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Everything posted by Beige

  1. Dingoes do have a track record of eating babies so that's probably not an unreasonable wish.
  2. If it's not a big deal, why don't you paypal him the $400 that he lost by not getting the deal? The guy showed up on the Boards pumping his wares, and didn't complete the deal. That makes him eligible for the PL. Now that nomination has about as much substance as a popcorn fart, as he will likely never be back. The rules work the same way for everyone, despite your raging Jimmy Linguiniii boner. "Raging Boners" as you childishly put it, have nothing to do with it. Where is the proof that ANY of these books sold for $50? Or ever will? If the first batch sold out before the money was exchanged - tough. How long were they 'set aside' for? If they were selling for $3 now, would you expect Linguini to drop his offer price? Seriously? because that's the flip side.
  3. Why? What's the point? The guy sold out of books. You didn't send any cash - no harm, no foul. I'm sure not having an obscure 'comic' signed by 'Ghostface killah' (wooooo scary!) will be a terrible blight on your full and active working life, but I can see no reason at all why this is PL worthy. As if the guy will be back - this isn't, you aside, his normal 14yr old girls market. What is Matthew supposed to have done wrong - there's only your unreliable word that they were $10 each. Move on.
  4. http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=38323 Anyone going to be reading this?
  5. 100% One day this silly boy will have to grow up, leave mommy's house and get a real job. Oh and stop smoking the ganja. I have no idea why people find this clown 'funny' - he's a hugely boring ,infantile wannabe, who apparently needs to impress people on a comic board by being...god knows what he thinks he is. Get a life Alex, for goodness sake.
  6. Have a 9.4 that was bought from these boards as an 8.5. Much Kudos to Joeypost - again. Will post a pic when it arrives from Joey.
  7. To say I am jealous is an understatement. Heartfelt congratulations - that is in my top 3 wish-list for the remainder of this year. Chronically under-rated book. Well done!
  8. Love mine...we named her Kaylen and the youngest one plays with her hair like a Barbie doll and then turns it on so it chases her all around the house!!! Jim Thought it was you Jim! Was going to get one as the shipping was really good to Oz, then they umm'd and aah'd about it and by then they were gone. If they do another one this year, any chance of a heads-up? Thanks mate.
  9. Lot of common-sense being spoken. Finally the penny seems to have dropped that its not about being the first to buy a 9.8 slab of a book, or Jizz yer strides because some shonky writer comes on here flogging 'limited' releases - limited being to the general public, not to his 'mates' who flog them on the side on ebay and share profits. Its about being pre-ordering: Always has, always will. Buy 100 of something @ $1.40 and it flops is a drop in the Ocean. At $1.40 you should break-even somewhere. Spend $850 on NWM #1 variant #6295 - then, that's a hammer-blow which ever way you look at it. I can guarantee you there are little groups keeping little secrets. The days of: "Quick, someone's offering NM #87 at 5 for $30" are long gone. It's now "Thank-you insufficiently_thoughtful_person" and I will have them myself. Lurkers ain't getting much from here, TWD, most people have collected their runs, only the keys or the difficult to get (#26 for some reason) are holding value, and the new books are over speculated. Now is the time to think for yourselves, as The Free Money Train isn't running this year. I agree with CBT (again ) Hold what you think will grow long-term, flip your drek, even for a loss and don't buy unless you really know what you are doing. At the end of August it will be my first full year of flipping moderns. I'll pop up a list of what Keys I have bought, starting from a balance of $2000. You will be surprised - (except Ryan because he already knows - and done equally as well) what not following the herd can bring you.
  10. Been saying for months Kirkman is going to go the "fightback route". Abe,Ros and Eugene show up with 30+ marines, more survivors join and Woodbury expands. The prison is used as a 'protected farm' as it has land, and more importantly fuel, 50 seater vehicles and a generator - plus kitchen, OR etc. Woodbury to live in - The Prison for food, hospital, jail etc, all protected by fences and watchtowers. The Marines know of a national Guard depot 10 miles away which allows the prison/Woodbury people to rearm and restock.(sound familiar) Eugene was a science teacher who can make bullets etc. Then its time to clear out a town and in the process find that other survivors are established. Mid-season break - The Govenor is head of a group terrorising settlements for food, and now calls himself Negan...... Allows Kirkman to bypass all the Alexandria stuff which is just Woodbury with a different name. There was a rumour Michelle Rodriguez had been approached. Rosita...? That would be a show worth watching I reckon.
