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Everything posted by Buzzetta

  1. I wish the link was still active to see what the eBay name was.
  2. Here are the instructions. https://www.lego.com/biassets/bi/6284412.pdf I just went through them and there is absolutely nothing in that set that is uncommon or rare. I already have most of the parts. If I didn't have so much going on and want to take a break from buying and selling, I would honestly source enough for 2-3 models, keep 1 and sell off the other two to make the money back for the set I was keeping. EDIT: If you scroll down the instructions have the parts in the quantity that they are needed as well as the code that Bricklink uses for each part. There is a feature also on Bricklink that does the searching for you to get the majority of what you are looking for from one seller to make it as cheap as possible. It is not always effective but it works some of the time.
  3. I fear that this is going to get all sorts of worse. What is this guy's eBay account and what other groups or forums does he sell on? How many fake Ditko books are out there that at one point passed through his hands? Honestly, this is like when any member of law enforcement or member of the judiciary is caught taking a bribe or doing something dishonest in a case. It has now thrown every other legal event they have been involved in into question.
  4. Have you seen the post I took of my basement storage room of Lego? I get rid of the boxes. If I kept them I would need triple the size. But yeah, when the Batman Tumbler was retired in 2007... I never got around to getting it. The set was selling for about $150 used. So, I ordered the parts on bricklink for about $75 shipped. I used instructions that I found online and "BOOM" Tumbler ! But, people would still prefer to buy it all at once. There was one guy on eBay that also realized this and he was sourcing all the parts to build Batman Tumblers and then selling them as whole models without instructions or stickers for twice what it cost to source the parts. I also want to point to the forum that sometimes I am typing on my phone or iPad and sometimes I am typing on my computer. While I will make typos and other mistakes under both situations, I think the forum can figure out which device I am using based on the quantity and depth of mistakes. I just looked at what I wrote through your quote and I cringed.
  5. That I did not know. i think the Funko idea is brilliant to be honest. @kav is basing his assessment on funks by comic collecting and collectibles that he knows. Therein lies the mistake. I have one that would really drive him nuts, Lego set collecting. Even I cannot figure that out. By comic or most other collectible every LEGO set should sell for the avg bulk price of LEGO which falls at about 10-15 cents a brick. However when certain bricks are put together in certain combinations I can charge much much more for that. Keep in mind that I can usually source the parts needed to build something from many other sets. Nothing is in short supply, nothing is rare, but the LEGO aftermarket has been strong since people started trading over the internet. LEGO itself knows this and puts their instructions online for free making it kind of unnecessary to buy even new LEGO sets off the shelf. yet the market thrives on the majority of used sets.
  6. I will wait until you place that disclaimer in your next sales thread and invite myself and others giving us cart blanche to comment. Remember, what FMV is to one, is not FMV to another. With that said, I am sure this thread will go on for a few more pages, however I look forward to the future and hopefully am provided a free ticket to the circus. See you there.
  7. Nope... here is how this will go. If you set up a sales thread inviting comments on your pricing, I will make sure to stop by and comment on anything and everything I see fit to comment on. so set up the thread. Price your stuff and if myself or anyone finds anything disagreeable according to our standards we will take you up on the invite and comment away. Hey, maybe it will be the greatest sales thread ever... or it will be a circus. Either way, if you invite me, I am bringing my clown nose because I love a good circus. but... only if I am invited. nighty night
  8. Not a threat... I want to see how it goes. Set up a legitimate for sale thread and publicly state that you will allow any and all discussion. Let’s see how it goes. Let’s see what happens.
  9. 1 - Ohhhh you mentioned 'pre-graded' books also. So I will start off with that. Also as you have stated not even all 9.8's are created the same. I know how to needle and pick. I will be a discerning buyer. 2 - Nope... not irrelevant. If there are 10 sales in the month of June I am going to cite the lowest in relation to your pricing. 3 - Tell me... as a buyer... are you paying tax like you are forced to on most transaction on eBay? Seems that these boards are already saving buyers some money... but we can debate that in your thread. I will follow you and wait for your next sales thread to see if you not only put your boots on but can walk around in them.
  10. WHOA... WHOA... WHOA... Now you are speaking with the tongue of the devil.
  11. Is it though? Is it no the same as what you are asking people to consider? Because to make it easy for you, I will outline what I am going to do... I am going to question your grading skills. The higher the grade the higher the value. I don't know you. I want to see every page, nook and cranny of the book to determine if we have truly reached what you believe to be a FMV. I am going to cite examples of when a book sold for less. I am going to cite associated fees and charges that you do not have to pay by putting things on this platform rather than others and why a part of that discount should be further passed down to me as the buyer. I can do a few other things but I will save that for game time.
  12. I don't usually sell here. I get more for my books on Clink and eBay... when I sell. But again, it is sour grapes... because what one person thinks is a fair price another person says is unfair. My reading comprehension skills are pretty off the charts stellar... which is easily demonstrated by immediately assessing you as entitled. Tell you what. The next time that you have a selling thread, tag me in it and say that any and all comments regarding price are allowable. Watch what type of circus I turn your thread into. Because even if you have $100 books priced at $50, I will bombard you with all sorts of reasons that you should only be charging $25.
