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Posts posted by alaskanwonder




    Just kidding... but let's keep the plot chat going too!


    **SPOILER ALERT** If you are not current on WD, do not read on!


    So I see that panel from issue 3, what about issue 48?


    Now that I see the panel from issue three, I feel like a rube for not remembering he had a brother!


    This would make so much sense, and would be an awesome twist to the story.


    Additionally, WTF with Jesus. I thought he was a stealth ninja, and he was caught? Seriously?


    True, but was that part of the plan? Or is Jesus just being resourceful? This feels like the Michonne gone missing sequence from the show.

  2. I'm fine with digital now that screen resolution is getting to a stage where even 7" devices are easily readable. Much prefer TPB to digital when it comes to sitting down and enjoying a book but will take the convenience of digital over floppies a lot of the time. My long boxes are in the loft because I have two nippers that could easily cause havoc and a cat that tried to use one of them as a scratching post. Sadly the space they used to occupy has since been filled.


    Doesn't mean I will stop buying real comics.


    Had you ever bought OA before getting into TWD?


    I only got back into collecting about 3 years ago, so WD was my first OA. I have purchased some other OA since however. I bought a panel from The Boys and also a panel from The Cape.


    They are all modern books, but I could see buying some older OA eventually.


    Honestly I have broken way through my budget for comics and am slowing down. The alternative is to sell some books...which I really don't want to do.




    Just kidding... but let's keep the plot chat going too!


    **SPOILER ALERT** If you are not current on WD, do not read on!


    So I see that panel from issue 3, what about issue 48?


    Now that I see the panel from issue three, I feel like a rube for not remembering he had a brother!


    This would make so much sense, and would be an awesome twist to the story.


    Additionally, WTF with Jesus. I thought he was a stealth ninja, and he was caught? Seriously?

  4. does anyone else get giddy (like a school girl) when "newbies" ask you about how to go about reading the book? :)


    I remember when I first came back to comic collection. Walking Dead was about issue 60. Every shop I called suggested that I just buy the trade paper. I don't like trade paper, unless I don't intend to buy the actual comic. So off I went in search of the entire run, with the owner of my LCS calling me crazy.


    It took me about 3 months to piece together the entire run, and now 3 years later I have filled in most of the variants, misprints, and some international printings. I''ve picked up some figures and some trading cards. I've watched the TV show and bought some original art.


    Walking Dead has truly become a cultural icon drawing new people into our hobby.


    For those I run into that now tell me "I want to read the Walking Dead", I suggest either the compendium's, or buy an Ipad and you can download digital copies. While there may be some ethical issues behind digital copies (just like MP3's, tapes, VHS etc, etc.), I argue that you are enticing someone new to pursue the hobby.


    I appreciate that other comic companies (ahheem, Marvel) are trying to build a digital download copy of their books into the print issue, but I think they are missing the boat.


    So, do I get giddy? Absolutely. I love to share the wonderful world of comics whenever I can.


    How do you gent's (used loosely) feel about digital copies of comics?

  5. All of the variants drive me CRAZY!! I love me some Walking Dead, but trying to track down the various variants has proved quite a task. For example both labels for WD1 (white/black), 2nd prints for WD 3


    How many people have gone through the exercise of tracking down every Walking Dead book, with the exception of 1 of a kind copies with sketch art?


    I collect (and own) every one except for a black label #1 (don't see this as a separate version), the 35 error, and the unreleased #100 hero initiative. I'm more intrigued about this #3 2nd print you speak of. Is there such a thing?


    Wow...I guess I was suffering from a late night crazy brain moment. There is not a 2nd print for #3, I have no idea why I said that. The logic behind 2nd prints has been random at best, with the exception of 97-103 with the Negan mural (P.S. I hate that .)


    On the other point of the "Diss". I certainly did not intend to diss anyone's collection habits (unless they entail Magic cards). Ive collected some awesome comics over the years, and some real (see Youngbloods, Savage Dragon, Shadowhawk etc.)


