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Everything posted by divad

  1. I think we are clear a number of people feel it is that cut and dry at this point. But maybe like Dorothy repeating 'There's no place like home' after a few more times everyone else will realize the error of their ways. Certainly not disagreeing, as I am in line with you guys, but another thing to consider (or ponder) is that the Annuals were left up on the newsstand a lot longer than the monthly books. You could probably still buy the annual long after 266 had come and gone (although this was 1990, not 1975).
  2. Here's a nice wraparound cover by Brent Anderson.
  3. Even if this is the "Copper's Heating/Selling Well on Ebay" thread I was saying it’s a shame they are not known and appreciated. I wasn’t thinking about the value. Also, I was talking of books up to 1991 max. (and so the very early Wolverine, in this case) – most of the following years' productions were just bad. I would not pay $0.50 myself for most of what Marvel published in the 1990s. i have two kids, a big mortgage, and a job that doesn't pay that well (considering where i live). i spend 97% of my waking hours stressed about money and 93% of my dream-time as well. You should talk to your doctor; I'm sure there's a pill you can take for that.
  4. I have not put any of those out at shows yet, but I have been moving #509s fast at $10 apiece. I will be stickering #256s at $20 or $25 for the local October and November shows. What is that, like 48 cents US...? Lame. Not even worth the effort. RMA's joke? Or kimik's 256s?
  5. Well, you lose what I always considered the biggest benefit . . . the 15-20 day turnaround. It kinda turns me off.
  6. What if the $200 variant is now worth $400? Or $500? Or $1000? What if he bought TMNT 1 when it came out because everyone else wanted it? Don't know what TMNT #1 has to do with anything, but for every 1 variant that actually goes up in price after a year, I could point out 100 that go down. By in large it is not a smart game to play. I don't know what to tell you. I just mean it seems that everyone here is acting like every book is a loser and buying anything when it is hot is a stupid idea. It also seems to paint a rather bleak picture and is portraying the end user as an insufficiently_thoughtful_person that is not capable of understanding what they are doing or buying. Are variants, in broad generalities, not good investments the week of release? Probably. Do books dry up and get hotter once they are all stashed away in personal collections? Sometimes. A much smarter play is to wait 5 years (or more) and buy these collections when they are a nickel apiece . . .
  7. What if the $200 variant is now worth $400? Or $500? Or $1000? What if he bought TMNT 1 when it came out because everyone else wanted it? Don't know what TMNT #1 has to do with anything, but for every 1 variant that actually goes up in price after a year, I could point out 100 that go down. By in large it is not a smart game to play. This. (Us agreeing? A rarity, I know.)
  8. Not that I agree with CAK at all, but . . . Yes X4 And, No.
  9. I have not put any of those out at shows yet, but I have been moving #509s fast at $10 apiece. I will be stickering #256s at $20 or $25 for the local October and November shows. I think they'll do very well at that price, especially in grade.
  10. It's funny because it's the same discussion that Bronze was having in the early years of this board. For raw, not by anyone with a brain, and those were likely the usual suspects from the GA forums, looking to have some fun. CGC 9.8+ is a different animal, and many "low census" BA books have come down in price, some precipitously so. Since I've been collecting comics in the early-80's, the year 1977 has been a firm delineation between "collectible" and "over-speculated" and over the longer-term, I still hold to that. "Get offa my lawn!"
  11. I've tried finding a high grade copy of this. As well as the Jawbreaker issue. Tough books. Definitely. I've also used the calculations of the ASM #667 print run estimates and determined that there are probably fewer than 2 copies in existence. The 3 slabs on the CGC census must be resubmissions of the same book, and the 3 copies available on Ebay are scams and stolen scans. If anyone disagrees with this, they're really disagreeing with the math of the ASM #667 estimates... and I didn't do those. Those are from a guy who really knows what he's talking about. I'm just applying the same math here... plus the fact that the book is 35 years old... plus the much lower census number of 3. It's simple really, not sure why anyone would doubt it. Unless they hate Acme & Dingo.
  12. We haven't hit the "irrational exuberance" level yet.
  13. Sorry, forgot to add mention back cover! Yes, it has the same amount of foxing. Thanks. Then no higher than 6.0, and to those who despise foxing, even lower.
  14. Without the foxing, this book looks to be about a 7.5. With the foxing (to that degree "moderate") I'd say 6.0, 6.5 tops. Does the BC exhibit the same amount? Foxing is a stain, and impacts the grade based on its severity.
  15. Yep. The end is close near. fixed that for ya! What’s the difference between "close" and "near"? I believed they had more or less the same meaning. when talking about distance, they are the same thing. outside of that, they go all over the place. someone just likes making post counts go up. Actually no, with apologies to Valliant who is truly asking for clarity, as he's Italian and it's a good question regarding the use of one word over the other. It actually relates to cartoons of days past, where the typical portrayal of the doomsayer was the old guy with the long beard walking around with a sign on a post predicting the apocalypse, with the sign saying, "The End is Nigh! (or Near!)" I'm really surprised that deathtohemingway couldn't grasp it. . . . Thanks, but otherwise they would have the same meaning? I ask because in italian they both translate as "vicino", but I realize that "close" might mean "closer" than "near"? It’s interesting when I find more english words addressing similar meanings, as italian is a very precise language with words, while english is a lot elastic (for example, "glass" which means a lot of things, and in italian we have single words for each one of them). In general, one uses "near" when referring to time, and "close" when referring to position. I should have guessed that. Like "house" and "home", while we have the same word for both. That is very interesting, as in these, meaning-wise italian is less precise than english. Wouldn't near also relate to spacial relationship? As in the house is near the lake. The restaurant is near the bay. Yes, but as I said, in general, and when the usage is comparative between the two terms.
  16. Me too, and it's books that were at the top of their momentum so of course after waiting for the case to close and the FVF the books dropped to about half of what I got stiffed. Just sold a NM 98 and my luck it's a zero FB bidder with an account registered since 2010. Should I just cancel the sale if he doesn't pay with 24 hours and offer it to the next bidder? Everyone' gotta start sometimes - I'd give him his 4 days first.
  17. I just had a guy cancel a $280 sale. Then went NLARU. Too bad. But in the long run, that's a good thing.
  18. With all the photos I took of Gambit in X-Men Annual #14, it's clear there was more than a cameo. It's the lack of focus on him other than background dressing that takes away from an easy agreement it is a full appearance book. Meanwhile, I have them both. So it is totally okay! The cover text of UXM 266 makes it pretty clear that it is intended to be his flashy and official first full introduction. We are talking about artifacts that tell "stories" and contextual/substantive first appearances do, always have, and always will have more relevance and significance in this hobby than quickie cameos, teases, etc. The current labeling notations are fine with me. -J. Classic JayDog response . . . he never admits he's wrong, even in the face of it.
  19. So ridiculous. This will be a 5 dollar book in a month. Or less. I'll take that bet. Hyperbole used for emphasis.