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Everything posted by miraclemet

  1. Did you think about just making a $100 offer on the whole box once you saw a few "hits"? (assuming he/she charged you $2 per book you would have come out even further ahead). I find a lot of times people like the clean sweep offer even if its for less money total just to get it sold. Plus there's something about offering $100 that makes people jump..
  2. My first Mag.... I love these Spirit Magazine covers, the colors are just great...
  3. If Thanos appeared in a Walking Dead comic would the Marketplace forums implode?
  4. Just won my first CGCed magazine on ebay. I've loved these painted spirit covers since I first laid eyes on them... cant wait to have it in hand...
  5. uh oh this is headed towards something that came up in another CG thread...
  6. for some reason I hear Liam Neeso in Taken during this.. ... what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you....
  7. damn allergies... it got dusty up in here real fast...
  8. they look like regular picture frame holders (some stores call them easels) I see them at Michael's all the time.
  9. the bidding account activity doesnt look shilly... it looks under-used (its the only auction he bid on in the last month) but maybe he/she's just a high grade duck collector and he doesnt have a lot of holes to fill? price seemed to fall in line with gpa of other books around it grade wise. Sparklecity auctions seem to get lots of attention so its unlikely to lead to a "deal" cause theres always someone else out there looking for a deal too... Maybe this guy owns a higher grade version of the book and was "price supporting" his own book (seen that done before), or maybe he owns a lower grade book that he's trying to help inflate that price... all speculation, in the end it doesnt look like a shill account (multiple auctions with same seller, rarely winning, only bidding on one seller's auctions)... just an infrequent one.
  10. Picked up my third Lady in White in the Dark Mansions of Forbidden Love line from Cimm and have almost a full set now! some great greytone action
  11. Between my 70s Horror and this book my Neal Adams Collection is coming around....
  12. Would like to suggest renaming The Copper/Modern sales thread to "The Walking Dead Sales Thread"
  13. It did? Did I sleep thru the Zombie apocalypse? I could have swore it was made up...
  14. great books Pete! that Marvel 1st issues registry is gonna be a beauty!
  15. My Gothic Horror/Lady in (usually) White Collection got 5 new additions this week... For those of you scoring at home (and if not, try flowers!) Thats 3 Adams, 1 Jones and 1 Kaluta cover!
  16. Just got my first Neal Adams sig series in the mail! Thanks Jeremy! (50s horror buff)
  17. Just arrived today from getslabbed.com Wonder what had to happen to make a file copy end up with CR-OW pages.... Also 1st appearance of George of the Jungle!
  18. on the run from the Sinister House of Secret Love So far most of my purchases have been of the mid-grade affordable variety (lots of 8.0s and up to some more affordable 9.4s). When I saw this high grade puppy I had to bite. There are two main gothic horror titles Sinister House of Secret Love and Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love. Each title lasted 4 issues. Dark Mansion turned into "Forbidden tales of the Dark Mansion" while Sinister House turned into "Secrets of Sinister House" with both titles losing the "love" component of their title and focusing back on the more typical horror elements of the stories. The Sinister House of Secret Love #4 had art and cover work done by Tony DeZuniga, with his wife contributing story work inside the issue. Tony was part of the Filipino group of artists that came to prominence in the 70s at DC. One of his first works was a story he penciled and inked in House of Mystery 188. One of his greatest contributions to DC was co-creating Jonah Hex with John Albano. With that background lets look at the cover elements in Sinister House of Secret Love #4. - Our cover revolves around the iconic Lady in White, who is on the run from a shadowy thread. - We have the standard architectural component. It is a more amorphous structure, there is a tower, and some stone staircase but the building is not quite obvious. - Our damsel is facing many threats on the cover. There is of course the hooded, caped figure running towards her, but the statuary our damsel is running thru also has a threatening feel to it. Whether the snake and goblin (in green in the foreground) are real or stone is less certain. - We have our lit doorway helping to outline the threat, as well as to add some additional color to the cover. - This is one of the most comic-booky covers in term of the line the artist uses and the coloring used. It is not painted, nor is it as "hashy/sketchy" as some other covers (most notably Neal Adams). - The title itself "The Sinister House" has a mod feel to it, very 70s in design. Lacking any sort of "creepiness" a'la a House of Secrets or House of Mystery. - Our damsels white gown (possibly a night gown? is flowing behind her, the motion of the moment being helped by the flowing shawl/cape she has wrapped around her shoulders. - We have green mist circling our scene adding to the sinister atmosphere. - One thing I did not realize until I got my issue in hands is that the cover background is not white. I always assumed I was seeing either a yellowing with age, or an artifact of the scanning. But in fact the outside edge of the book is cream colored intentionally as far as I can tell. If someone has a pure white copy that proves otherwise I would love to hear about it. - The final element I wanted to touch on was this framing done around the image (the rounded corner frame) which encapsulates our scene, save for the jutting out steeple of the "mansion". The design adds to the slightly more "pop" nature of the cover, along with the 70s styled font of the title at the top. The last thing I will point out is less about the elements of the cover, and more about the impact of the design on the comics "presentability". Having the large frame running so closely along three of the four edges (left right and bottom) makes it difficult to find a perfectly centered, non slanted copy. Even the slightest angle is amazingly apparent when viewed because of this frame. Also with the placement of the "DC" at tht top left, and the "52 Big pages" circle at right top edge leaves almost zero room for error in centering. A centimeter to the left and you cut off the D, a centimeter to the right and you've cut into the 25 cent circle. Even this issue has the right edge barely cutting into the outer rim of the circle. I cant imagine there is an example out there with a complete price circle that does not cut off part of the D in DC. Because of the difficulty finding a well centered version of this book (after buying this copy I did stumble across another one for sale at 8.5 condition, but the centering was far more problematic) I jumped at this one. I have seen a high grade example of this book with both the full circle and the full DC, but it actually looks like the cover has to be slightly larger (otherwise how did they both fit?) or the wrap left more paper for the front cover than the back cover. Either way, I am loving this book, and can't wait to add more from the two core gothic horror DC titles as they become available!
  19. As some of you know I'm working on a "Lady in White" gothic horror themed collection. Well one of the Jewels arrived today thanks to Sterling here on the forums. My first addition from the true gothic horror titles Sinister House of Secret Love #4 in 9.4 What I love about this particular example is the spot on centering, which is so hard to find, and so obvious when it is off... Thanks again Sterling!
  20. Soooo crazy. There is just one Avenger comic I want, and its cause I love the cover (#63). I put in a low bid on the Twin Cities ped one on Heritage a few weeks back, and figured I would quickly get outbid... apparently not (checked HA today and it told me I had an invoice past due.. wha? checked and there it was). Just an 8.5, but its my first pedigree book and its of my favorite avengers cover (just need to get a #92 now and I'll be Avengers set for life)
  21. hmmm the slab I found online did not have the "classic cover" designation.... must have been a mistake adding it...