    Walking Dead is certainly its own beast. I made it a point to get to know most of the main characters for the first couple of issues. After about 10 issues with characters meeting their fate in rapid succession I no longer made it a point to memorize characters names...with the exception of the earliest additions. Issue 100 really made me sad, and with Walking Dead you know for sure dead is dead (or undead).


    In any case, I have already gone too far with all of the variants, I will likely continue with all of the variants, 2nd and 3rd prints and Skybound exclusives (100 Lucille foil cover). I really wish I could simply let my obsession rest, but thats why its an obsession.

  6. So I have a general question for this community of Walking Dead collectors.


    With more than 100 issues out now, and 30+ variants, second prints ect., how many of you are completists?


    All of the variants drive me CRAZY!! I love me some Walking Dead, but trying to track down the various variants has proved quite a task. For example both labels for WD1 (white/black), 2nd prints for WD 2,3,7 & 8. Color variants for 34 etc.


    How many people have gone through the exercise of tracking down every Walking Dead book, with the exception of 1 of a kind copies with sketch art?


    TBH - I have sold pretty much all my raw copies - except the keys and a few strays.

    I intend to keep a 9.8 #1 and thats it.

    I love TWD - love it.

    But I also love a high-grade silver age key - which I had no concept of the pleasure of owning one 1 yr ago - and, honestly - holding a really nice Fantastic Four #52 is a wonderful feeling.

    Credit where it is due - without TWD being awesome, and valuable - that would never have happened.

    I will always love this comic/show - but besides #1 I feel a 'gold/silver' key will not let me down financially.

    I'm still snapping up every cheap #92 I can find though!

    If this sound weird - it's not - I really value TWD for getting me back into comics - I will always have all the TPB's and the shows on hard-drive...but I'm really feeling the love for the '60's books i read as i was growing up.

    Cathartic moment 101... lol


    While I did not grow up in the wonderful silver age of comics, I do agree with you that the books were better and the stories were better.


    Over the last 4 years I built an entire Xmen run (low grade) and picked up Avengers 1, Hulk 1, Xmen 1, Ironman 1, Fantastic Four 1, Thor 126, Captain America 100-112 and Avengers 4!


    I still have some key books I really want, and will continue to track them until I buy a copy. Af 15, Spidey 1, Journey Into Mystery 83, Tales of Suspense 39, FF 12, 48-52, Spidey 5, 50 etc, etc.


    I love the silver age and will continue to pick up books from time to time.

  7. So I have a general question for this community of Walking Dead collectors.


    With more than 100 issues out now, and 30+ variants, second prints ect., how many of you are completists?


    All of the variants drive me CRAZY!! I love me some Walking Dead, but trying to track down the various variants has proved quite a task. For example both labels for WD1 (white/black), 2nd prints for WD 2,3,7 & 8. Color variants for 34 etc.


    How many people have gone through the exercise of tracking down every Walking Dead book, with the exception of 1 of a kind copies with sketch art?


    My guess, not many. I consider myself a die hard and a completist, but obtaining EVERY book is no easy feat. Especially now with the spike in prices. It's a money game now. If you've got the cash...sure, easy. If not...gonna take some time to earn that achievement.


    Currently I am only missing #7 2nd print, 100 1:200 b/w cover.


    I've gone to great lengths over the last 3 years to track down as many variants as possible, however I wonder if there is not a current price bubble in modern book pricing and whether the bottom will drop out eventually.


    I've only been back into collecting for about 3 years and what a time to get back in!

  8. So I have a general question for this community of Walking Dead collectors.


    With more than 100 issues out now, and 30+ variants, second prints ect., how many of you are completists?


    All of the variants drive me CRAZY!! I love me some Walking Dead, but trying to track down the various variants has proved quite a task. For example both labels for WD1 (white/black), 2nd prints for WD 2,3,7 & 8. Color variants for 34 etc.


