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Everything posted by Aweandlorder

  1. Ok newbs, this is how it's done: set your sniper on the day the auction ends. Set it and forget it. Unless it's an action comics 1 listed in home & gardening by accident, with the pic of the book in the last string of pics, with the title reading "some funny looking book I found in my back yard".. that's how I snipe all day every day. Why do I set the sniper on the last day? because by that day I may have overspent my budget on other books and forgotten about said snipe. Sniping manually means you have to deal with the "window of death" where sometime a 5$ auction would jump to 101.53 and you'd click "bid" by accident and have to foot the bill on a POTENTIALLY good buy with a seller with 92% feedback and no returns. Not happening
  2. Well let's just say they had this & this and leave it at that
  3. It all depends on the venue. At the cons you're gonna have the same buyer as on eBay more or less BUT you'd probably (as a seller) be more negotiable IF you've had a bad turnout towards the end of a show. I find it more and more interesting on Craigslist lately. I get many people that contact me and some of them are buyers I've never sold to before demographically. I've had an orthodox Jewish fella that bought a collection from me, a lady that opened a thrift shop, a Korean guy that exported them to his country. I've never had buyers like these before this year. These guys aren't looking for keys, they're looking for volume at the right price. Im pretty sure that because of my location in an overpopulated urban city I get this kind of clientele. It will be interesting hearing how everyone else is doing in other parts of the country
  4. My thoughts on this are that McFarlane books can be separated into 2 groups: Pre & post ASM298 For alot of reasons.. But mainly because his style and popularity took off after that 1 book (or IH340 which came out a month before)
  5. Birth control works better than pulling out to me
  6. 80s were great years for D.C. Just saying (sorry off topic) They went with that "D.C. Comics aren't for kids" sloagan full fledge. And although it was a cliche it did make a difference. Most of their titles were brilliantly written with the mature reader in mind Marvel had Art Adams which was good and bad. Good cause of his quality and stylized art. Bad cause he single handedly inspired the whole Image staff to create horrible books. The 80s also had the European invasion. Moore, Bolland, Gibbons, Hewlett.. Marvel did good w adapting Moebius graphic novels through Epic. Some of these are still sought after to this day
  7. I remember when years ago people were saying that real estate in NY is maxed out and that it's foolish to buy at those prices. Guess what AF15 is that 3 bedroom apartment in Brooklyn renting for 15k a month. Just when you think a correction is due, prices go up. Again, if this was a new industry, a developing market, if this was JUST movies and comics, I would agree. But it's certainly not. Movies IS progress. It's not something new. Movies in comics is the result of what Stan & Jack built (I know I know, and Jerry & joe & bob & bill) U meet a lot of interesting people in NY.. The young folks are amazing.. Jason is a bartender in Buffalo Wild Wings around the block from me.. he's pissed that Steve rogers sold out to hydra.. u can tell his pissed cause he doesn't roll up his sleeves anymore to show this magnificent CA tattoo on his arm. Liz works in Starbucks having all these 80s independent comic pins.. elfquest, Grendel, zot... Damian is my fedex guy.. I bought him a seven to eternity tpb cause he heard good reviews.. Hector at the gym (22) shouts "it's clobberin time" every time he spots me... the kids are READING comics. They don't chase variants, they are living the life. I say Half glass full baby.. Raise it high all the way
  8. I take it, from the replies to this thread and the boards in general, that everyone here is a seller (Notice, I didnt use the D word) Well, the good news is that its a sellers market. All this talk about a bubble/doomsday is just that. Talk The market is very healthy bcs of 2 reasons: CGC & eBay. Nothing else. Movies arent what's driving the prices up, they werent around before the 90s crash and the market was almost as good then (some will argue better, surely it was with newly printed books, probably not so w the secondary market. Probably not). Its the perceived value that has changed. There is more awareness today and more information Those that tell you that movies and comics are a fluke and tomorrow the party will be over only chose to see the half glass empty. I call it progress. We wouldnt be here if it wasnt for the fans, readers, collectors, cosplayers, dreamers of dreams, the art. Ohhhhhhh the art.......... Even the dealers. We wouldnt be here without them either. They all pushed us forward to where we are today. Fkuc the movies. This market is strong without them. Always was. So does that mean we wont have a correction? sure we will.. There are always hiccups. some big some small. But the new generation is gonna carry the torch fwd. As much as I hate those punks who dont know any better. They respect the artform in their own way and they will do as good a job as any of us did growing with the funny papers. Who in here, didnt take a break from comics? and for how long? guess what... while you were gone the world didnt stop telling heroic tales of men and women in capes. Yes I did say THE WORLD. Just as much as Id like to think that comics is an American brand, there are just as many fans abroad. Comiket brings a half a million fans to their convention annually. (cash me ousside) how bout that??? You think its just the movies? just the variants? the PnD? the speculators that made this market as big as it is today? How about its non of them? Times are good my friends. Great. We live in world that allows practically anyone with an internet connection and a stamp to make a living out of his/her passion. Sure, that doesnt mean that youd make as much as someone who hussles and networks. But youre still making a living out of something youre passionate about, and you continue to collect. I bought a collection last Monday for 1k and flipped it on Thursday for 5k. Did I plan on it to happen? no. But the opportunity was there and grabbed it. Till the next one comes along Mic drop
