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Everything posted by miraclemet

  1. all good points snake... would have mistaken you for a Gainesville man if not for that horrendous picture in your sig line no really. If you start a sales thread, and then caught in the tsunami of one of the big budget sucking threads like Foolkiller's its best to just take what you get and plan on reposting the leftovers in a few weeks once everyone's budget has recovered/recuperated. And yes being crass in your own sales thread doesn't make for a lot of sales...
  2. Is there a general consensus about the best time to run a sale here? ebay has the Sunday night furror, but is it the same here? I know the setting is a little more different (sales thread vs auction coming to an end, time to see threads in off hours), but generally are evenings better than daytmie, weekends better than week days? Just curious....
  3. Once I have my last book in I'll be running a Raw & CGC slabbed Star Wars (Marvel) sales thread with my collection of SW books. Collection includes a 9.4 #1 and #108 as well as some CGCed 9.8s and some raw 9.6/9.8 books
  4. ok fess up, how long did everyone stare at this thinking "whens something going to happen" ...cause I sure did....
  5. So is the only way for someone to get off the Probation list to rectify the transaction that put them on the probation list in the first place?
  6. ESPN: Those Guys Have All the Fun (which they have time for since they didn't seem to attend any sexual harassment training...)
  7. which drawer is the "regular sized" one? I cant see a difference between the three.
  8. who wants to look at the back of a comic book? I like having an inventory scan of my comic books, both the front and back covers. BUT when I want to enjoy scrolling through my slideshow of books, Im not really interested in looking at back covers. Unfortunately I cant "unselect" or "choose" which images do/don't go to my slideshow, so I have just gone through and deleted all of my back covers. I still have them all over in Photobucket if I ever need them, but for here they didn't serve a purpose. Anyone else enjoy their slideshows?
  9. Thanks Arch, I'll try that, but it seems to be doing it even when I just use the journal entry page over at the Registry site.
  10. Face + Palm = Facepalm HELLO I NEED SOME HELP IF YOU WOULD? PLEASE. Help 1. Don't use all caps. Help 2. Use paragraph breaks where appropriate. I SENT 3 1977 #1 STAR WARS IN FOR GRADING.I TOOK PICTURES OF THEM BEFOR I SENT THEM. I RECIEVED THEM YESTERDAY SATURDAY 14TH JANUARY 2012.THE CONDITION IS NOT WHAT I SENT TO THEM, OR THEY HAVE BEEN EXCHANGED, OR THEY WERE DAMAGED IN THE MAIL ON THE WAY THERE AS I DID INSURE THEM. If your books were shipped the way they suggest then they likely weren't damaged in the mail. Do you want to post the before and after photos to make your point better? You don't mention how you shipped them. Can you describe how you shipped the books? I assume you had them individually bagged and boarded. Were they also sandwiched between two solid pieces of cardboard? Did the books go into a box or an envelope? I PAID FOR A 20 DAY TURNAROUND IT TOOK 34 DAYS.(THE PRICE FOR A 40 DAY TURNAROUND IS MUCH CHEAPER) WHY WAS I CHARGED FOR A 20 DAY? You paid for Economy fast track, which has an "estimated turnaround" of 20 days. Note the word "estimated". What you are really paying for is a better place in the queue of books to be graded. If you checked the web/ messages boards you'd see that CGC is currently behind their estimates, and that 34 days is pretty close to what other people are noting in their experiences. The 40 day books are taking 60+ days to process. If you had paid for Economy (estimated 40 day turnaround) you would still be waiting for your books. THIS IS MY FIRST TIME SUBMITTING COMICS. ON THE INVOICE THEY ASKED ME WHAT THE VALUE WAS AND I WROTE ON THE INVOICE NOT SURE UNTILL THEY ARE GRADED. HOW DO YOU KNOW THE VALUE UNTILL THEY ARE GRADED. THEY CHARGED MY CREDIT CARD FOR THE INSURANCE BEFORE THEY GRADED THEM. I PAYED FOR $900 THE VALUE CGC PUT ON MY COMICS.does this make sense to you? THEY DONT NO THE VALUE THEMSELVES, BUT IT'S OK BECAUSE THEY CHARGE MY CREDIT CARD, WHY SHOULD THEY CARE IT'S NOT THERE MONEY. I'm a bit confused about this. They charged you $900 for three comics to be graded via Economy Fast Track? Or do you mean they charged you whatever it cost to insure them up to $900? I'm going to assume the second one. There are many ways to determine value of a book. Overstreet Price Guide is one way, Comicspriceguide.com (which has ads right on the CGC website), or even an eBay search to see what people will pay for a book in similar condition to yours. CGC has a max value for books to be eligible for various levels of grading services. Books that are worth more