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Posts posted by Katchoo

  1. Lordy, the print run on Clone is still tiny. That's barely over 100 copies per state.


    Yup. Looks like there better be tv show/movie out fast or the book will be cancelled first........


    Image don't cancel books.


    Maybe not, but at what point do the creators pull the trigger? At some point the time vs. money equation will not be worth it.


    It will be interesting to see if the SDCC announcement does anything to increase readership. If not, it is a book that is trending the wrong way........


    Since they're working on a tv show I doubt they'll be pulling the trigger anytime soon. Last I heard, which was a while ago, #15 was being written.

  2. Saga increased readership by 16,000. Even if EoW falls a bit short of 18,000 new readers, demand for #1s will still be solid. I think that adding 10,000 new readers by issue 12 is very possible (Hickman releasing the TPB during infinity will not hurt). We'll see.


    With regards to demographics and saga- let's see. I think that people are trying to say that saga appeals to females more than EoW and that this helps Saga sell to people that EoW can't. I don't necessarily buy that yet. EoW features a bad woman who tamed Death, the Crow - who's rad, War - who's awesome, and a female president. There is a LOT of room for females (and just about any demographic) to latch on to this book (btw- love me some saga, but I think that both saga and EoW are great reads that, after 5 issues, are comparable).


    Yeah, I know that TBP was saying Saga appeals to women more so has a wider demographic. Whether that's right or wrong, it's still irrelevant when comparing sales increases or decreases and secondary market value. The whole point of doing it in percentages rather than in numbers was so that the size of the readership doesn't matter. In that way you can compare any comic to Saga no matter how low a print run it has. Every comic starts at 100% whether it sells 40k or 4k.


    How useful that is with secondary market prices and predictions, I don't know. But I would expect some kind of trend there. The main problem just now is that there isn't enough EoW data to go on.

  3. $20 book? sure.

    $50 book? cant see it.


    Also, not fair to compare EoW to Saga.


    different reading demographics


    That doesn't even make sense. Those numbers don't have anything to do with reading demographics - they don't care whether it's 40,000 male readers or female readers.

  4. I'm confused here. I've seen this book at cons selling for 10-15 buck a floppy and on freebay its hovering around the 10 dollar mark. And nobody thinks this book will go higher than 20 bucks say a year from now? lol seriously?


    You've shifted the goal posts. The original post on value was estimating it being a $50-60 book by November. It could be a $20 book in a years time. It could still be a $10 book in a years time. Depends how many people out there with multiple copies are happy to sell them for $10.


    In the UK you can still get copies for double cover price including postage.

  5. Predictions for Nov/Dec?


    $50-$60 #1 raw


    $150 range #1 9.8?



    No way. I think max, $85.


    Raw will be $15-20




    The only thing I can see causing this to jump above these figures would be a tv/movie rumor or lots of nods for best comic of 2013. Think.. 'what is going to cause 20k + new readers to jump on in the next 4 months.'



    I don't think the books will be overly high in Nov/Dec but I also don't think it would take 20,000 new readers to drive prices on any book. Supply just has to be outweighed by demand and voila lol


    Here are some statistics for you! :grin:


    Saga is now selling 142% of the current issue compared to what it sold of #1.

    (#1 = 37,641. #12 = 53,339)


    Ignoring #4 of EoW because there was a variant that (probably) skewed numbers, and therefore using #3, East of West is current selling 80% of what it did for #1.

    (#1 = 49,518. #3 = 39,441)


    In order for East of West to get to Saga-level of demand-vs-supply (ie 142%), East of West would have to start selling just over 70,000 copies of current issues. That's almost 21,000 extra readers than it had with #3.


    If you're ignoring #4 because of variants, shouldn't you also account for variants of issue 1? It seems like issue 1 regular probably sold roughly 44,000 copies. I agree that it'll have to start selling many more copies for there to be an equivalent copies of current issue/copies of issue 1 ratio, but that sort of adjustment certainly makes the needed reader growth look somewhat more obtainable. Also, the book doesn't need to have the same ratio as Saga to still be a sought after book.


    That being said, I don't see regular #1s going crazy anytime soon. The FP variants I think will do well (and the Ghosts will do OK), but I agree with Brett's logic that there are a lot of copies out there just waiting to be brought to market. Still, given how many people out there bought quantity at discounted prices, raws rising to $20 each doesn't seem like such a bad outcome and seems possible (although not probable).


    Changing EoW to 44k means it would need just over 18,000 more readers/sales to get to the same % as Saga.


    Obviously there are other factors at play that make a book desirable. Print runs can go down on subsequent issues but still be a "hot" book. Just with the excessive hopefulness of EoW being a $50 book like Saga I felt this thread needed a little perspective. I don't see it being a $20 book any time soon either because sooooo many people bought multiple copies of this (and probably multiples of #2, 3 and 4 too) so who knows what the real readership number is.

  6. Predictions for Nov/Dec?


    $50-$60 #1 raw


    $150 range #1 9.8?



    No way. I think max, $85.


    Raw will be $15-20




    The only thing I can see causing this to jump above these figures would be a tv/movie rumor or lots of nods for best comic of 2013. Think.. 'what is going to cause 20k + new readers to jump on in the next 4 months.'



    I don't think the books will be overly high in Nov/Dec but I also don't think it would take 20,000 new readers to drive prices on any book. Supply just has to be outweighed by demand and voila lol


    Here are some statistics for you! :grin:


    Saga is now selling 142% of the current issue compared to what it sold of #1.

    (#1 = 37,641. #12 = 53,339)


    Ignoring #4 of EoW because there was a variant that (probably) skewed numbers, and therefore using #3, East of West is current selling 80% of what it did for #1.

    (#1 = 49,518. #3 = 39,441)


    In order for East of West to get to Saga-level of demand-vs-supply (ie 142%), East of West would have to start selling just over 70,000 copies of current issues. That's almost 21,000 extra readers than it had with #3.

  7. I think the Nowhere Men and Bedlam threads could use some of the sunny enthusiasm in here. :D



    Not likely to happen so I'll try to even it out a little:


    Delays have killed this book! BKV and Fiona can't do their one job and get a comic out on time and they obviously don't care about their fans! I've supported this book from the beginning! How dare they do this to meeeee???! :cry:

  8. First issues always get speculator bumps.


    There was also no way to evaluate in advance what the demand would be, so the print runs for the first issue or so would have either been too few or too many.


    I prefer to see it as the glass is half full rather than empty simply because it's retained a rather solid 80% of the original interest.


    Now that it's escaped the stigma that a 'mini' brings with the announcement of an ongoing, the title has room to grow and gain readership.


    Don't forget, this title has no 'hype' relating to movies, tv, etc. Whatever interest is out there relates to a true fanbase.


    However, I wouldn't be surprised if before long we hear about such developments. It's hard to keep the genie bottled up after all.


    They know exactly what the demand is for the first few issues based on retailer orders which are based on customer pre-orders. It's the same with any book. They only print what's ordered. It's not a guess.