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Everything posted by fantastic_four

  1. Seems tame compared to killing a million mutants in the House of M storyline.
  2. That could be a possibility. They knew the android body could be a danger in the wrong hands. So I wonder later if Wanda will realize this and then feel like they betrayed her by turn over Vision's body like that. We do have 4 episodes remaining. They could plug this in. This feels like a dead end, because the most likely reason she went after the body was because she found a way to revive it. Who had it was mostly irrelevant beyond whatever incentive it may have given them to figure out why and where she took it and how to get it back.
  3. What else would they do with the body? I just assumed they were keeping it for study. Yea I agree. Maybe he created a fake witness in their systems located in Eastview (assuming that's the real name of the town instead of Westview), made sure the FBI followed up on it, and Woo was assigned to do it, didn't know what to do, so he asked for SWORD assistance. He wanted cover to have a legitimate reason to come in and kill Wanda without blowing his cover, but failed. Him being HYDRA makes sense for all of that, except why all the HYDRA references in the commercials? Who's inserting those? If it were Mephisto, why would he care about HYDRA at all?
  4. Maybe it's Howard the Duck. Or Spider-Ham! The pool is deep, but thrusting a power or skill set on a character who has never displayed it at all in the comics isn't something I've seen Feige do. His modus operandi seems to be stick to the character as they were in the comics as much as you possibly can, but go with the best ideas about that character if they changed over time. And if there's something about the character that needs updating, do it. Such as how therealsilvermane suggested they're unlikely to use Mephisto as he originally appeared in the comics, they would modernize him and make him more convincingly realistic. So given that Feige wants to stick to the comics as much as he can I don't think the pool is that deep for who can re-create Vision's mind. That's why I'm trying to brainstorm the list of candidates. As an example High Evolutionary could be involved, but I can't imagine he re-created Vision. His expertise is genetics, not AI and computer tech.
  5. Excellent point, I hadn't thought of that but I agree entirely. Wanda making a deal with the devil to get Vision back makes a ton of sense.
  6. Yea, if HYDRA is involved, it could easily be multiple people associated with it. That's more likely than not, but Zemo couldn't do it alone. I'll also be surprised if Baron Strucker doesn't show up at some point, but he would need other help as well.
  7. Arnim Zola checks all the boxes too. But he was in Winter Soldier, and last we saw he was destroyed. Plus he lacks the sense of humor we're seeing in the Wandavision ads.
  8. Does Zemo have the tech smarts to create sapient AI? I don't recall him displaying any deep technical skill at all in Civil War.
  9. He's smart, but not Stark-smart. Remember that even Stark and Banner together couldn't create truly sapient AI in Age of Ultron until they studied the Mind stone, and from there they tweaked his Jarvis AI into Ultron, who in turn created Vision. He's on the list of candidates though, but he doesn't check many of the boxes to be helping Wanda.
  10. Yea Tarleton wasn't smart before becoming MODOK, so it seems more likely he's already been enhanced if it's him. Leader might fit, but I don't recall him having ties to HYDRA. Does he have a twisted sense of humor in the comics? I haven't read many with him in it, if any. He was already introduced in the second Hulk movie, and we saw him transforming into the Leader after Blonsky's final transformation when Hulk's blood seeped into a head wound Blonsky gave him. A pic of him transforming into the Leader from the film is below.
  11. Mephisto can do everything we're seeing that Wanda can't except one thing--re-create Vision's mind. Or at least I've never heard of him having the tech smarts to do it. Plus him creating a television show and broadcasting it doesn't sound like him. Whoever is helping Wanda needs extreme tech smarts and a twisted sense of humor, and based upon the HYDRA references in the commercials some connection to HYDRA. MODOK is still the only character I can think of who checks all of those boxes.
  12. I think MODOK could also achieve everything we're seeing, and that would also explain all of the HYDRA references in the commercials. But while a candidate, I also don't think it's him because he seems so ridiculous. If it were him I'm guessing his head is only a little big, not the giant version we see in the comics. But then that confuses him with the Leader that we've already seen in the Incredible Hulk movie, so I dunno. Does anyone know if the upcoming MODOK cartoon is going to be a part of MCU canon?
