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Posts posted by stanley1883

  1. :taptaptap:


    My experience shows that their current TaT's have always been longer than the estimated TaT's. Why not update it so that Estimated times ARE Current? I haven't seen nor heard of any submissions pace the "estimated" times. Seems like a folly to have those estimated times up there at all.


    I'm pretty optimistic that my current slow track value sub will get done ahead of the stated TAT of 59 business days. My count was for those business days to be up at the end of June, and the books were graded on 5/17. I would certainly hope that it wouldn't take them 6 weeks to get them encapsulated and shipped...

    We were told on our standard submission last week they are expected about 120 days..


    I find it hard to believe that any sub would take 120 days. In any event, if mine takes 6 weeks to get encapsulated and shipped they're likely to get a phone call.




    It's bound to get caught up somewhere. My 4 coupons have been sitting at verified for 2 weeks (9-10 business days) Current and Est is 15. Other coupon subs have been closer to 18-20.


    I'd honestly be shocked if any tier beat the current time, let alone a "slow track" I'm not even counting their Estimated as legitimate any more.


    Considering that they would want to show off on the coupon subs to entice memberships, if those are consistently lagging behind, we don't have any hope. Dont pay for fast track it takes longer, pay for fast track it still takes longer than the current TaT.......:pullhair:

  2. :taptaptap:


    My experience shows that their current TaT's have always been longer than the estimated TaT's. Why not update it so that Estimated times ARE Current? I haven't seen nor heard of any submissions pace the "estimated" times. Seems like a folly to have those estimated times up there at all.

  3. Coupon books shipped today :grin:


    Col Soc Coupon:

    4/28/2014 Received

    5/19/2014 Scheduled for Grading

    5/20/2014 Graded

    5/23/2014 Grading/Quality Control

    5/27/2014 Shipped/Safe


    Value Slow Track:

    4/1/2014 Received

    5/20/2014 Scheduled for Grading

    5/23/2014 Graded


    Modern Slow Track:

    5/8/2014 Received



    5/21/2014 Received

    5/22/2014 Verified



    Did it really take 21 business days for the coupon? Current TaT on website still says 15. Oy......

  4. Modern Fast Track:


    Received: 5/16/2014

    Verified: 5/22/2014 :taptaptap:


    This will be interesting, my coupon subs were verified on the 16th. See which one gets done first


    I'd be willing to bet the MFT will be done before the coupons. That seems to be the way the tiers are shaping up of late.


    I'm checking daily. Place your bets folks!

  5. Had some activity of late...I'm mostly a slow track kind of guy zzz


    Col Soc Coupon:

    4/28/2014 Received

    5/19/2014 Scheduled for Grading

    5/20/2014 Graded


    Value Slow Track:

    4/1/2014 Received

    5/20/2014 Scheduled for Grading


    Modern Slow Track:

    5/8/2014 Received



    Hold on it took 15 business days from received to Scheduled for grading with the coupon!!!! The turn around currently says 15 days, wth?


    When was it verified?

  6. Dont expect too much of a price correction. Deadpool is really appealing to newer readers.


    Don't really agree with your assessment as him being simply a combo of others as that could be argues about almost every "newer" character.


    Get a 9.6 or a 9.4, saves you lots of money, can also try to get that pressed if a 9.8 is really important to you. I'm not big on 9.8's because I think they're way over priced. I don't mind having a 9.6 that looks just as good and have extra cash in my pocket.


    Ultimately, Deadpool is and will remain relevant for the forseeable future. Get in now, because I think the price will go up before it goes down, regardless of the census. There will still be uniformed or simply wealthy people that will keep the prices where they are if not drive them up.

  7. I can't figure out why Slade is still so angry after being given the cure for Mirakuru enhancement. Roy's rage was gone after he got the cure? Why is Slade still acting all roided out?

    They must have more in store for the character down the road. I don't understand how Ollie can let him live after what he did to his mother - and he nearly murdered Felicity as well! I'd have wasted him when I had the chance - why

    Leave such an obviously dangerous killer around to plot an escape - which will surely come if I know anything about how things work.

    So - is Thea now under MM's influence? Will she try with his help to take over Queen Industries and become Ollies rival for taking back control of the company? What's is store for everyone's favorite - Laurel? Seem like she's been passed the torch by Sara. Can she step up and become Black Canary - and what about her "powers".

    So much to ponder as we wait for season 3.