  9. Wish I had your worries... Wait.. I do!!
  10. People forget that McFarlane actually had a very short tenure at marvel/DC. Was it 5 years? and half that time he wasnt the superstar he was with books like Spidey & Hulk. When he gets inducted in the comic book hall of fame (if it isnt actually happening now), these books will define the McFarlane golden age of comics. much like it did with Miller's DD, Batman & Wolverine. I can assure you that books like ASM 300, Spiderman 1, Hulk 340 and Bats 423 will always be timeless if only for the fact that they have and will always be swiped from here on to eternity Speaking of DD, dont forget McFarlane's DD 241, which never gets any mention anywhere as an early McF book
  11. I personally think that anything Copper McFarlane is getting a boost.. Bat 423 is also receiving a boost, a recent 9.8 sold for 275.00 and there are hardly many 1st prints on the bay (compared to other notable copper Mcfarlanes).. I would pick anything that the man did around that time that hasnt peaked yet.. inc his marvel tales cover run and maybe some hulk 330s...
  12. Absolutely no idea why this book is not common.. Maybe because the cover is so ugly most remaining copies were destroyed?
  13. All new high for the TPB (I know I know, Im prolly just talking to myself here) http://www.ebay.com/itm/Men-in-Black-Exploring-the-Myth-TPB-1990-1-1ST-FN-6-0-/132215077707?hash=item1ec8a1fb4b:g:oR0AAOSw8HBZM4gl
  14. I thought "collections" was code for female genitalia
  15. Funny I never actually realized how much I love horror comics till I read your post. My first love was EC reprints as I wasn't born when the originals came out. Then it was the 80s indie stuff Twisted Tales Fangoria taboo gore shriek etc... I took a sabbatical when walking dead came out but when I saw the covers for it, it always reminded me of Richard corben b&w horror stuff. I actually thought he did the covers for those books..
  16. Something tells me that by the time it got to Walking Dead you prolly lost interest
  17. Depending on what is your poison, calling it just "comics" is too broad of a term. Comics have changed immensely in the past 5-10 years I dont think people yet realized There are soooo many new trends, not just books, that are sought after. Copper is the new Bronze, not just with books, but also artists that defined that era; AAdams, Sienkiewicz, Bolland are slowly catching up with Hughes/McFarlane with kids nowadays. Other popular trends are 2nd & later printings. Its no longer a variant thing. If its a 2nd print that means it HAS to be rare by todays standards. Watch all those overprinted Spiderman 1 & spawn 1 becoming hot commodities. The kids are going crazy. And last, of course, theres still the heavyweight champion of all trends - the movie/TV option trend. I have to be honest, I follow the trends, I study them through eBay. eBay is a collectible institution to me. I look at all my saved searches (100s of them) daily. Sometimes twice a day. Toggle between sold and new listings, auction vs BINS, low vs high... So to answer your question. No, sellers are not holding on to collections. But maybe theyre holding onto what you are after for now?
  18. Spider Man 1990 gold is scorching raw copies are moving at 15.00 a pop 9.8 as high as 145.00 SS for 500.00 UPC gold for 600.00
  19. Those Street Fighter Vs Darkstalkers 1 Artgerm Variants are selling good
  20. Or you can just browse the comic original art section on eBay