows it's a parallel Pietro and isn't surprised at all, or she has no idea how this alternate version of her brother is here. Let's say it's the latter possibility since that's the one which explains her shock. Why is Pietro completely nonplussed at meeting his parallel-universe sister? His entire demeanor is confident and familiar. The contrast in their emotions suggest this isn't a first meeting of brother and sister from alternate realities. Also, if this is the Fox Pietro, why did he show up specifically to interrupt Vision from urging Wanda to release what he believes to be her grip on Westview? When the doorbell rings, the timing of it being EXACTLY the moment Vision is urging her to release the town is so convenient that even Vision thinks Wanda intentionally caused the interruption, and she has to assure him that no, I did not ring that doorbell. I can't explain the scene with that being the real Fox Quicksilver, but I can if we assume this is Mephisto taunting and/or threatening her with an alternate Quicksilver.
  25. People are claiming that in the image below Quicksilver's hand is red in the mirror behind Wanda. I froze that same image in the Disney Plus stream and it looks exactly like we see in this image, but I can't tell myself. Can anyone else see red? His hand definitely looks darker than it should, but I can't see red specifically. If he is Mephisto in disguise, the idea would be that at the exact moment Vision is trying to convince Wanda that everything she's doing in Westview is wrong, Pietro shows up--so this is Mephisto showing up to talk some counter-sense into Wanda. I found him calling Vision a popsicle bizarre after a first watch because it's not any comparison I ever would have made to him, but considering the possibility that this is Mephisto the comparison may not just mean Vision's bright, colorful appearance being similar to a fruit-flavored popsicle, but also he's a popsicle as in a cold, dead corpse as a reminder to Wanda that Mephisto is the reason Vision is alive at all. I suggest people re-watch this scene and pay close attention to Wanda's reaction. She immediately knows this is not her brother, and at NO point does she seem happy to see him because she knows it's someone else who can change their appearance to look vaguely similar to her brother. After a second or two I suspect she knows exactly who this is and why they're there, and she's scared the entire scene of the reason for his presence.