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Everything posted by miraclemet

  1. 3+ pages about TV shows? Someone get the mods to move this to Water Cooler! [kidding!]
  2. cause what he doesnt want is for the first box he sells (and ships) to have the SS in it ("Wahoo I got the Stan Lee!) and then see his sales thread dry up cause it's already popped its proverbial cherry.
  3. What are the opinions based on the shown books... Would $100 be a fair mystery box price if there was no "chase" book? The previous raffle was a problem because there were winners and losers winners got a book worth more than they paid, losers got a book worth less. If the boxes are worth $100 without the chase book then I think it's ok cause people are still buying the boxes and will be happy even if they dont get the Stan Lee SS. But Im not a big modern buyer, so Im not sure if the value is there. As far as the "must sell all" for the sale to be legit. I guess it's ok. Seller sets the rules, though I know some people don't want to bother getting engaged in something if they arent sure its definitely going to happen... There will likely be some tipping point when it gets up to 12-15 of the boxes taken and then (when people see that it is going to happen) they jump on and get it to the 20 mark. the "all 20 must sell" thing does give me pause becuase its basically him saying "if I dont get rid of all of this stuff I dont want to have to give up the Stan Lee SS" which again makes it seem a little more like a raffle and less like a straight mystery box sale.
  4. I was just posting during my lunch break and didn't have time to scan. All scans are posted now. no criticism! Really I loved it! (I knew you were gonna post scans)
  5. Anyone take offense to posting in the water cooler? I pm arch but nothing back. go for it. at worst it gets disappeared. I seriously doubt they'd give a strike for it.
  6. the slacker in me loves the low effort nature of this sales thread. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=7600877#Post7600877 I am not being sarcastic, I really do love it.
  7. ty kindly for the information. I just looked at RAW #1's and their numbers must be way off stating value of 2,800.00 for a 2.0 FYI: OSPG 2.0 raw is $850 (granted that's in the 40th edition so a few years old).
  8. Also those two staples look like they've been thru completely different conditions. Bottom looks right in terms of discoloration (considering the rest of the book), while the top staple is in MUCH BETTER condition than the rest of the book. hmmmm
  9. I think if you arent going to be on the boards pretty regularly and consistently (as paul747 said, some PMs went unread for a while) then the sales should be conducted in the sales thread since they are all public and everyone can see the status of availability. If you say you have three, then the first three "I'll take it"s get the books and everyone sees it. If you are online often-all the time then doing transactions via PM (with the OP consistently updating the thread) works. It just seems like doing the transactions via PM is more work than whatever benefits it might have (and what are those benefits?) but as we all say.. seller gets to do sales their way...
  10. Barely, I got a PM to confirm a deal was pending. The deal is done pending payment. That way, if he didn't receive payment, he'd have other buyers lined up. But that's not fair to the other buyers that think they have a book only to find out later on - they don't. And his "I'll think twice before selling here again." "He made it safe for himself by not updating his thread to still be soliciting potential buyers even though the books hadn't had been sold." think you meant that... (lining up more buyers even though the books had been sold (pending payment). I hadnt thought of that point, and yeah its a bit of a "talking out of both sides of your mouth" move to have the thread (for a hot book) continue to look like they are available while you have more than enough interested buyers to sell the books multiple times over. Also the "pending payment" thing is kind of silly. All threads books are sold and then payment is made, its not like the second someone puts up a funds magicly transfer via paypal. So to have all books look like they are still available until funds are received is definitely not the way 99% of sales threads work here. I had some PMs with the seller to talk about how sales threads are run, how they should be run if he wants to continue to go the "all transactions and claims occur via PM", and he seemed receptive. Harvey I said the same thing, that if he's doing everything in PMs then he's on the hook to be quick to update threads with book availability status. And if he doesn't intend to honor any :takeit:s in threads then he should state that in his rules since thats the assumed typical practice (even when the OP says to PM with interest)
  11. I don't know that I've ever seen a sales thread posted that was specifically directed to only PM about purchases, but its the sellers discretion. I would say that if a seller is looking to run a thread that way s/he needs to be very timely in updating their sales thread with the current available inventory vs what has been taken via PMs. I could see a scenario where a book was sold (pending payment) thus having all the books sod, payment was not made, or the buyer backed out and one of the books was made available again. Again when a sales thread is done in public its easy cause there's transparancy. If its all done in PMs then its the Sellers job to keep potential buyers up to date and the thread up to date. . Also Im not a big fan of going back and making changes to the original posting, just do it in sequence. Keeps everything chronological.
