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Posts posted by Katchoo

  1. This book was so hot, and it's just completely fallen off. Bummer, too, because I always heard good things.


    You'll still hear good things from people who enjoy the book for the story & art rather than the money it's worth. It's a good book.

  2. Also, in the total bragging department, landed this sweet NWM variant. No clue how many were printed. To get one requires great efforts which I am not allowed to discuss :-)


    For those total fanboys out there, this is the NWM variant to get, although the only way you can get one is if it's personalized.





    Will post picks when it returns from CGC.


    Oh dear god, don't tell Andy lol


    But also... :applause:

  3. E.s. said NWM is "something he does on nights and weekends." Don't ask for a source Katchoo, but it's there (someone can or will post it). NWM is his side gig, but my money would be wig BeerThirty in that I bet that art is the issue. Just a guess. Whatever, I'll keep reading regardless, but it's silly that issue six will probably come out after the trade was scheduled to come out.


    So that means he's not invested in his own book? Because he has a day job? Do you realise how many other creators have to spend their evenings and week ends on their book(s) too? Kurtis did until recently. I'm not sure what your point is? :foryou:


    The art probably is the issue because it often is. Obviously because Nate is lazy, can't be bothered and isn't invested in his own book.

  4. No, I don't think they have 15 issues finished. But do you think they're REALLY doing the best they can to get a single issue finished on time? The original "plan" was to have 6 (and then 7?) come out, and then the trade would be released. So essentially, they just needed to finish one or two issues, and then they would have a break to try and get a head start on the next arc.


    Yes, I do. I've no reason to think otherwise. Do you think they don't want their own book to be out in time? Do you think they are deliberately trying to get people to lose interest in their book? Do you think they don't like being paid? I mean, honestly?


    And this kind of comment is one of the reasons why a post by ES saying "we're doing the best we can..." wouldn't be accepted by many of the complainers in here.


    E.S. is making money no matter what NWM does. That's part of the complaint is that he's not invested in the comic because it's just a side project.


    Again, the idea that he's not invested in his own book is an assumption on your part.


    And if E.S. took the effort himself to say they're doing the best they can instead of opting to brush it off at a panel, then at least he's showing that he's aware of the readers and is doing his best to fix the problem. That would be enough for me. There is a big difference just telling yourself that you know they're doing their best and E.S. actually saying that they are.


    You're fooling yourself if you think you'd be happy with a "hey we're doing our best" comment. You've already made up your mind that he's not doing his best. He's just relaxing and being lazy and unprofessional and disrespecting his fans, yo. Whatever helps you justify your knickers being in a twist.


    Anyway, I look forward to the next issue of Nowhere Men whenever it's out and I'm happy knowing that ES and Nate don't owe me anything :)

  5. No, I don't think they have 15 issues finished. But do you think they're REALLY doing the best they can to get a single issue finished on time? The original "plan" was to have 6 (and then 7?) come out, and then the trade would be released. So essentially, they just needed to finish one or two issues, and then they would have a break to try and get a head start on the next arc.


    Yes, I do. I've no reason to think otherwise. Do you think they don't want their own book to be out in time? Do you think they are deliberately trying to get people to lose interest in their book? Do you think they don't like being paid? I mean, honestly?


    And this kind of comment is one of the reasons why a post by ES saying "we're doing the best we can..." wouldn't be accepted by many of the complainers in here.

  6. Katchoo......are you E.S. or Nate? :wink:


    You're right tho, E.S. has no responsibilitiy to tell us anything about the delays and he's perfectly within his right to ignore the forums as well as be tight lipped at cons. He SHOULD hate speculators because we're nothing but filth that denegrate the sanctity of his beloved book (which he doesn't see fit to write with any regularity).

    He SHOULD defend artists that cannot put things in the mail because of the weather and at every turn he should seem like a pretty wound up tightass because it's very becoming of a publisher of a comic book company.

    Of course all that should be followed up by a tantrum about all the aforementioned things resulting in his exodus from the forums, because it's very adult-like.