    How many people have gone through the exercise of tracking down every Walking Dead book, with the exception of 1 of a kind copies with sketch art?

  9. First off, Jerry is one of the most passionate WD OA collectors on the boards. He mentioned that you can get better pieces on the secondary market than you can from Mark for better prices. No malice in that, I guarantee that if you put up most of the pages from 105 you will not recoup your investment. People will buy from Mark because of his reputation and people like buying from the source. I have no problem with any price he can get, and I would rather see it in Mr. Adlards pocket than anyone else's. The pricing has passed flipper prices, and now is in monopoly pricing. All the power to him, but it just isn't in line with secondary market values.





    Does anyone ever see pages (no matter how plain or boring) go for less than $150 anywhere?


    not now...


    but I would think Mark would accept an offer of $125 from you on this :P





    (@retro nice)



    I've tried to negotiate with Mark as a repeat customer, and even when you are willing to spend more than $1000 he is now willing to budge 5-10%. I think that WD OA is so hot right now that he just does not need to negotiate with anyone but just wait out the market and eventually he will get his price.

  10. On an entirely unrelated note to any of the last 20 pages, I wanted to get a general feel for Raw vs. CGC (blue) vs. CGC (Yellow - purchased, not witnessed sig's) for collectors.


    I have quite a few books, about 15 long boxes and I just got back into collecting about 2 years ago. None of my modern stuff if slabbed. I am a bit of a completest, so I have almost every Walking Dead book printed. I have tried to educate myself on best practices for storage and archiving your books. I put most all of my books in MyLite+'s with BCW modern size boards. I then put them in hard side PVC top loaders and store them separately from my long box runs.


    I do have about 20 slabbed books, both CGC and PGX and I store them in a separate box, but again nothing modern.


    As I said above, I am a big Walking Dead fan, however I am afraid that the modern age of books is experiencing a run up in pricing and eventually the bottom will fall out. I have watched WD 19, 27, & 61 creep up in price as they are somewhat milestone events for the book, and with such recent modern books rising in price so rapidly, I am simply concerned that we are in a collectors bubble (see 1990's). With that said, is it worth having modern books slabbed? Why or why not? How do you care for or store your books? What are your thoughts on the modern age book prices?

  11. Feb. cover date is a second printing as far as I knew.


    The Feb. printing is definitely a second print. I have both the first and second printings of Walking Dead #2, and you can clearly tell the difference by looking at the cover.


    The only books you cannot tell a difference between are the 2nd prints of Walking Dead 7 & 8. The covers are the same, the printing months are also identical. The only way to differentiate a 1st from a 2nd printing is to look inside the front cover for the print run which will read either 1st or 2nd.



  12. Even with a new issue out all that gets talked about in this thread is original art. :P

    sorry to veer off topic :signofftopic:

    Just really liked to cover to 105 . Again good read. Negan is growing on me and I kinda like him. It would seem we are in for alot of surprises in the next couple issues.

    Also Carl is Bada$$


    What's wrong with talking OA? :boo:


    I loved the artwork in this issue...might even pay Mark's bandit market prices for a page hm


    Mark's prices may seem a bit high, but remember that there is only one original. Also, this is part of CA's income, so I don't feel too bad about the prices. Better than $20k for Ebay prices.

  13. I am fairly new to the community, however I am having an issue with a purchase I made recently and wanted some community feedback.


    I know that there is a probation board, however you are requested to wait 30 days before you put the other member up for consideration for "probation" or "Hall of Shame" status.


    I reached an agreement with the other party via PM on 08/13/11. He sent me an invoice and I paid it on 08/14/11.


    The seller has not been in touch with me since that time. I have sent them 5 PM's and also responded to our PM thread.


    I sent him an Email based upon what he was registered under on PayPal. I don't want to be a , but I'm becoming concerned that they took the money and ran.


    Any other ideas?