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Everything posted by newshane

  1. I'm not sure it's board policy (I will check), but it's generally frowned upon. I do know that it's breaking PayPal rules if you advertise an extra charge for using their service. If they catch you, they take down your account. Just FYI. It's a cool book! GLWTS!
  2. I will look into adding a rider to my home insurance. State Farm has been fantastic over the years. I've been rolling with CIS for the last few years because it seemed like a cheaper, legit option. Everyone here has always backed them up...until now. Disconcerting to say the least. My only advice is: READ AND UNDERSTAND YOUR POLICIES!
  3. Disappointing to hear. And it's renewal time to boot.
  4. Yep. I elected to pay it. At the time, he never did signings, and I didn't think he would do many more. I always had a "price-no-object" attitude towards completing the Spawn run, so it was part of a larger sickness for sure. As with nearly any corner of this hobby, or any other, now that I think about it, one can save a boatload of cash with a little patience. It was a risk I wasn't willing to take at the time. Hindsight is too easy. As much as I hate the cliche, it is what it is. In full disclosure, I was offered a little salve to ease the burn, but since it involved spending even more money, I elected to pass. Getting the books done was truly thrilling at the time...I remind myself of that feeling every time I look back. But it was an expensive feeling. ha
  5. I feel such shame for buying three at that price.
  6. I don't think Jae will be a "scumbag" at all. I've directly inquired about a sketch via CGC and he was nothing but friendly, if a bit tardy, in response.
  7. Lots of misinformation in this thread. I've done extensive research on this and all of the conservationist and institutions I found recommend the use of Mylar.
  8. It's been that way for the last 200 pages or so. I'm amazed that people are still offering advice to someone who already has everything figured out.
  9. Thanks for the info! I haven't been keeping an eye on the prices because the book is already in my "black hole" collection. No interest in selling. The prices may be deflating a bit thanks to the availability of the book on the market.
  10. It's a great book with a killer cover! One of the rarest of the many Spawn variants. The print run was confirmed in the letter section of Spawn by the editor herself - less than 500! The problem with this book is that there are quite a few on the census already (37 total in 9.8), so the demand isn't as crucial as it is with some of the other variants. That being said, it is the "big boy" variant for issues past 185. I wouldn't accept a penny less than $1500. This book has done a lot of bouncing around, so it's hard to tell what it would do at auction. I'd say you could see a range from $1500-2000. That's just my opinion as a hardcore Spawn collector. My subscription to GPA ran out last month, so I'm unable at the moment to peruse the data. If you want it to move fast, I'd try $1500. If you're patient, you might be able to squeak out even more. Hope this helps.
  11. I've got Dave, Frank, and almost everyone else...I really just need Tony Daniel and Alan Moore, but I don't think I'll ever land the latter. EDIT: I also need Brian Holguin, but he is a recluse.
  12. Eh, I'm pretty much over moderns and signatures now anyway.
  13. I was about to type something along these lines earlier, but bailed. You're paying the facilitator for a service. It's not exactly cheap to fly around the country, stay at hotels, drag around fat stacks of books, walk a 50 mile lap around the convention center every day, stand in line, prep books, fill out paperwork, etc. I certainly wouldn't expect someone to do it for free, and god knows I'm too lazy to do it myself!
  14. I understand your view, but what if the creator would actually prefer to go through a single facilitator? That does happen.
  15. But why? I can only think of two reasons. 1. Schadenfreude? In which case, shame on you. 2. Because it's interesting? In which case, may I suggest watching fresh paint dry on a wall?
  16. I wasn't aware of this. Granted, it's been a few years since I got Rob's signature but, at the time, there was no single facilitator with an "exclusive deal" with Rob.
  17. Pressing can really help certain books. The key is to have it done by the right person who will take the proper care for the proper price. A certain amount of patience is involved. Some people take the time to watch the book for a while after the pressing is performed, to make sure that the book doesn't "spring" back. It's more of an artform that a fast-food-style, instant gratification. The word "quick" just makes a little nervous in this context. I never get 9.8s pressed when I play the game. If they were pressed by the handler, then it was done without my permission or knowledge. There is no point in getting a 9.8 pressed unless the book drops a grade, which would be the proper time to assess the situation. I'm not saying you feel this way, but some people (like me) had unrealistic expectations when they first start getting their books pressed. Overall, I had mixed results. That's why I think it's important to really consider the benefits and risks of getting it done on a case by case basis. All the services I know of happen to offer a per-screening service and will let you know what you should do. Anyone in the pressing business with ethics would spare a book from the process if they believed it would be detrimental to the book's health. I learned the hard way early on as I sent books en masse to be pressed, forgoing the pre-screening service. That's why I recommend for people to cough up the few extra dollars for a pre-screen until they get a hang for what can really be done for a book.
  18. That's a risk you take. Of course, I'm certain that CCS will say "you should have paid for a pre-screen to avoid potential damage." That seems to be the typical cop out for ruining someone's book. DISCLAIMER - it's not necessarily the fault of CCS. The crack, sign, and resub game is very risky. The book gets packed and shipped around several times. It travels to shows. The book is exchanged over several hands. With all that handling, anything can happen at any stage in the process. Maybe the CCS ruined it, maybe not. Could have been the way you packed it. Could have been the way it was handled. Could have been the artist. Unfortunately, you'll never know.
  19. I will likely move this book elsewhere this weekend. If anyone wants to help me avoid eBay fees, let me know.
  20. Ouch! I've never had a "quick press" performed on any of my books, at least not to my knowledge. I've done the crack and sign on a little more than three dozen books and fortunately I've only experienced two drops - a 9.8 to a 9.6 and a 9.8 to a 9.4. Still not sure what happened on the latter. The former was due to more stringent grading standards as of late. I try avoid pressing books unless I'm absolutely desperate.