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The Madness

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Posts posted by The Madness

  1. I'm finding the COD4 campaign much more difficult than Ghosts.


    Wait, there's a campaign in COD4?!?




    The Infinity Ward CODs actually have good campaigns, particularly with MW2.


    MW2 was the best of the modern warfares as far as campaigns go. I did like some elements of the BO2 campaign, especially with how the decisions factored into the ending. It was pretty bland otherwise though.


    I'm still waiting for Activision to give us a pure COD zombie game. Even with all the powerups and upgrades, zombie mode gets pretty old after awhile.


    I always come back to it. It gets old, but after a while it gets pretty fun again

  2. I'm surprised more people haven't commented on this news yet.


    These were some huge complaints people had about the Xbox One that have finally been addressed.



    I still don't think the massive size of the Xbox One and lower resolution would be worth the same price as the PS4. And the games for the One haven't really appealed to me with most being shooters and what not.

  3. The only thing this movie has going for it are the great CGI battles and the Gwen/Peter storyline. Everything else drug this movie down into mediocrity or worse.


    Fully agree. I actually had tears in my eyes when Gwen passed, even though I knew it was going to happen.


    They still should have had it happen on the bridge. :sumo:


    Yeah if I am going to criticize the movie that is #1.


    When I saw Peter swing her up to the bridge I was like.......OMG here we gooooooo


    Don't think they did the Green Goblin bridge scene because it was already done in Spider-Man 1.


    The clock tower was kinda neat when the spinning clock stopped at 1:21 . That was a cool nod to the books.



    Wow. I didn't even notice that. Good eye

  4. I hope they don't change the costume. The ASM 2 costume is just too good for them to throw it away. I mean, it has gotten a lot of praise. I understand the alternate might be more realistic, but the new costume just makes it look like he stepped out of the books. And with that side by side comparison, I just think the new costume knocks the other one out of the park. The alternate one has eyes that make him look surprised all the time

  5. I would be surprised if Sony doesn't yank Webb from this franchise. The pitch count on Webb is 0-2.


    People are very split on this. Webb is getting things accurate from the comics. Ex. the webshooters, the personality, the movements of Spidey, and best of all that suit in the recent movie. He was also able to show Peter's intelligence and especially Gwen's in this past movie as well


    I don't know man, I am a huge Spidey fan (obviously) but after what I saw from ASM 1 and what I am hearing about this film (seeing it this weekend), I am pretty underwhelmed.


    I disagree a bit on how Webb is "getting things accurate from the comics"


    Just because Spidey made his webshooters and his costume looks exactly like the comics in this current series does not equal a win for me...It needs more than that. Much, much more.


    Also, linking all these villains to Oscorp is lame and NOTHING like the comics. Look how far they strayed from the comics for the villains - Those pics of Rhino and GG make me want to :sick:


    Anyway, I will wait until I see ASM 2 to reserve final judgement, but my expectations are quite low...


    I just don't get how hard it is to make a good Spidey movie? It should not be this difficult!!!


    Avi Arad made a big stink about Fiege "getting all the credit" for Marvel's recent success, but that guy really, really needs to look at what Marvel is doing and actually honour the source material...


    Oh yeah, I know that it needs more than that. But as far as looking back to the original trilogy, there's no doubt in my mind that these ASM movies are truer to the comics. Of course the villains aren't true to the books, which is why I didn't mention it. I was just saying that these films follow the books more accurately compared to Raimi's even if it's just a little bit. One thing's for sure imo though. The current movie really captures Spidey's personality from the comics, which ironically enough has some fans complaining about it


    From which comics?

    You're retelling the origin of Spider-man and not including JJJ, introducing Gwen Stacey and her Dad already, killing off her Dad in the first movie, NOT having Spider-man catch the burglar who killed his Uncle Ben (which is a pretty important part of the origin)...

    These movies are NOTHING like the comics, OTHER THAN, Spider-man wise cracking.


    NOTHING like the comics is an exaggeration. Like I said, I was comparing Raimi's to Webb's. Webb's is more accurate than Raimi's. It's a reboot, a new cast, new characters others may not have heard before. Of course they'd retell the origin. Yes, catching the burglar was important to the origin, but only to the point that he found out he was the one who murdered Uncle Ben. And that's what Peter found out in the reboot. He found out the guy who killed his Uncle Ben was the burglar he let go.


    As far as this reboot being more accurate than Raimi's, Gwen is introduced as his first true love, Captain Stacy dies, little things like having webshooters, the costume, the wisecracks, his intelligence is shown more, and some other things from the current movie that I won't mention just yet so I don't spoil the movie for those who haven't seen it.


    And honestly, I find it respectful to not include JJJ in these movies, at least not physically. JK Simmons is just that guy that in my mind could never be out done in that role. But again, these Webb films aren't exactly like the comics, but more accurate compared to Raimi's, other than these villains being linked to Oscorp to set up this Sinister Six movie

  6. I would be surprised if Sony doesn't yank Webb from this franchise. The pitch count on Webb is 0-2.


    People are very split on this. Webb is getting things accurate from the comics. Ex. the webshooters, the personality, the movements of Spidey, and best of all that suit in the recent movie. He was also able to show Peter's intelligence and especially Gwen's in this past movie as well


    I don't know man, I am a huge Spidey fan (obviously) but after what I saw from ASM 1 and what I am hearing about this film (seeing it this weekend), I am pretty underwhelmed.


