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Posts posted by Ironmandrd

  1. I would have thought that for most, overpaying happens a fair amount.   I have overpaid for non-grail items often. 

    For me, there are no predefined rules and the amount of overpaying is based on the specifics of each purchase  but loosely is mostly affected by how much I want the piece (which usually factors in nostalgia).  I also look at it more from a dollar perspective than from a percentage perspective (so paying 2x or 3x as a percentage multiple is not a factor at lower price points if I really want the piece).  And of course for grail-like items, the amount that you are willing to overpay increases considerably.


  2. Privacy can work the other way too.  I know a guy in CA who put some pieces into a HA Signature Auction because he didn't want anyone to know he owned them to begin with.   There are a number of other reasons--too many to list them all.  But one is time---I for one do not have the same amount of time as I did before having kids to pursue private purchases and sales or even have public sales.  Easier to buy in an auction or infrequently put a piece into an auction (although I rarely sell I did sell three pages publicly last year). 

  3. I recall buying a B&W Avengers cover acetate (for a 1970s cover) many years ago (before I knew better) from Leadpink for about $100 and as soon as I looked at it in hand I noticed the lines were wavy where the comic art lines on the cover were smooth and it just looked hokey.  I emailed them and got the following response.  I then returned it for a full refund.

    "The page is production page used by the printer prior to publication to check for proper B/W contrast and quality control, mispellings, broken linework etc, it is a one of a kind proof and or b/w contrast guide I acquired most of these in the 80's and 90's when marvel went digital and no longer used transparency's, stats or paste ups, (not sure about the wavy lines could have been a misprint so to speak) it is the only one I have, but if your not happy I have a money back guarantee on all my items if your not happy I'm not happy I have no problem with a full refund or a 25% partial refund if you would like to keep it, Let me know what you would like to do, Thanks!"

  4. Don't forget Nova #12 -  http://www.comicartfans.com/gallerypiece.asp?piece=1180988

    Also, wasn't there an original pencil version of Nova #1 on CAF awhile ago?  Or was that a recreation?

    Was a fan of Nova too and kept with it through the uneven art and uneven stories of those 25 issues (and although I liked some of the Infantino covers and splashes, was generally not a fan of most of the Infantino art).  Don't own any Nova OA but have come close a few times to buying a Sal B. Nova page.


  5. I voted, in number order:

    608 (kick)

    608 (Hush--normally I don't like split screen covers but character inclusion outweighed that)




    Runner up:  612 (Supes)


    I do lean towards non-pin up, story relevant covers (608 being the exception but it launched the story and I think he also did a similar flying kick in the story as well).

    Am a bit surprised that 619 (Heroes), notwithstanding the somewhat over-the-top posing, has only 4 votes.

  6. Two random observations---while not a real Cosmic artist, Buckler did his version of Silver Surfer pages in FF in the 70s, and while I'm not a big fan, those pages command high prices. 

    And I am surprised that Starlin doesn't get more Cosmic love.  His 70s Captain Marvel/Avengers/Warlock Thanos art was great (later wasn't too bad either). 

  7. 37 minutes ago, PhilipB2k17 said:

    I'm not a flipper. And I'm not sure I want to buy a page, just to flip it for more art. But, its too tempting to give away what I'm talking about. If it were about 1K less, I'd probably jump on it.


    Are you familiar with the expression "fish or cut bait"?  It's now been 4 days since you posted about this eBay deal -- stop teasing it out-- either buy the lot or tell other folks about it so they (not me) can buy it if they want.

  8. 2 hours ago, Brian Peck said:

    There is always grey areas, yes some artist put in crazy amount of work on some con pieces. These days artists are putting a lot of effort into pieces they create at cons since there is a lot of competition for the collector dollars. I have had commissions that have silicate detail as con pieces. Con sketch category was put in for those who got pieces that were less expensive at cons. Nothing is perfect and I think this has worked out relatively well. There is always exactions.

    Thanks.  Understood.  By the way, it wasn't meant as a criticism--just a passing observation.

  9. 28 minutes ago, alxjhnsn said:

    The distinction is done "at home" vs. "done on site."

    So, pre-con list where the piece is ready when you get there is a commission. A piece that you asked to have done and which was completed at the show (on-site) is a convention sketch regardless of quality or cost.

    My Bastian Pirate Ship (in my eyes at least) is incredible. He did it overnight at the show so a convention sketch. 

    Yes, this does lead to some "quality differences" since a 10m sketch at the table isn't the same as one done in 30m or an hour in the hotel room, but ...

