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Everything posted by gyro-1

  1. Hi ygerg welcome to the fun of colecting Red Sonja The lady knows how to kick asssss
  2. YUP When your new here and trying hard to fit in its not easy Posting in the wrong place I did ALOT ! Come to think of it still do I most enjoy the modern colectors posts as they seem to have the most life in them ! You have to know they are all just silver and bronze age colectors in waiting ! They just have not figured it out ! When I was a kid reading my stack of doc savage and tazan novels I was no different than the kids now with thier harry potters Theses beautiful old comic books are a treasure and those that colect them are keepers of history CGC is the best thing to happen to pre 1980 comic book colectors !!!
  3. This is news to me when I first started I requested some changes and got no responce? I asked a old member and was told that new members that dont pay have less chance of being noticed ! I have read lots of gemma's posts and she seems very nice and coments from those that have met her at cons say shes realy is So maybe I have this read all wrong and I will say drama sucks
  4. I complained about this before http://comics.www.collectors-society.com/registry/comics/ComicDetail.aspx?PeopleComicID=203607&PeopleSetID=63035 8 points !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can understand the sliding scale for points and that points them selves are nutty but is some strange wierd demented way should not a realy hard to get book that is wanted in multiple colecting ranges have value as much as a regular issue ? Not for the points but for the value? So to conclude my rant I will add WHO CARES ----------------------- Off topic I can hardly wait to list my red sonja pence to see how many come up with 4 points !!!!!
  5. Whats tthe deal with 2 printing dates with red sonja the movie 11/85===12/85 Were there 2 covers?
  6. Think I saw that Arnold Schwarzenegger poped Brigitte Nielsen making the Red Sonja movie Interesting????
  7. I disagree Is it a mess with 2 set - some would say so Is it better that we have a compleat set - I would say so I have zero pull with CGC so made the desision to pull out of the red sonja set with out the 9 second print - It just seemed that with out the 9 second print it wasnt a compleat set ¸I can see why others didnt want it changed that a new set with everything was made is what I have desided to list in only and I believe that it needs version 2and3 also even though I dont collect them To me in a perfect world every marvel book would be in 1 set only What I think has happened Is that till wizard and I came along in the last year or so red sonja was a colection people ignored So out of the north and the florida swamps a couple of trubble makers have turned over the red sonja world here in CGC Now to convince others to join in !!!! ======= bit of topic but interesting is if any collector wants a chalenge that would drive you nuts try collecting v2and 3 in 9.8 ITS NUTS HARD Have fun !! Edited I am also trying to figure out if conan 78 isnt the most varient red sonja book ever !! Maybe conan to !!!
  8. Has anyone noticed on bing and google searches for red sonja and marvel feature this forum pops up alot ? even myslabed comics is poping up in the first 2/3 pages Now if we could just get other colectors from out side the cgc world to post? What fun !!!!!!!!!!!! And Cheetah seems to of deleated his red sonja sets !!!!! SAY IT ISNT SO !!!!!
  9. Some one got Red Sonja 7/8 or slabbing costs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.comiclink.com/search.asp?where=sell&title=Red+Sonja&ItemType=CB&x=17&y=13
  10. Your hiding the pictures with the real models arnt you
  11. Sent my first books to get pressed by CFP comics (joey post) red sonja # 3 -- mark jeweler varient red sonja # 5 -- mark jeweler varient red sonja # 9 -- pence varient red sonja # 10 -- pence varient red sonja marvel feature # 5 -- pence varient red sonja marvel feature # 7 -- pence varient Wish me luck for 8 or above
  12. ALL HAPPY PEOPLE TO THE LEFT !!!!!!! marvel feature added to red sonja varient set !!!!! BIG BIG BIG thanks to Wizard for starting all this *CHEEEEEEERS* Thanks to Dr Joe and Cheetah for making it possable with thier pull with CGC Happy days are here again !!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
  13. World wide has some nice Marvel feature books at a good price ????
  14. the score of 8 on the Red Sonja 4 35 Cent Price Variant is so unfair and shows how unfair the system is worked out That book is 100 times harder to get in that grade than a regular book One of theses days a price varient colector will let some slip out !
  15. This is a set!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://comics.www.collectors-society.com/registry/comics/PeopleSetDetail.aspx?PeopleSetID=62333
  16. So any of you bidding on the red sonja 1 on ebay?
  17. Crom, I have never prayed to you before – I have no tongue for it / but see these men to the watering hole for thier good deeds !!!
  18. :banana:THANKS JOE !!!!!
  19. I have looked and looked on the internet for a explanation why marvel printed more books and cant find one ? Theses books poorly sold anyways and to reprint seems crazy for marvel? I did try looking BAD weather in those months but that search didnt go well Like the print run #s information from marvel is hard to come by Its not at the right time for whitmans or price varients or our of country books I just cant figure that one out A good question for Conan collectors may be did they do the same thing in Conan?They may know? Have fun collecting There may be a clue all the second print are poping out at 9.8 so mayby it was very small and just sent to a very local area were some one saved a few ? Like Ray renolds time capsule books?
  20. Easy easy guys It was my idea to add the price varients I asked months ago for the adition and was ignored When the change for the 9 poped up I asked again I was very surprised that it was added And very happy about it and still am There is no way in heck that CGC would lissen to me to add a new set then now or in the future ! If some one has the pull to get CGC to make one I am all for it ! I did not do this to screw anyone over just to add books to my colection But I guessed that some colectors would be less than happy So its simple some one can ask CGC to add a new set or remove the price varients from this one Me I like this but am sad others dont and would like to add more varients So fellows have fun colecting There is a bright side to this in that we know now there are a few Red Sonja colectors that care And Logan510 is hogging the
  21. I have no problem with a separate set ! and can we add 1-15 pence and mark jewelers ? And while we are at it lets modify marvel feature v2 to include pence
  22. Man, that Stephan Segovia #24 cover is amazing. The original art for this? I wish I had the cash. If you got those both pro framed together it would be amazing on the wall !!!!!!! ITS ON HOLD !!!!!!!!!
  23. Isnt there a projector machine you shine on a picture and it transfers the image to another piece of paper for tracing ? Think I saw it in a james bond movie?
  24. I got my red sonja raw books from the UK 5 from silversurferuk == well other than that the books were over graded by 3 grades had no backing boards and were falling out of the envelope they made it to my door 1 book from key comics == grading was 1 grade to high packaging not to bad for a envelope hush hush === 3 books == all 3 overgraded by at least 2 grades with no backing boards and carboard in envelope on 1 side of book only ! *************** So I ordered vf plus books and with luck got 1 vf Bit depressing
  25. Sorry cant read what you wrote need new glasses ! And a dicionary And red sonja 7/8 Have pitty on a blind old man !