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Everything posted by gino2paulus2

  1. hehe thanks brother i have yet to purchase the notes but have been meaning too it was graded 8/2014.
  2. Here's mine!! Book can still be had around the 4K mark BunkyB has one for sale on his convention stock list it presents very well too ?
  3. Yes there a are few exceptions in each of the runs i would rather have like #1 and #7 of the Hits and a few others so yes i agree. If price were not a factor and you had to take X amount of issues from each run but it had to be just from 1 run i would take the MLJs all day as you would as well so hurry up Corey i got a head start to the hills you better sprint if you want to catch up I can see torches and pitchforks already ? In the end it's just a personal preference as i would be honored to own any book from any of those magnificent Ped runs they are all spectacular
  4. It looks like price comparison wise they went Pep, Hit, then Blue Ribbon. Peps blew the Hits out of the water. Now respectfully i would rather have the Peps and the Blue Ribbons than the Hits even though i enjoy those a lot as well. I'm going to go run back to the hills now?
  5. Thanks brother!! If we ever cross paths at a game I'll have to buy you a cold one
  6. INVEST in your happiness and you will never go wrong ? For me that was recently a V-Comics #2, a US Jones #2, a Pep #34, and a Weird Comics #20. These individually all ranged from about $2400-$4100 respectfully and I couldn't be happier with the investment. Just trading' paper for paper ? As far as your REAL question i like that WW you chose and DKs choices will never fail. These are pretty hot right now though like the Tec 69s of the world have had a pretty decent upswing. Hard to predict because while they seem expensive now they could look cheap down the road. I'd wouldn't, "invest" any big money on something without a classic cover or a 1st app. My Real answer is still the 1st paragraph though so if an uber high grade funny animal or dare i say western is your thing that's what i would buy. I don't think many of those will hit the 3-4K mark but you get my point
  7. Well if the issues are ever too much to bare for you feel free to pass it along my way!! AWESOME BOOK!!!
  8. Hey Mr. E this is completely off topic but I just picked up 8 tickets for my family for April 26th when the Tribe hosts the Astros!!! We will be 4 rows back behind 1st base to the right of the dugout. I'm taking my Dad, my son, my older brother and his son, and our wives. It will be both of our Sons 1st games they are just getting old enough to sit in their own seats. 3 generations of Paulus Men all attending the game together it's gonna be epic fun!! Just thought i would mention since your such a HUGE Stros' fan it will be your team vs mine for his first ever game!!! Should be a great matchup!! Keep your eyes peeled you may see us:) Oh and SWEEEEEEEET BOOK!!!
  9. and while we are on YA4s (one of my favs) i harken back to my original statement about 1.5s and incorporate the spine split reference
  10. WOW that's a huge acquisition!! HUGE CONGRATS!!! tough book
  11. Sorry for iphone glare but this is proof that not all 1.5s are created equal at least visually speaking...
  12. This one got hammered for the stain and because it ROCKs!!
  13. I got a few that i believe present very nicely for the grade. None will be high grade as I swim on the other side of the pool but still a fun topic!! This tough Ace fits the bill
  14. hahaha i can appreciate thag my phone autocorrects that one all the time and it bugs me as well. Hey brother i may take you up on that someday!!!
  15. maybe the buyer wanted to actually know first hand what all our books may look like, "1000 years into the future!!!" ? Kind of neat if you approach it from that angle ? On a real note some of those late Flash comics can be tough and it's still an early Infantino Speedster.
  16. ? that's awesome!!!! is that Chi town? I think my brother got me a shirt from there many holidays ago my fat butt doesn't fit in it anymore but i got it around here somewhere if it is... Oh and a slice or 6...
  17. Oh hijack away brother!! I really didn't think or even intend for this thread to stay on page 1 for more than a day it was simply meant to be a thanks to all my GA boardie buds I have the evening off of work (normally work nights) as i had a CPR class today so i'm sitting here flipping back and forth between the Tribe and the Cavs (more time spent on the Indians) and like the direction we've taken. I am a child of the 80s and have to say i'm surprised as well by only 3 MLB players if it's a comprehensive list!! That being said in today's fast paced world I think younger folks lack the attention span to enjoy baseball the way it is meant to be enjoyed but that's my opinion. The sports world of today simply has too many, "talking heads" I remember going to the library I would always pick up (Gosh Darnit Elvis Andrus just went yard on us sorry that's me being upset in real time haha!!) anyways i would always grab something from the Science or science fiction section and i would also grab a sports biography. Rick i remember writing a paper or something in like 3rd or 4th grade about the Big Red Machine after reading a book about J. Bench. I'm getting sidetracked... Yes 3 is crazy you gotta link to that Tony I wouldn't mind seeing the list myself? Any chance Bo Jackson made the list? What an athlete i had at least 3 posters of him on my wall growing up and he didn't even play for my favorite teams!!
  18. hahaha!! Thanks Rick you'll be there soon it looks like!! You, me, Rose, and Cobb brother (and Ichiro i guess)
  19. Thanks dude!! and one simple answer...ABSOLUTELY!!