    Thanks. Yeah I thought it was something like that with the necessary middle-ground-but-needs-to-go-somewhere piece being done in the hotel but still counting as a convention sketch. 

    What about ones done by an artist at home (but not commissioned by anyone) and brought to the show (so liked the 3 or 4 single character Thanos or Captain Marvel pieces that Jim Starlin brings to a show.)

  10. Just finished voting.  Thanks again to CAF, Bill, Brian et al for putting this together. A few observations--This is such a GREAT way to see a bunch of art that may otherwise be missed.  Every category had me saying "wow" to one or more pieces I hadn't seen before.   For me, the three hardest categories to pick only 5 were (in order):  Interior Panel Pages, Covers and surprisingly Other.   Just so many great pieces overall. 

    One question that occurred to me was about the distinction between Commissions and Sketch Covers/Convention Sketches since many of the convention sketches looked as detailed as the Commissions.  

  11. 12 minutes ago, vodou said:

    Plenty of eye-appeal as the pitchmen would say. Totally appropriate in this case. Nice art.

    $40k is a whole 'nother thing though ;)

    While I acknowledge the likelihood that interested parties help prop up Romita prices at auction, given these prices there must be other people bidding on and winning these pages (although I would think that pool of bidders diminishes a fair amount once the bidding hits in the $40k+ range, absent a special/splashy page).   I don't collect Romita ASM but even I have been tempted and have bid on some miscellaneous pages (although not from ASM 39) --but not in the higher ranges. 

    I also wonder how many bidders/winners are in it to get that one example of a good or great page.  I see some people attempt to do that with Byrne X-Men or 70s/80s non-X-men Byrne (color me guilty on that account as well).


    20 minutes ago, comix4fun said:

    I don't know if I've seen any mediocre or run of the mill pages go for that much. 

    Was there an example of a $40-50k mediocre page that sold?

    A number of the ASM 39 pages sold for more than $40k on HA in 2015/2016.  As to whether any were "mediocre" I'll leave to others.

  13. 15 hours ago, delekkerste said:

    When you say you scanned some art for some Marvel Masterworks, do you mean that you scanned some of the art you own to be included in the "extras" section of the book(s)?  If so, I'm curious - did Marvel comp you a published copy when it/they came out?  I scanned some art that I was told would be used in one of the Omnibus editions that came out last year; a comp copy was neither offered nor asked for, though, it would have been nice to see how it turned out and how the art was presented in the book in the end, even if it was just in e-mailed JPEG or PDF form.     

    As an FYI, years ago when I sent in a page to Marvel from the unpublished Perez Avengers vs JLA series to be scanned and included in the omnibus compendium version they were doing, Marvel sent me a free copy.

  14. 2 hours ago, vodou said:

    Yes. A very good deal. Without looking up the artist I'd peg that IM cover at $6500-8500. More depending on artist, if it's not Tom Morgan (as I suspect it is).

    It’s by Kevin Hopgood and no, not worth near that much.  But worth more than $1100.  IIRC, last three Hopgood IM covers sold in 2013/2014 for about $1.5k to $2k each.

  15.  I stopped getting commissions years ago for a variety of issues, including the massive delay issue and less than satisfactory results at times.  My 2 cents is that for something like this --stick with the main issue/problem --which seems to be the jaw (which admittedly you seemed to have played a part in the final product).  Playing the percentages, criticizing his work on the hat and foot will make him less likely to help and fix the main issue.  And frankly, IMO the hat and the foot aren't in the same league as the jaw and the jaw is the real issue.  The hat and foot fall squarely with "you pays yer money and you takes yer chances"

    And fer crissakes :), don't mention that you posted a public thread about your unhappiness and inviting critique.  If you have to say something say you showed the piece to a friend and he mentioned something about the jaw.

  16. No one is (or seems to be) knocking the effort of doing this for each auction.  Kudos for doing that.  While not always agreeing with the commentary, I have read every article over the past year. 

    The issue de jour is using and reporting private pre-auction estimates in a public post auction manner.   It just raises too many questions and issues.   I also don't think anyone is saying that every single piece has to have a pre-auction estimate.  But I don't see why there couldn't be a short preview article with whatever number of pieces he wants to do an estimate for.  The post auction article can then cover those and then just like the articles prior to adding estimates, the article can cover any other selected pieces as well.  And this is not picking on the author.  It would the case with any collector who publicly compared auction results to their own private estimates.