  12. What were his rules before he started editing his first post? Right now they all say "PM if interested" and "PM for details" but Im guessing that was editied to read as such after you raised your concern. What did it say before. Did it even mention the ?
  13. if he's half as interesting as his kudos thread he's a CAL in the making....(just from the confusing 1st/3rd person referencing!)
  14. Agreed... I dont have an issue with him citing that sales data on the 3.0...its the cherry picking of the $400 sale of the 2.5 that seems leading... (and as a side note, do people bump value between OW and OW/W? I guess I've only really noticed people paying "top market" for white pages, and below that grade being less decisive between the whimsical differences between OW and OW/W... now Cream is another matter...
  15. I'm new to GPA but I mean come on. The $315 sale for a 4.0 was not all that recent. October is what, five months. And a 3.0 sold two months ago for $385. Is it over priced? Yes, but only by like $50. Im fine with it being its price, just dont use GPA as a way to convince the buyer that your price is market representative if you arent going to use the data evenly. He makes a point to mention the (not most recent) sale of a 2.5 for $400...but doenst mention that the last sale of a 2.5 was was $340 (which I think still supports his price for a well presenting copy) So he is just cherry picking highest sales to justify his price. And October is not all that long ago... I wouldnt have batted an eye if he'd just said 90 day GPA for the grade is ____, but he cherry picked price points to convince the seller of something. Pick a point (90 day, 12 month, last sale) and stick with it.
  16. Well I hope I don't get smacked for "bashing" but we have another case of "selective GPA use" http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=7588350&Main=336249#Post7588350 Funny he doesn't mention that a 4.0 recently sold for $315... If he just made his case that it was a great presenting 3.0 (which it is) and thus his premium asking price...
  17. Thanks for sharing! Those Avon and Charlton titles are great, and still very affordable when they come up in auctions. I had my eye on a few early ones in CLINK last month, but was holding out hope for the Space Western... now alas, this month there's nary a GA Sci-Fi cover in CLINK...
  18. Just arrived from last months CLINK auction. I've been on the look out for a Stan Lee SS that was priced under the "cost to create" amount for a Stan Lee book (at minimum $150 or so thru DWC for a non-modern book). So I had my eye on this book. Ended up getting it for $141 total out the door, so I felt good on the price, espcially considering that it was on a Golden Age Sci-Fi cover, and one of my favorite pre-hero Tales of Suspense covers ever. I love the reds and yellows in the cover, and the contrasting grey people running in horror. One question; while the aliens have advanced flying saucer technology, and some sort of laser guns and translator technology... they still have to climb down a ROPE LADDER to get out of their saucer? I kid, but I do also love that this is an older Stan Lee signature (2009 was 5 years ago man!) so Stan was not quite in "autograph churn factory" mode, and still took the time to sign his full name, with a legible "L" in Lee and either placed it well, or stayed in the window box. And luckily it was a medium tip sharpie, not those fat tips he uses now that just creates a blob of silver. Now I've got my Stan signature I can move on to other targets. I missed out on a Space Western #43 copy (in 7.0). Sold for $231, which was past my $200 target. The 7.0 is second highest, but I just couldnt get a bead on a reasonable price for the copy since the only public sales were a pedigree 9.6 ($900) and a 4.0 for $65 back in 2010. Based on values of surrounding issues (42 and 44) that had sales of a 6.5 at $100 and the harder to find #44 had a 6.0 sale at $278, I thought low to mid $200s was right, but I had someone bidding against me, and I decided to just bail out and go after other Sci-fi books in upcoming auctions. Really targeting the $200 mid-grade copies, so trying to stick to my budgetary guns.
  19. Officially no... But be very careful how you handle it as a ton can go wrong : Books in bad shape Not enough to cover requests Etc Gl! +1
  20. Wayne's a good guy and a good seller. Buy with confidence!
  21. 4 total on census, and there's the highest. Heck there hasnt even been a recorded sale on GPA!
  22. oceanavekid; understand that this community doesnt take very well to misrepresentation of interest for the sake of profit. In the past we've had major blow ups when someone begged and pleaded to buy a book, begged and pleaded more to get a price down below the listed price, made claims about it "going in his collection forever" and so on... only to see it end up for sale a few days/weeks (or far less sometimes) later. We've also had a relatively new member come in, take some PIF offerings, beg for some books at below market rates (availing themselves to members senses of charity) and then "get out of comics" a month later trying to sell everything all in one lump on ebay. And let's not forget about the 12 year old. So understand that while all you did is what you did, the other members here have experienced a wide range of less than stand up behavior in the past that makes them/us a bit jaded and suspicious.
  23. Show 'em if you got 'em. Here's mine, also not high grade (VG+ish) but lovely subject matter