  13. Some of them could be because we don't know how many people are in the town, but all of the driver's licenses on their board were from the local area, so I would assume none of those were SWORD employees. Plus in that scene you're referencing Herb was the one cutting through the wall and we saw his New Jersey driver's license, although we couldn't read what was on it. The other person in that scene was Agnes, and we have no idea who she was, although most of us are guessing she's Agatha Harkness. If she was a SWORD employee they would have identified her.
  14. I don't either. There's such a deep pool of characters to draw from I'd prefer they pull another character from the comics lore.
  15. All I can think of is Ultron now. If Wanda warps reality, everything else I can think of is something he's capable of doing. But it being him makes so little sense that I still can't fathom him being the one.
  16. Great response, thanks! I'll probably ask follow-ups, but it'll take a while to absorb all the great summarization you did.
  17. We're clear what's going on? I'm definitely not. I can't tell how much of Westview is her doing and how much is someone else, but it does seem clear it's not just her doing everything. For example I'm now convinced it's not her creating the Wandavision commercials--someone else is doing that. And someone is doing the filming. She's not omnsicient, and the scope of what's going on with the show production and broadcasting is well beyond anything I've seen from her in the MCU or comics. That Lagos commercial had an allusion to Wanda accidentally killing all of those people that led to the Sokovia accords. Who would put that in there? Whoever did that has a bizarre sense of humor. Come to think of it, Ultron had that kind of twisted sense of humor...
  18. What am I asking? Obviously the ideal candidate would be his previous creator, Ultron. But who else? I doubt it's him, but he's definitely a candidate.
  19. I'm 90% sure it's someone else as ALL signs both in the show and given what we know about Wanda's powers in the MCU or in the comics suggest she can't just re-create Vision. This is why I'm thinking she may still be working with HYDRA--they told her they could restore his mind, so she fetched the body for them to do it. Which known character from the MCU or comics would be the best candidate for having re-created Vision? It would have to be an EXTREMELY smart character, someone on the level of Stark and Banner. Baron Strucker isn't that guy. MODOK? And why did she tell him they couldn't leave? Is it because he wouldn't work outside of Westview, or is it because she's afraid she's headed to the Raft for taking over the town?
  20. You mean in the same kind of Wandavision presumably-false way that Quicksilver just showed up? That'd be fun.
  21. I didn't feel they had to, but it was definitely interesting to see it confirmed in this episode when she stepped out of Westview. As soon as I saw the name of the town I just assumed this was Wanda's idealized view of the West, so she's speaking in an American accent because that's what they did in the television shows she saw from Sokovia.
  22. I had forgotten Wanda and Pietro were members of HYDRA for most of their lives at the time of Age of Ultron until they mentioned it in this episode. I need to re-watch that, don't think I've seen it for 4+ years now...are we sure she's fully rejected them and isn't working with them in this series? I don't remember now why she flipped and joined the Avengers. I remember her hating Tony Stark but not how she overcame it.
  23. OK, I Googled this and I see they resurrected Coulson and that's why he's on the show. And that's just another reason I'm sure Feige has avoided having anything about the Perlmutter shows in the films...I can't imagine him doing something that hokey and probably did a face palm when he heard Perlmutter was going to let it happen. Comic book characters never really dying is one of the biggest eye-rollingly-bad elements in the history of the medium.
  24. Yep...but it fell flat on me due to the spoilers leaked last week that Evan Peters would be in the series.
  25. Is toughness one of her powers? I read some Avengers in the 80s featuring her, but I forget her power set. I also just remembered that she explicitly said Wanda protected her as she flew through the walls. Was she lying about that to hide her powers? OK, just looked up her power set--I don't see invulnerability or toughness on the list. She can transform herself into any form of energy, but they showed her flying through those walls in slow motion and I didn't see visual signs of her doing that in the moment. That doesn't rule out new abilities in her MCU version.