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Everything posted by OtherEric

  1. Agreed on Seuss, but I think at least some of the Pepe books may hold at significantly higher prices than they were before the hype. That’s more a function of just how totally ignored they were; they really should be broken out and they weren’t before.
  2. That's Honey Bunny, who first appeared in (and on the cover of) Bugs Bunny #108. And I've always thought the character was a starting point (not necessarily the only one) for Lola.
  3. I don't think I've read any of the stories from that issue. But Theodore Sturgeon is a good writer, there's a Robert Bloch story and he's one of the Weird Tales regulars who is well remembered today, and it's got a Cthulhu related story by Derleth- which I really should read eventually; to make my own mind up about. Some people hate everything Derleth did with the Mythos, but the fact is he really did more than just about anybody to expand and popularize the concept. This cover has always thrown me, I don't have this issue. But I do have another one that I keep getting this one confused with when I see it. Not sure why,they're not THAT similar:
  4. Actually, for a lot of collectors, that's an accurate statement. I don't understand the mindset in the slightest, but it's definitely real. For another example, I don't think Hulk #271 would be nearly as high as it is if Marvel Preview #7 had been a comic rather than a magazine.
  5. People are trying to hype the Looney Tunes #240 as the first Pepe and other people are buying it. I suppose it's not entirely unfair; the #240 is cover dated October while the Daffy is cover dated December (October-December in the indica) , so you need to get the on sale dates from the Library of Congress to know the Daffy was actually on the stands first. The market may decide it prefers the #240; I'm happy to have both. Anyway, behold the madness: https://www.ebay.com/itm/LOONEY-TUNES-240-1st-PEPE-LePEW-Dell-1961-VG-FN-Bugs-Bunny-Porky-Pig/193949205126 Here's the next question for people: What's Pepe's first cover? I think it's Bugs Bunny 88, the third Gold Key issue. I've got a copy on the way, in any case. As near as I can tell, there were only half a dozen stories with Pepe as the feature or co-feature before DC started the current Looney Tunes series in 1994. Daffy Duck #27; headlined as Daffy Duck and Pepe Le Pew. Looney Tunes #240, headlined as Bugs Bunny and Pepe Le Pew. Then four solo stories, the first three in Bugs Bunny 86-88 (the first three Gold Key giant issues) and one stray story in Bugs Bunny #138.
  6. The one Pertwee on Blu-Ray I actually considered was Spearhead From Space, since that was made on film so they could actually do a hi def version of it. And I'm one of the crazy people who got everything that existed on DVD over the course of about a decade, if I didn't have it already the season sets would be much easier to store than that super full shelf you see there. Besides, there are at least a few discs that have special features that won't turn back up for one reason or another. I'm just happy that there is a meaningful chunk of Troughton, my favorite Doctor, there now. I remember all too well when all that was even possible were 8 serials, two of those incomplete, and Lost in Time. I just doubt we'll ever get any more episodes back, but the animations are miles better than nothing.
  7. WE NEED THE LAUGH EMOJI BACK! (Sorry for the yelling, but I felt it was warranted in this case.)
  8. I decline the opportunity to give them money for the same episodes a second time in general. Although I will be buying the animated Web of Fear when that comes out, which will be the fifth time I buy Episode #1... Lost in Time, audiobook, iTunes for the whole serial, DVD for the serial, and now the version with the animated episode #3.