    How many variants do you have? lol


    Got a few, but that isn't the crux of my view. I've got my bigboy pants on speculating in silver age keys. The moderns are just for z and giggles. But my commentary remains the same: silence is unprofessional. E.S. doesn't run Area 51, he's dealing with comic books...

    Even at the con with Kirkman. One sentence wouldn't have been too difficult to utter. Instead he got his panties all bunched up.


    Silence until there is something substantial to say is professional in my view.


    The fact is, although you're saying you'd like him to say _something_, the chances are whatever he could say wouldn't be good enough because the book would still be late and that's like the apocalypse for some speculators. He probably knows that no matter what he says, people will still complain, so why bother until he has something substantial to say?


    Dude, make one reply without mentioning speculators. I have one graded and one raw copy of #1 for my collection, NOT for speculating. I'm just as pissed as everybody else because this was my favorite modern title. If E.S. was/is invested in NWM, there would be some kind of reaction to the delays. If I was doing something I love, I'd be doing everything I could to put out the book on time.


    No matter if "the book would still be late and that's like the apocalypse for some speculators," actual fans of the series would like some kind of reaction to at least know they're still invested in continuing the series. I'd have more respect for somebody who would come here or on the internet and say, "We're doing the best we can to get the next issue out. It will be late, but we're trying" than to have no comment whatsoever.


    EDIT: accessndx beat me to it


    I'm a fan and I'm not wound up about it. I don't need ES or Nate to say "We're doing the best we can..." because I already assume they are doing that. Do you think they're both sitting back with their feet up saying "Haha we have up to issue 15 finished but let's delay #6 for a few months because LOLOLOL!"?

  7. Katchoo......are you E.S. or Nate? :wink:


    You're right tho, E.S. has no responsibilitiy to tell us anything about the delays and he's perfectly within his right to ignore the forums as well as be tight lipped at cons. He SHOULD hate speculators because we're nothing but filth that denegrate the sanctity of his beloved book (which he doesn't see fit to write with any regularity).

    He SHOULD defend artists that cannot put things in the mail because of the weather and at every turn he should seem like a pretty wound up tightass because it's very becoming of a publisher of a comic book company.

    Of course all that should be followed up by a tantrum about all the aforementioned things resulting in his exodus from the forums, because it's very adult-like.


    How many variants do you have? lol


    Got a few, but that isn't the crux of my view. I've got my bigboy pants on speculating in silver age keys. The moderns are just for z and giggles. But my commentary remains the same: silence is unprofessional. E.S. doesn't run Area 51, he's dealing with comic books...

    Even at the con with Kirkman. One sentence wouldn't have been too difficult to utter. Instead he got his panties all bunched up.


    Silence until there is something substantial to say is professional in my view.


    The fact is, although you're saying you'd like him to say _something_, the chances are whatever he could say wouldn't be good enough because the book would still be late and that's like the apocalypse for some speculators. He probably knows that no matter what he says, people will still complain, so why bother until he has something substantial to say?

  8. Katchoo......are you E.S. or Nate? :wink:


    You're right tho, E.S. has no responsibilitiy to tell us anything about the delays and he's perfectly within his right to ignore the forums as well as be tight lipped at cons. He SHOULD hate speculators because we're nothing but filth that denegrate the sanctity of his beloved book (which he doesn't see fit to write with any regularity).

    He SHOULD defend artists that cannot put things in the mail because of the weather and at every turn he should seem like a pretty wound up tightass because it's very becoming of a publisher of a comic book company.

    Of course all that should be followed up by a tantrum about all the aforementioned things resulting in his exodus from the forums, because it's very adult-like.


    How many variants do you have? lol

  9. So let me get this straight he doesn't want to talk about a book he is passionate about,


    Citation please.


    doesn't like speculators,


    Citation please.


    and doesn't seem to care about readers that not only keep this title alive but also his brand image in general.


    Citation please.


    Or did you just make all that up?


    Just posting these for clarification.