  11. I bought big on Bedlam - and made my money back very quickly. I have sold 6 so far this week - all between $41 - $50. It's clear profit, so it's all good. Those who are sitting on a pile are hoping that the readership stays loyal and grows, but there are sooo many different covers out there..... The only winners were the stores supporting those homeless struggling starving artists.........
  12. Dunno mate - I just did! Looked at Collider - seems to be 'quirky' - like Physics police advice lines, 'a wormhole took my cat' etc. It's from Vertigo - anyone know anything more about it?
  13. Speaking about toys - no-one remember the animatronic "Gas-station child" from Ep #1 (tv show) that was released last Halloween? That was epic - motion activated, dressed as the kid and came at you growling like a Zombie. Perfect for when its dark and you come home... It was about 4ft tall from memory and about $200? CGC world bought one I think - sold out before I could get mine!
  14. Never heard of Black beetle or Collider - whats the low-down?
  15. I noticed a surge of 9.9's and 10's last year around this time. I don't know if it coincides with an increase in submissions and the ratio is the same but we see higher numbers because more books are being submitted or if cgc is busier and unintentionally grading a bit more loosely. It seems that there are more 9.9's and 10's from on site grading too but who knows? No, it's specific books from specific publishers getting 9.9s and 10.0s due to cover stock and printing quality - that's all. It's not like CGC is suddenly handing out more 9.9s across the board.
  16. Has this person been living in a cave? If that really is for the 2003 #1 then someone just won lotto.
  17. No. Yes. Actually the number is shrinking...at least by one recently. A boardie had an unfortunate incident where a 9.8 was broken in half in the mail. I'm sure there are raw copies out there that might have some accident happen to them. Overall the number isn't increasing. No, but it's silly to pretend that the vast majority of the print run of this book wasn't immediately bagged, boarded & stored safely away upon purchase - just like any other book from the last 15-20 years. With GPA showing CGC 9.0s hitting $800-900, the top-heaviness (eg. the ratio of high grades versus low grades) of the CGC census numbers for this book aren't due to people not bothering to slab mid-grade copies - which would be the case for pretty much any other modern - it's due to the fact that it's easier to find a WD #1 in 9.4 and above than it is to find one in 8.0 and below. With a print run of just over 7,000, I don't consider WD 1 just like many other moderns. It's a very low print run for a number 1 and was not a book anyone had on their radar. Yes, most copies that have been slabbed are 9.0 and above (but that's still under 1,500 copies in the census). There are 5,500+ copies out there that haven't been slabbed....I doubt the majority were put in bags and are sitting in collections raw. I bet many were bought and thrown out... Thanks Mark, the fact that the print run dropped after #1 shows its highly unlikely that a load wern't 'tossed' or returned. Only 1500 on the census? Unless you live on Mars, you must know its worth big money and would slab accordingly. Maybe there are a lot fewer than people think. Guess we will never know, but I am certain there aren't 5900 raw copies out there sitting in bags and boards.
  18. Again - I am stunned that you guys are stunned. This is THE modern key. 7418 printed - there are no more. Collectors have collected, hoarders have hoarded - there is a handful left in the wild. How many of the 7400 survived - its 10 years now? Kids with milk or crayons, people who didn't like it and tossed it, fire, water humidity...the list goes on. I have no clue how many are left, but the number is shrinking by the day. The Golden Girls (as some wag calls them) just cannot comprehend why this book is so highly sought after: TV Show Toys Models DVD's Clothing Social awareness - Zombie parades, parties etc And one of the best comics writting for a long, long time. I'm amazed 9.0's and 9.2's havent hit this price already - I predict (boo as appropriate... ) that within 12 months a 5.0, ie a beater will hit $750. People want this book. It's as simple as that. 189 issues to go, probably 4-5 more series and at least 1 movie to finish off. Love me some dead!
  19. Wow - none of those posts make you look like a nice person. You seem a little angry. I was largely ignoring the PM's I was recieving from long-time members of these boards about you, but after those crazy rantings, well, they may be spot on. Put me on ignore, if nothing else for the sake of your blood pressure. Or, maybe take a break from the boards and get a job? A change is as good as a holiday apparently. All the best.
  20. Not in this thread. Whoever this bozo is has a history of "eccentric" posting - always very late at night. *Hic*