  13. The only one that really matters outside the Ripken FFace BBCard... BTW... my biggest mistake was having Cal sign a ball with a black pen. Black never ages well... blue ages far better... what did I know? I kind of have to replace the ball as well.
  14. Well... kind of except for me.. sometimes. I know I am always on the high end of the spectrum on everything. If it doesn't sell here I move it someplace else and will even raise the price sometimes and it will sell. Selling Lego sets here (even SW and Superhero sets) never usually works out. However, I raise the prices sometimes and put them on eBay or the Facebook lego groups and outline how I am going to ship them and break down the sets... People are more than happy to deal with someone like me and pay that premium.
  15. Really sounds like you have sour grapes because you cannot get things at the prices you want to pay for them. Hey, I'd like a Cap 1 but I am fresh out of $150k at the moment. You don't like the price then move on. If you do not buy it someone else will. If no one else buys it then the seller will come down in price. That's basically how this works. You have this sense of entitlement where you feel as if people must come to you at a price you feel is 'right'. You might win me over if we were talking about necessities like food or housing. However you are complaining that you cant get old newsprint for a price you feel is fair.
  16. No idea... but I am in the market for a Mattingly or Ripken Bat. I'm thinking of it.
  17. The hooks for Alpine are pretty easy to find and replace even if you did not have a spare. However, the grapple gun on Alpine is quite hard to find without a broken 'rope' That plastic wire part has not aged well. Good pickup.
  18. When that happens a market correction occurs as sellers scramble to lower their prices to sell things off to whoever remains. As far as strong words. I stand by them.
  19. There is no such thing as FMV when it comes to collectables. Price it the way you want. If I think it is worth spending money on, I will buy it... if not, oh well. At that point the seller has to decide how badly he wants money. If he really wants money he will lower it. If not, oh well. But sometimes people are looking for steals and fire sales on the boards and sometimes you might stumble into one. Chances are though that while you are tire kicking and trying to get $20 off to make sure you get what you consider FMV, someone else might swoop in and not mind paying the $20 extra. I did this last October. I went through Rip's thread and saw he was offering an ASM 31 for $150 that was pending some private negotiation. What were they negotiating over? $25? I took it for $150 while it was 'pending'. Someone felt that the book was not worth $150. I did. FMV is relative. Offer books at whatever you want to offer them at. If no one buys it then consider lowering your price if you really want money. If not, then keep the book. But, I really shake my head at threadcrapping over the price of an item. You don't like it, move on, or get out of the hobby. You are not entitled to anything either as a seller or buyer. The only threadcrapping that is more than acceptable has been when someone says that it is signed by Ditko and people say, "hold on". If something is advertised as being the only one on census, yet there are 32 others then say something. If someone says that there is no color touch but that can clearly be seen from the images then say something. Then you have a responsibility to say something even if the guy says he is going to law school and is going to sue you for libel and slander. (Shout out to @lizards2 for taking that kid to school... that was fun.)
  20. Now I feel we have to have a watch party for A Bronx Tale..
  21. He still doesn't get it. He keeps deflecting and saying, "But look at that". We are both wasting our breath and I do not know who is more sad, him, or us for correcting his misguided deflections.
  22. Like I said, 'if' he did this then he is wrong. But you still don't get it which is sad. I don't care about Stan Lee. I don't care about Bruce Lee. I don't care about George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, the cast of Hamilton or Fort Hamilton Parkway in good old Brooklyn New York. You keep bringing up Stan Lee. "But look what Stan Lee might have done." It doesn't matter what Stan Lee did or didn't do. It doesn't matter what anyone else did or didn't do. The issue is IF (Want to make sure you see that word) the Kirby's accepted money for Jack to sign books, and his wife signed them instead, then that is fraud. You keep asking me to show you Stan Lee threads and defenders... and I say who gives a pumpkin pie about that? That's not the issue. Who cares... start a Stan Lee thread and debate that there and if Stan had his daughter or handlers sign his name for him then that is also fraud. I"ll say the same thing there if it makes you pull the sheets up to your chin and sleep easy at night. If Roz signed Jack's name as Jack for financial compensation it is fraud. Who cares what anyone else did? If you were truly familiar with the scene... you would get it.
  23. I’ve got to be honest. You response is not really worth reading. I read the first three lines and immediately realized that you didn’t care to read or comprehend my response. I said “if”. If it happened as described then it is fraud. And no, stop deflecting, it does not matter if others engaged in fraud. If you engage in a fraudulent activity you committed fraud. You can tell yourself whatever you want to satisfy your idolization. However the reality is that the definition of fraud doesn’t change because you want to protect a hero of yours... “if” he did as described. And while we are on that topic... You ever see ‘A Bronx Tale’? Go ask your father if Jack Kirby will pay the rent.