    I disagree a bit on how Webb is "getting things accurate from the comics"


    Just because Spidey made his webshooters and his costume looks exactly like the comics in this current series does not equal a win for me...It needs more than that. Much, much more.


    Also, linking all these villains to Oscorp is lame and NOTHING like the comics. Look how far they strayed from the comics for the villains - Those pics of Rhino and GG make me want to :sick:


    Anyway, I will wait until I see ASM 2 to reserve final judgement, but my expectations are quite low...


    I just don't get how hard it is to make a good Spidey movie? It should not be this difficult!!!


    Avi Arad made a big stink about Fiege "getting all the credit" for Marvel's recent success, but that guy really, really needs to look at what Marvel is doing and actually honour the source material...


    Oh yeah, I know that it needs more than that. But as far as looking back to the original trilogy, there's no doubt in my mind that these ASM movies are truer to the comics. Of course the villains aren't true to the books, which is why I didn't mention it. I was just saying that these films follow the books more accurately compared to Raimi's even if it's just a little bit. One thing's for sure imo though. The current movie really captures Spidey's personality from the comics, which ironically enough has some fans complaining about it

  7. Spider-man and Batman have the best rogue gallery which I assume everyone agrees on. (X-men would be 3rd place). So for your question I am saying that most superheroes have 1 or 2 A-list followed by a bunch of jobbers, so being a B or C-list is still fairly good behind Spiderman's premiere villains.


    Spider-man IMO category list:


    Green Goblin (A-List)

    Doc Ock (A-List)

    Venom (A-List)


    Scorpion (B-List)-IMO the Villain who should have been on film well before Electro

    Rhino (B-List)

    Carnage (B-List)

    Kraven (B-List)-who I really want to see on screen

    Hobgoblin (B-List)

    Sandman (B-List)

    Spider Slayers (B-List)

    The Chameleon (B-List)


    Vulture (C-List)

    Mysterio (C-List)-cool visual on screen I would like to see

    Electro (C-List)

    Lizard (C-List)

    Molten Man (C-List)

    Shocker (C-List)

    Hammerhead (C-List)

    The Jackal (C-List)

    Tarantula (C-List)


    The rest are jobbers.....


    ***Kingpin I really associate now with Daredevil***


    So sure I agree Spider-man has one of the best Rogue Galleries so like I said I find it interesting to me that I enjoy these two movies so far with C-list villains at the helm. However seeing one of Spider-man's all time supporting cast of friends new on the screen with Gwen helped.


    I'd love to see Hobgoblin and Carnage on screen. I don't know why, but I've always wanted to see Kraven as the main villain

  8. I just came back from seeing this with Mrs. CC, and I have to say ASM 2 is a winner!

    First of all my expectations were low because of the ASM 2 CGI trailers, the Rotten Tomatoes reviews, and my lukewarm feelings of ASM 1.

    Speaking of ASM 1 let`s get this straight!

    ASM 2 is way better then ASM 1.

    Now lets look at why I liked ASM 2 so much.


    In ASM 1 we didn`t really care about the Andrew Garfield Spider-Man.

    Here in ASM 2 he wins us over. We care about him,we care about his parent`s, and most of all we care about Gwen.


    The villians of ASM 2 are way more interesting then the boring Lizard.

    In fact there are times when Electro and the Green Goblin are downright scary.

    To take it a step further Dane Dehaan steals the movie as the Green Goblin.



    While I am glad you liked the movie but after re-reading your review I guess what I still don't get is what about ASM 1 you didn't like.


    I get people thought that main villain was lame, but guess what so is the real lizard back in the 1960's. (shrug) I actually thought the actor who played Dr Connors did an amazing job, and the CGI was just fine with me. I mean lets give these first 2 movies some credit here since they used what 3 C-list villains without going to the main 3 just yet. 1. Venom 2. Green Goblin (Norman) 3 Doc Ock


    Garfield is by far the better actor and person to play the part over Tobey.


    I am very critical and outspoken so when it comes to people not enjoying Garfield as Spider-man/PP I shake my head probably the most ever since joining the boards.



    I completely agree. And you hit the nail on the head regarding the villains they've had to use because of the original trilogy already using the main ones. But I thought Harry as Goblin in ASM 2 was absolutely spectacular. I completely loved him as a villain in ASM 2. Had he been the only villain in this movie, I think this would've been my favorite Spidey movie so far

  9. are the hot toys figures statues or dolls?


    Man, I almost bought a spider-man hot toys for $180.


    They are incredibly detailed action figures with limited posability due to the costume, clothes, etc. they wear. I always found their prices fair because of how much detail are in them especially face sculpts and accessories/clothes, but there are some that I would give second thoughts on for paying that much

  10. A question to all the die hard gamers. I have not gamed in like two months. After years of gaming every day for MANY hours each day. What the hell is going on with me? I played so many games that I feel when I play now....I am not impressed with whatever I am playing now and start to compare it to other games I have played and feel like it's been done many times.


    How do I get back into gaming? ???


    Same with me. I beat "The Last of Us" a few months ago, LOVED that, and ever since I've barely played anything except some old school Street Fighter 2 for 15 minute bursts here and there. I've barely touched my shiny new PS4 in months.


    It happens. We're in that weird lull period shortly after a new console launch where there's a ton of stuff in the oven but nothing ready yet. Eventually something new will come along and pull you back in.


    Have you tried Infamous: Second Son? Plot sucks, but I loved the gameplay