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Everything posted by Aweandlorder

  1. What we need now is to find a book with an ad for Evil Ernie
  2. His contract may offer some clue as to what will happen to Steve Rogers.
  3. $30 They need to hit $100 Its not so much the amount, but the volume
  4. Absolutely! if you have the book handy now sell it quick!
  5. Geez how many of these optioned rumors that went nowhere did we have already? Superior, Rinse, Global Frequency, Night Mary.. Here comes another one..
  6. Looks like theres a lot of looking like in this thread again
  7. In a word. No. -J. I agree. a few years down the line..if she's still relevant, then I'd say they might consider it. But movies are a very very large financial risk, so they tend to prefer established franchises that have demonstrated they have staying power. Not a dig on the character, just my thoughts. Sure. Huge risk. With a character blowing up, hundred of thousands of fans within little more than 6 months, cos players, millions of dollars spent on properties - an investment of a 100 mil on a failed comic line from the 90s is more promising Sony just killed Gwen in the last movie. That'd be a tough one to explain away if they wanted to bring in S-G. Maybe they use a different actress, which would further confuse the average moviegoer. I'm also not clear who would own the movie rights, as I thought Sony had the rights to any Spider-man character or villain, and Gwen is clearly in that universe. S-G the character has to be too recent to count (we already know Marvel wouldn't innovate just to give ideas away), but if she's based on Gwen Stacy you're going through Sony. Silk would be the clearer choice to bring in a female, but, again, not sure Sony could use a recent creation. When did it ever stop Hollywood to make movies based on hype alone? This is (for the most pasrt) a teenage comic based character - if Spider-Gwen showed up for 90 minutes swinging from buildings, slugging bad guys and banging on her drums - thats all the fans would care for. I don't know why its hard for people to come to grips with her success???
  8. In a word. No. -J. I agree. a few years down the line..if she's still relevant, then I'd say they might consider it. But movies are a very very large financial risk, so they tend to prefer established franchises that have demonstrated they have staying power. Not a dig on the character, just my thoughts. Sure. Huge risk. With a character blowing up, hundred of thousands of fans within little more than 6 months, cos players, millions of dollars spent on properties - an investment of a 100 mil on a failed comic line from the 90s is more promising Both are stretches. But some boardies on here have a pretty strong financial investment on this book. I don't want to say anything about Valiant because I don't want to see another thread on it. Same as Spider-Gwen some of you are just plain dreaming. In a few years maybe if its sustainable. A cartoon would be first I would think anyway. I make great money from Spider-Gwen. This is the only modern book that I invest in without having to think that "it may not work if this doesnt get optioned". Period. No other new character generated more money for comic book retailers in the past few years without having the option cloud above them. Do I wanna see Spider Gwen in a movie? not necessarily Would it make sense for Marvel/Sony to make a movie from this character now? ABSOLUTELY Your vested interest can partially skew any impartiality you might have when posting on this character. Surely you can see this. No I cant
  9. In a word. No. -J. I agree. a few years down the line..if she's still relevant, then I'd say they might consider it. But movies are a very very large financial risk, so they tend to prefer established franchises that have demonstrated they have staying power. Not a dig on the character, just my thoughts. Sure. Huge risk. With a character blowing up, hundred of thousands of fans within little more than 6 months, cos players, millions of dollars spent on properties - an investment of a 100 mil on a failed comic line from the 90s is more promising Both are stretches. But some boardies on here have a pretty strong financial investment on this book. I don't want to say anything about Valiant because I don't want to see another thread on it. Same as Spider-Gwen some of you are just plain dreaming. In a few years maybe if its sustainable. A cartoon would be first I would think anyway. I make great money from Spider-Gwen. This is the only modern book that I invest in without having to think that "it may not work if this doesnt get optioned". Period. No other new character generated more money for comic book retailers in the past few years without having the option cloud above them. Do I wanna see Spider Gwen in a movie? not necessarily Would it make sense for Marvel/Sony to make a movie from this character now? ABSOLUTELY
  10. In a word. No. -J. I agree. a few years down the line..if she's still relevant, then I'd say they might consider it. But movies are a very very large financial risk, so they tend to prefer established franchises that have demonstrated they have staying power. Not a dig on the character, just my thoughts. Sure. Huge risk. With a character blowing up, hundred of thousands of fans within little more than 6 months, cos players, millions of dollars spent on properties - an investment of a 100 mil on a failed comic line from the 90s is more promising
  11. Same book, just one. You just flip it over to read the other book. Thanks. But you cant really flip and read it from the back like traditional flip books. In other words, the front cover is always A&A #8
  12. Sorry, Im a little confused.. Are there 2 different books for A&A #8 & Eternal Warrior #8 - IE - one version with A&A in the front and the other with Eternal Warrior in the front? Or are they both with A&A8 in the front? Hope this makes sense
  13. This wasnt too shocking but probably worht mentioning here
  14. This looks soooooo annoying that it will DEFINITELY be a hit (and Im serious)
  15. As bad as it is to say....I agree. No way can she be MJ. Please get the casting right on MJ! And, grab those Spectacular Spider-Man #1s. Agreed. Lets get Rihanna on the ticket and Chris Brown as Miles.. I mean Peter