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Everything posted by Darwination

  1. I don't know if we are calling the men's adventure magazines pulps for the purpose of your research (I think they're pulps), but I consider this one the most iconic shark portrayal pulp cover ever. Mort Kunstler, Adventure 1956-08 sorry for the little image, not my copy and I couldn't find bigger -
  2. Pep Stories v05n06 (1929-06.King) cover Bolles Do excuse my grubby copy. When it comes to scarce girlies, I will take any copy I can get. No terror here, this shark seems as tame as a puppy dog
  3. Yeah, I'd think these would be big with the paperback crowd just because of the similarity in styles with the gritty noir feel. Looking around, it might be hard to put a complete run together of these lower tier digests - I really don't know how many copies got printed/kept. You can easily do it for Manhunt, but it's legendary. There's a handful of the covers I like (including yours here), but this is my fave (unfortunately another small image)
  4. It's the attacker's lop-sided eyes in that Pursued I noticed, but, damn, those are some tiny hands That's the second issue of Pursued (a very bad digest name), and the first issue straight up reprints a Manhunt cover (albeit a good one, 1953-04) excuse the small and crappy image, not mine, from Phil's index: even the title is chintzy, barely different from Pursuit, a Star title that ran longer and switched over to the alternating bi monthly title switch with Hunted for a bit (Sep-1953 – Nov-1956). I apparently don't hold a single issue of this magazine. Check out the cover index if my description of the publication history makes no sense http://www.philsp.com/mags/pursuit.html There's actually a number of covers I like in there. A sample issue (n18 1956-11) scanned by Gorgon here includes a story from August Derleth: https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/tjmrtdo2y7s71v9/Pursuit_Detective_Story_Magazine_n18_%281956-11.Star_Editions%29%28Gorgon776%29%28c2c%29.cbr/file
  5. Grabbed the first image there from the latest post in the L.B. Cole thread. I am a huge Cole fan, but damn, something has gone wrong here, and I'm not talking about the swipe
  6. Hoff, unidentified - need to pull the issue for a better look - maybe Hoff again but the sig is odd and it doesn't click quickly for me, Bergey. I love the Tower mags. Slick and sold in Woolworth's they featured high quality fiction and illustration. I can't seem to find a raw scan of this next one, so I'll post McCoy's cover edit of my issue. Full issue scan here. I'll get that up at the Internet Archive today, too. The title later changes to Mystery, Clark Agnew cover PS, I'm noticing I have to adjust for moire with some images here. At least it shows up in the preview when I need to. Usually just adjusting the image width takes care of the problem :I Leaving some in that second cover just so y'all can see what I'm person_without_enough_empathying talking about. The image system here is generally very good. Flickr remains the best place for online viewing. Blogger, where I do my deep dives, the absolute worst.
  7. Absofrickinlutely. I adore Brundage, Finlay, and St. John, but the late era covers have a great feel, too. Freas has some great ones, Coye is a favorite, and that Tilburne RobotMan just posted is amazing. Additionally, you aren't gonna break the bank picking these up and can read some great fiction without the kids' gloves. I don't know what flea markets you people go to, but they are far better than mine
  8. You recall what the sister mag is? I've got four issues of Mobs and Gangs, all highly tradeable. I'm familiar with Crime Does Not Pay but don't think I have any. Comic book style torture covers with bloody gang content? We can go way back with gangsploitation. I'm hunting this one in a decent enough copy to get a scan of. I'm doing some research in Fawcett mags (Capt. Billy's, Popular Mechanix, True Confessions, Smokehouse Monthly, Triple X and it keeps going from there), so it's like a key or something. A one shot from 1931 peddling bloody gang killing photos, this is from a poster or something not a raw mag image. It sold so well, one of the brothers remembered it when being interviewed about the companies golden age comics years and years later as a huge money maker.
  9. ha, that's what I was thinking, she's adjacent in the color section tho
  10. cough, yes I wouldn't break out the bad mags or anything having just arrived. But later. Yassss. I'm not into gore, but I do chase varieties of exploitation mags. Ok, just one. I'm told this is Vanessa Del Rio. I don't seem to have an image of my raw cover, this is an edit from McCoy. I've got four issues of this. Not exactly my bag, but I'm an explorer, you know
  11. God bless the folks that pound pavement and hit garage sales and estate sales. It's very, very rarely paid off for me in the south, and I appreciate the people that do it. Just take care of muh babies. Not from this week but this month, as I'm playing catch up here. I've been looking at various magazine targets in the late 70s early punk rock / new wave era, a lot of neat pubs covering a lot of excellent bands. I had to have this one and was pleased to find a nice copy / nice deal so soon after starting a search. Super Rock v01n02 1977-08.Modern Day Periodicals cover Dead Boys and possibly Grace Slick?? on the cover. A Myron Fass publication. A slightly transgressive cover
  12. If I recall correctly, Captain America began its numbering from this publication as v02n01 after this title failed. EDIT: I'd be curious to know how many issues of this were published if you ever come across other copies or info.
  13. The paper, man, it's bad. The underground papers and tabloids aren't that old but are already in dire shape. The damn hippies didn't treat them well in the first place and the paper is thin, low grade newsprint. Then you consider the fact that most people wouldn't hesitate to fold them to put them away and all that pulp just sits there in the fold eating away. An unfolded copy of one of these would be amazing to have. I've got a couple in better shape than this, but this cover makes it my favorite. The first two comics I ever remember reading at about seven years of age were an early Fantastic Four and a Mr. Natural that my stepdad had. I've been far more influenced by that Mr. Natural Looking forward to checking out this thread -
  14. Makes it 100 years only to be wrapped like a brick of cheap mexican in tight plastic and sent on its way taped up in folded up recycled cardboard. Then the mailman has his way with it. Ten bucks but gottdamn, not the point. Currently getting pressed for a month before I take another look. I might collect different sorts of magazines than y'all, but we'll just see, eh?
  15. Go! v01n01 (cover reads Freestylin' BMX Action) (1989-11.Wizard) http://darwinscans.blogspot.com/2010/02/kickin-it-old-school-bmx-and-freestyle.html
  16. My undergrounds are gonna mostly be brown, grubby, and likely falling to pieces They're still the best comics ever.