  9. Supposedly, but most people ignore us over here so we pretty much do what we want. But, since you asked, a few random magazine scans I've got lying around:
  10. I thought that was the entire point of this thread?
  11. @Get Marwood & I, @Jayman: I'm willing to add all of those if people think they should be added; with the exception of the Creem which is, as Get Marwood & I says, really belongs to a separate list. My problem is I don't have a lot of knowledge on those books and would need help listing them. Here's what I've got to add looking at what's been posted, if somebody could verify the data before I merge it: Marvel Monsters Poster Book: 1 Marvel Preview '93: 1 Marvel Swimsuit Special: 1991-1995 Marvel Year in Review: 1989-1993, 1994 was comic book format Pro Action v1n1; v2n1-v2n3
  12. I have what I consider a complete run of the Legion. My definition of complete is "every appearance prior to Adventure #300, and every book where they were a continuing feature." So I don't necessarily have all of their cameos or guest appearances; one particular gap is where Legionaries wind up as regular characters in current series, like Starboy in JSA or Mon-El in the Superman books. I do have any series set in the current era, such as Valor or Karate Kid. I have all the issues with variant cover art; but not all variants such as newsstand/direct, CPV, UKPV, or Mark Jewelers. One gap that I want to fill in but don't think keeps me from being complete is I don't have some 2nd print variants. I did recently put together the set of Whitman variants, but I didn't consider them essential to completing the run. I guess I would say I consider "complete" one of each issue, but just because it's complete doesn't mean you can't add to the set still. Which somewhat contradicts the normal meaning of "complete"; but if a book has 7 different covers clearly the standards get weird. (I think 7 is the most variants on a Legion issue, with Star Trek/ Legion #1)
  13. I'm guessing the Monsters Unleashed, but that's very much just a guess. Here's another interesting one: You see a LOT more of the original painting on the Savage Action than you do the original Marvel Preview. (Sorry for the small GCD scan of the Marvel Preview)
  14. Nice Two-Fisted Tales! And it's always nice when a dealer treats you nicely like that; I've had a few like that. None that I recall on an EC, but I have a coverless Venus #13 the seller told me to keep when he sent me the wrong book, as well as him sending me the right one (a coverless Venus #12).
  15. I don't recall much about the series; but the issues with Beauvais art were beautiful. I think I have most of his run somewhere in storage still.
  16. And one more BCE that, despite being a BCE, is still probably worth more than the $25 I paid for all six books today:
  17. A few pickups at a local store today, including one Book Club Edition rather than a paperback. The common element between the books should be obvious:
  18. I try doing that, and I won't stop until I include this, with it's one page Human Torch story:
  19. I went ahead and added the variant on the Spectacular Spider-Man #1., after all. It's not like there are a LOT of variants; although I draw the line on including newsstand/ direct as variants, personally. Books that I'm not including on the list, at least to start, but want opinions on: Marvel Graphic Novels (books, not magazines; even if they're in the magazine trim size); and the Marvel Swimsuit Specials and other 90's poster/ anniversary books, mostly because I don't think most of the people here collecting Marvel Magazines consider them as part of the list. But I could be wrong.
  20. Or even DC's 50's magazines; once again I think this is it:
  21. Time for DC’s magazines from the 70’s to get some love. I think these are it:
  22. @N e r V: Thank you. I added the three Curtis books and the comment on the price variants on Gothic Tales of Love, as well as Pizzazz and Foom. I'm not including Blip as it's a comic-sized publication, as far as I know. I think the Atlas/Seaboard books are a bit beyond the scope of a Marvel Magazine checklist; although I agree they (and the whole line) are definitely of interest as an offshoot of Marvel. Not 100% sure what you mean by the "Magazine Management" line, the name sounds familiar. In general, I think covering everything Goodman put out is, while an interesting list in its own right, a bit beyond the scope of a list of Marvel Magazines. Curtis was predominately comic related books, so I'm more willing to be inclusive with those. I'm leaning against mentioning the Spectacular Spider-Man variant, since as I understand it that was a Canadian variant. Similarly, mentioning the unedited Freas cover on Unknown Worlds is interesting, but a little beyond the scope of the list. If I was to start adding foreign editions, just the UK Marvels would swamp the list. With all that said, I'm not creating this list just for myself; I want to get the list as a tool for all of us here in the forums who want it. I'm absolutely willing to be overruled by the group on what I include; so please speak up if you disagree with my choices!