    So I think the difference between Roy and Slade is that Slade had rage because of what happened to Shadow, Roy was just angry as in teenage angst. He was pissed off for the sake of being pissed of. If Thea was murdered or killed by someone, Roy's rage may not have abated, my 2c


    Ollie letting Slade live is a head scratcher to me as well, but I guess that's what makes a Super-hero, letting people live when nobody understands, unless it's some kind of "my mother wouldn't want this" type thing :shrug:


    Thea's character is my one gripe. I absolutely hate what they did to her. She seems to have no motivation and is just walking around pissed off, much like Roy. Thea's actions are not motivated, I mean she knew her family her entire life, turns her back on them for lying, then in comes Malcolm, also a liar, if not worse, Thea shoots him, spends the entire episode saying how she hates him, and then ends up leaving with him!? Why? You can forgive his lies but not Roy's and Ollie's? Seriously, she is the worst written character right now, it's just like they wanted a random spoiled brat and they turn Thea into it.... hate it.


  8. I don't find the casting decisions baffling at all.


    Ben Affleck was a stretch but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor doesnt make sense to me, that role had Bryan Cranston/ Walter White written all over it, regardless of how well Eisenberg does, it will always be subpar considering what I think Cranston would have done. Maybe that's not fair, but that's just how it is.


    Finally Gal Gadot, is an atrocious pick for Wonder Woman. A stick figure cannot play the most powerful woman in the world, not to mention her "acting" in Fast & Furious wasn't exactly compelling. She would make a great Olive Oil if it were a Popeye movie, but her rail thin physique is a turn off on all accounts.



    To each their own, but I honestly cannot understand these casting decisions.

  9. since i'm off work awaiting minor surgery, i've been re watching season one. i do have some questions.




    so, obviously, the list was names somehow connected to the undertaking. was it ever explained that every name was taken care of? why were there 2-3 books with names in the first place? why could ollie see the names when the book was placed over a fire, yet felicity had to use special glasses? was moira or malcolm's name on the list? was it ever explained how moira found the boat? did she know her husband and son were going to be murdered on the boat?



    I'm going to attempt some answers. completely at random.



    If I recall correctly, the names in the books could only be seen with heat. hence the fire

    No every name was taken care of, Arrow kind of quit the book vendetta and just started being a good guy. Plus I thin it was destroyed.

    Don't recall the 2-3 books, I think there were 3 copies, for 3 diff people.

    Moira's name wasn't on the list, I do think Malcolms was.

    Moira found the boat with Malcolms help if I recall as he had it sunk in the first place.

    Don't think Moira knew at the time, she found out it was Malcolm after the fact.





    Not super sure about any of these, if someone wants to correct me, it would be appreciated.

  10. I would think everyone is caught up, but I'm not gonna be the guy to ruin the experience for someone who isn't.



    Well someone called Malcolm Merlin returning, so :applause: Though I saw that happening too.


    Something has to give, Waller is blockading the city but NOT sending in the Suicide Squad? Doesn't add up.


    Still :wishluck: that The Flash will make an appearance. I don't see how Ollie and Canary will take down the entire Miracuru army with a bunch of pedestrians. I mean I saw Roy in the trailer but he's normal now isn't he, unless there's some residual effects.


    They're going to have to weaponize the cure or Ollie will need tons of special arrows. Or the flash can inject everyone in like 2 minutes ago!!! You gotta bring him back in costume, just once!! Thoughts???


  11. This seemed like an episode where they moved the pieces into position for the big finale. I would have liked more action but I guess this was necessary to set up the next few remaining chapters left in this season. So who thinks Black Canary will return with the League of Assasins and help Arrow and his team crush Slades army of Mirakuru-enhanced thugs? He's going to need some reinforcements to tackle all those guys and Sebastian Blood - and of course Slade - whom I wonder if he can be cured and turned "good" after everyone he's killed - i.e. Ollie's mom. I doubt it though. I think it all ends with a cataclysmic fight, but it's pretty complicated situation, and I'm sure we're in for more surprises before this is all over. I was thinking, the Flash could swoop in and round up all the goons, but that's unlikely since we've not heard any suggestion he will return to Arrow before it wraps the season - or have we and I forgot?

    Youser doh!



    This is what I think will happen in the next 2 episodes:



    In case your not up to date


    Roy will snap out of it and help Arrow.

    Canary will come back to help, or maybe a "New" Canary will emerge (Laurel?)

    New character or Flash returns for the finale to provide help. Felicity's call from Star Labs has something to do with, I'm almost certain.

    Also thought I saw Malcolm Merlin on the preview and a part of me thinks that he will actually help Arrow against Slade's army interestingly enough. The whole "enemy of my enemy is my friend"



    Outside of that I really don't know. Don't think Ollie's mom is coming back, and I'm interested to see what happens with Thea. It's a shame that it took Moira's death for her to stop being such an insufficiently_thoughtful_person. That's my one gripe, that Thea, who I actually liked, was acting like a pouty 12 year old brat.






  12. Lots of cool possibilities discussed here - I guess we'll see what happens tonight!

    My DVR eff'd up last night, so tonight is a comic book television double-header at my house:

    MAOS (which has gotten much better) and ARROW !


    MAOS would have to have gotten MUCH better. I tried watching it when it came out, it was painfully bad. Could not sit through the 2nd episode.