than $300 are not eligible for Economy Fast Track, which is why they ask about the value. They didn't estimate the value, just defaulted to the max value eligible for the level of service you paid for. If you thought they were worth less (and therefore should have been insured for less) you should have noted that on the form. Then CGC would have used that amount for the return shipping insurance. BEING MY FIRST TIME AND A NEW COUSTOMER WHY WOULD THEY NOT CALL ME WHEN THEY RECIEVED MY 3 COMICS. THANK ME FOR GIVING MY BUINESS TO THEM, AND WOULD IT HURT TO SAY RON THE COMICS YOU SENT US ARE IN BAD SHAPE THEY ARE NOT WORTH THE MONEY YOU ARE SPENDING TO GET THEM GRADED, THEN I COULD SAY WAIT THERES SOMTHING WRONG AND SEND THEM THE PICTURES I TOOK OF THEM, PROBLEM SOLVED WE KNOW THE DAMAGE WAS FROM THE POSTMAN.THEY ARE INSURED. I believe CGC would contact a customer if a box arrived damage/wet/torn open, where it looked like USPS had damaged the box in transit. Wanting CGC to call each customer as packages are received only increases the amount of time it takes for books to be processed. So do you want books faster or higher level of customer service and slower (and likely also then at higher prices to process). As far as a book's "worthiness" for slabbing, that is up to us, not up to CGC. I know people get childhood books slabbed with no interest in what the books condition is, but rather just to preserve the book. Again if CGC were to do some sort of value assessment (which would then mean that they would also need to know what you paid for the book... maybe the book is only worth $50 slabbed in its condition, but you got it for free, so if you sell it, you are $5 ahead) all this would take time, again affecting your first complaint, slower than estimated turnaround. AND WHY DID THEY NOT CALL ME AND INFORME ME THAT THEY WOULD NOT BE DONE IN THE 20 DAYS IT WILL TAKE ANOTHER 14DAYS. THEY COULD APPOLIGIZE YOU KNOW COUSTOMER SERVICE. THEY HAVE NEVER CONTACTED ME, NOR WAS THERE A NOTE IN THE BOX THANKING ME. COMMON THEY CHARGE ME THE PRICE FOR A 20 DAY TURNAROUND BUT I GET THE 40 DAY SERVICE. HOW CAN THEY NOT SAY SOMTHING TO ME.IF THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT OVER CHARGING ME FOR THERE SERVICE, THE INSURANCE. THE VALUE OF THE 3 IS LESS THEN $100 I PAID FOR $900 THAT THEY DID.CAN YOU TRUST ANYTHING OR ANYONE THAT OPERATES LIKE THIS. Not to beat a dead horse, but the key word is "estimated" when they describe the turnaround time. If the Service level was called 20 day Economy Fast Track, then you'd have an argument, but it's not. Since they didn't break any promises, there's nothing for them to apologize for. McDonalds apologizes when they mess up an order because that is their job, to get the order right. If CGC had misgraded your books, slabbed them incorrectly (not sealing them?), or shipped them poorly then you should expect them to apologize, because that is what they are supposed to do. CGC does a good job online at the CGC message boards and there is also a pretty open community there of collectors, anyone could have helped give you a more reasonable set of expectations vs. your uninformed ones. If the value of the three is less than $100, so I'm going to guess they are in the 7.0 to 7.5 range. And with over 2000 graded Star Wars #1s on the market they will be a tougher sell, but people out there are looking for mid-grade/affordable fillers, and Star Wars slabs get a lot of movement on ebay, so there may be a market for you to break even (granted I have no idea what you paid for them) or at least unload them And they did not charge you the price for a 20 day turn around, they charged you the price for Economy Fast Track, which has an estimated turnaround time. PLEASE HELP ME I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO ABOUT THIS, CALL MEM E-MAIL ME PLEASE AND GIVE ME THE INFORMATION I NEED. 507.529.0710 RDAVIS60@CHARTER.NET MY NAME IS RON Wow, has anyone called you? I HAVE NOT CONTACTED THEM YET I WILL MONDAY JANUARY 16 THIS IS WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN WHEN I CALL THEM MR. DAVIS I WAS JUST GOING TO CALL YOU, IT SEEMS YOUR COMICS WERE MIXED UP SOME HOW, PLEASE SEND THEM BACK SO WE FIX THIS. AND WERE SORRY FOR NOT CALLING YOU EARLYIER AND TELLING YOU OF OUR DELAYS WE APPOLIGIZE FOR THIS AND WE WILL AJUST YOUR COST SO YOU WILL ONLY BE CHARGED FOR THE SERVICE YOU GET. I WISH THIS WOULD HAPPEN. THEY HAVE SHOWEN THERE DISHONESTY TO ME IN THERE ACTIONS, I HOPE THIS HELPS SOMEONE SO THEY CAN PREVENT IT FROM HAPPINING TO SOMEONE ELSE. ONCE AGAIN PLEASE LEAVE ME ADVICE ON HOW TO PREVENT THIS. KIND REGARDS It's not impossible that there was a mix-up
  11. If time allows I'll be posting raw and CGCed Planet Comics this evening. Just a few, but since this title is pretty popular I thought I'd give a heads up.