    1. I wish I could find the link to the CBR live blog where he declined to answer a question about NWM, but it has been scrubbed. Here is a link to the scrubbed version - Image Expo CBR Live Blog There are a few people here who were there that witnessed it, so I'll let them speak to this.


    2. Here a link to the article where he briefly discusses his distaste for speculators: Eric Stephenson on the Rise (and More Rise) of Image Comics


    3. I've got nothing


    1. I didn't pay a lot of attention to that at the time but I thought it was just that Kirkman said to him "do you want to talk about Nowhere Men?" and he said no? There is obviously something happening behind the scenes right now that's delaying NWM and he has the right to discuss that when the time is right. I'm not in the business of just assuming someone is trying to screw fans over just because there is little information on a delay.


    2. I don't think there are many creators who would disagree with him on his opinion there in that article. Other creators in here have said things along the lines of "hey, leave some copies for others, eh?". Plenty of retailers limit their comics to one per customer for that same reason. Fairness basically.


    3. Me neither.

  10. Wow so much drama I missed. (shrug)


    Ant btw Katchoo I'm not going to go thru and quote 5 different posts on here or looks up exactly word for word. The simple fact that the creative team has not responded to any info on the book is a bad bad sign.


    There are a million reasons why they can't or won't say anything about the delays just now. It amazes me how people are so quick to assume the worst of someone over such petty things.

  11. So let me get this straight he doesn't want to talk about a book he is passionate about,


    Citation please.


    doesn't like speculators,


    Citation please.


    and doesn't seem to care about readers that not only keep this title alive but also his brand image in general.


    Citation please.


    Or did you just make all that up?

  12. E.S. left because that CBLDF deal (almost deal) ticked him off...at least that's what I believe...he probably just wanted to distance himself from the speculators.



    That is asinine. Speculators help sell comics plain and simple. I cant believe someone running a comic book company [that offers tons of variants and extra printings] would be run off by speculators.


    I would have wanted to distance myself from that too. It was a cluster-*spoon*.

  13. It didn't take much for everyone to turn on ES. You all loved him when he was giving out free signed copies of #1.


    I haven't turned on him, but the phenomenon happens in anything. People love athletes until they stop performing, or pull an OJ or A-Rod. People love movie stars, until they start making bad movies or go on a bender, or pull a Joaquin Phoenix. People love musicians, until they pull a Michael Jackson. It doesn't take much for people to fall out of love and move on to the next thing :foryou:


    Wonder how Joaquin is doing these days? hm



    He didn't do any of those things though. A book he writes is late :ohnoez:



  14. He left because he was getting grief for no good reason.


    People need thicker skin. Especially here lol


    I don't think it's about having thick skin or not. I'd guess he just couldn't be bothered with wildly_fanciful_statement anymore and I don't blame him. I'm pretty sure he's got better things to do.

  15. He left because he was getting grief for no good reason. You think with the last few dozen pages it's likely to make him want to post again?


    And btw, there is no "controversy". It's just a bunch of people being very vocal and crying about a late comic book like it matters. Read that again with some perspective. A comic book is late.

  16. An Image boycott? I thought this thread was insane before...


    I think people are just pissed that their big pile of #1s aren't worth much anymore. For me, I'll be buying the next issue whether it's out next week or next year. A delay doesn't change how good a story is.

  17. Can someone explain why, as an artist whose only job is to draw comic art, Nate has such a hard time--supposedly--turning in work on time? Is this not his only job? Maybe Nate's inability to even mail out OA that a boardie paid him good money for after a two-month delay with no explanation suggests what kind of guy we're dealing with?



  18. My point is you're trying to say people are saying PP motion comic = no interest, Chew motion comic = lots of interest, which is untrue. No one is saying that. People are saying motion comics = no interest, no matter what the comic. And the Chew animation isn't even a motion comic.

  19. This place is fun to watch at times, you can always tell who has stock in certain books. Too funny.


    I think you just think there's some kind of vendetta against PP. A motion comic has little interest whether it's PP or Chew or anything else. An animated show is different hence the new hype for this and for Todd. The only thing that's carrying PP is the actual tv show, not the motion comic.