  12. lets try again and see if it makes it to the forums this time... I'm enjoying seeing other peoples collections, poking around in sets that I don't personally collect, and sometimes looking at those collections that outpace mine that I do collect. But at this point I think the registry lacks depth an sufficient layers to be more interesting than just staring at a spreadsheet. There have been many complaints around CGC's price increases, and while I think CGC can best determine what is a market-right price for their service, I think there are some low hanging fruit for enriching the act of collecting via the CGC registry, which would make for a more robust experience and add provide some additional "value" to the cost of slabbing (what you get for what you spend) 1. I see that the registry allows you to "follow" other collectors. But I think this function is somewhat limited since it is nothing more than a list of links to the other peoples pages. For the collectors that you follow, would it be nice to have a note/alert/link show up when they add-to/change their collection? 2. When you look at the leader board it shows recent points changes (up and down) the problem is there is no way to know what that corresponds to. Registry A added 200 points, but if that registry has multiple collections (and most do) its almost impossible to see what was actually added. A "Recent Changes" link that just shows the inventory that has been changed in the last __(insert number of days here__ would be an easier way to see set changes. What other features/functions do you think would add to the "community" feel of the registry?
  13. Why is the posting of Journals here to the message board so hit and miss? I seem to only end up with about 1/2 of my journals making it to the message boards, even though I check the box to have them post, every time. Why?
  14. pretty sure there's been some policing of this in the last week (seem to remember a new user starting up three threads in short order to sell 1 book per thread).
  15. some added functionality to the registry to make the community more communal... I'm enjoying seeing other peoples collections, poking around in sets that I don't personally collect, and sometimes looking at those collections that outpace mine that I do collect. But at this point I think the registry lacks depth an sufficient layers to be more interesting than just staring at a spreadsheet. There have been many complaints around CGC's price increases, and while I think CGC can best determine what is a market-right price for their service, I think there are some low hanging fruit for enriching the act of collecting via the CGC registry, which would make for a more robust experience and add provide some additional "value" to the cost of slabbing (what you get for what you spend) A few enhancements that I think would increase the visability (for the non-obscured sets) and "community" of the registry and make for a more enjoyable registry experience (translation people spend more time in the registry): : 1. I see that the registry allows you to "follow" other collectors. But I think this function is somewhat limited since it is nothing more than a list of links to the other peoples pages. For the collectors that you follow, would it be nice to have a note/alert/link show up when they add-to/change their collection? 2. When you look at the leader board it shows recent points changes (up and down) the problem is there is no way to know what that corresponds to. Registry A added 200 points, but if that registry has multiple collections (and most do) its almost impossible to see what was actually added. A "Recent Changes" link that just shows the inventory that has been changed in the last __(insert number of days here__. I think this adds to the community because you can see what people are ACTIVELY collecting, vs whats been in their collection for years. What other features/functions do you think would add to the "community" feel of the registry? Note: I don't begrudge anyone who Obscures their collection, and obviously any feature I suggest would be obscured if the user's collection is obscured.
  16. This is what I am am speaking about. Think this is a fine question: So your hypothetical scenario would be (since I have no idea what real post sparked this question): I am selling a batch of Topps Desert Storm trading cards here on the boards and after selling off various cards (including the Norman Schwartzkof rookie card) you stumble across the sales thread and notice that these cards (which you were familiar with as a card collector in the 90s) have all the tale-tell signs of the counterfit versions that flooded the market at one point. Do you: A) post in the sales thread that these are likely the counterfeit version and are nearly worthless B) PM the seller (me) telling me that these probably are the counterfeit version and I might want to pull the remaining items and do some more research regarding their authenticity. C) PM the people that were buying in the thread and warn them of your fears D) B plus C E) Do nothing, let the buyer beware and be responsible for his or her own purchasing knowledge (hey maybe the counterfeit versions have some here to for unknown market) And then what is the possible board-based repercussion for these various choices?
  17. Only if I knew for certain they could get the exact same comic for cheaper elsewhere. Then I might shoot off a nice PM. I'm still a little new here, but let's say I did PM someone about overpaying for an item on the boards and as it turns out, the buyer backed out. Would that buyer be put on the probation list for backing out of the sale/changing their mind? Jerome I think it would be bad form to pm someone out of the blue and tell them they paid to much for a book and point them to a link somewhere... Im not sure this is the scenario that BrianR is describing... his scenario sounds more like a "seller lists items with some inaccuracies (lets say due to innocent ignorance), show I post information about the item to clear up the (assumedly) accidental mis-representation if deals have already started to be consummated?" In that case I would PM the seller with the additional information and leave it to him/her use that information correctly. And this is making an assumption that you know more than the seller, which might not be the case. Here's a question: If you get in the way of a sales transaction (between two other people) can YOU be put on the probation list?
  18. Love the wall! Does it rotate to fit the season? Or is it Christmas year round?
  19. Finally arrived from the great white north... There was no back cover scan when I bought this, so this was a nice surprise on the back:
  20. 100 bucks... 1000 points... go! Can I get a thousand registry points with a hundred dollar budget? Lets see! It will require patience and lots of eBay scouring for CGC deals, but for fun this will be my academic exercise of 2012. I will update as I go. No hurries from me since it will require luck and patience to try and pull of a 10x points vs dollars evaluation. Now to see if this posts to the Message Board. To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.
  21. I really thought they were just top loaders... speaks to the low quality of PGX slabs if they can be mistaken for top loaders....
  22. one note about PLODs... they get the negative connotation due to the (typical) decrease in value of the book vs its Universal (blue) counterparts... the doom part of PLOD typically comes when you pay for an "unrestored" comic, get it graded and it comes back as restored with a PLOD... and you wave goodbye to some of the comics (perceived) value.
  23. I know it's been a while since we've discussed the "old school" hard core collector mentality vs the newer crop of collectors but this statement highlights one of the main differences. You can find anything if you really want to. CAF and eBay and Heritage have made being a lazy collector easy. I'm lazy too and use these tools a lot. That's just what they are to me though, tools. If you really want something you have to be determined and creative in your search. Example: I never really had what I consider a "grail". I love too many things and no one piece stood out. Still, I made it a point to try to figure out what one piece stood out in my memory the most as a kid and go after that. That was DC Comics Presents #24 (Superman/Deadman). I decided I wanted the cover. I never had comics as a kid and I remember my dad getting me this one to read on an airplane. After reading this I started reading other DC titles and got on the Perez New Teen Titans bandwagon and it was all downhill from there for my allowance. So, I started my search and amazingly enough I couldn't find a single person that had ever seen it much less had an inkling where it might be. I spoke to the artists, the artists reps at the time, people at DC, every 70s and 80s collector I could find as well as every forum I knew of. Nothing. It took over 13 years but I finally saw a picture of the bottom right corner of the cover in the background of a picture from a German comic book convention with a Superman theme. I tracked down the show promoter, worked with him to figure out the dealer based on the position of the different tables and found the owner was a comic book dealer in Austria. Wrangled a phone number (and interpreter) and spoke to the owner. In the end he was happy with the cover and wouldn't sell it. He would however TRADE it for only ONE cover. An Ernie Chan Batman cover that once again, no one has seen since it was created. Maybe in another 13 years I'll find that and finish my trade. Needless to say if I adopted the "If its not on comicartfans.com then you may be out of luck" mentality I never would have found it. Also, I would have never uncovered a lot of the art I currently have (including most recently my KK Sunday) and I'd pay way more than I normally do. I know many other collectors that feel the same way. all good points CF, and I agree that for newer art some legwork can produce some good results, likewise if you are looking for "key" pieces (covers, important issues, key splashes/reveals) you can certainly jog peoples memories far more easily than me asking people about interior pages from GL #159 a pretty forgettable issue to everyone but a certain 12 year old in florida... I do take your point to heart CAF is just the starting point, its the best starting point, but it is far from the only resource out there...
  24. prettiest 6.0 in the history of 6.0s did you get the grading notes? Was there anything else that contributed to the drastic drop besides the tape stain? no creases, good spine... man thats a pretty book that should have a grade starting with a 9 not a 6! I didnt realize how hard they graded interior stains..