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Everything posted by CAHokie

  1. Plenty of good covers out there but I am trying to remember the ones that are more age appropriate.
  2. What is she into? Sometimes you can find a cover that matches an interest or that she would identify with.
  3. Yes, on all of the above. Really though, this could open up a new job classification. If you need AI faces you don’t need real actors or those with aspirations. Advertise it and pay normal people that don’t mind selling their likeness. Need a homeless character. Go find one and give them a contract to get scanned. Need a pretty blonde, same thing!
  4. I thought it was a simple misspelling and he meant protecting. “Protecting their IP” not protesting.
  5. That theory has been popping up for years. The two most interesting points would be how much a share and how fast would the regulators try to stop it.
  6. Rereading it, I am not for sure what you meant by the bolded section. The issue is not so much them signing a contract giving away their likeness, that is their decision. (Though there should be guidelines and rules on it.) The main issue is that some are saying they are being told to get scanned with no contract/protections in place at all.
  7. Exactly. Eastwood, Stallone, Willis, Arnold, etc…. All started off in the background. All had big dreams but we all know that a very few make it big. As @Eclipse said, there are dozens to a hundred on a set every day. Most will never even get a speaking role. Do they really have the option of saying no, Im not doing that because I’m going to be big some day. No of course not, because they need the job today and one tomorrow. I’m not saying AI should never be used, just that a set of rules need to be in place and followed.
  8. Hopefully…. Right now he is on Amazing Spiderman 8 and also reading The Mouse and the Motorcycle. He loves both.
  9. I asked my kid if anyone he knows in school reads comic books and he said no. I hope the hobby doesn’t turn into collecting stamps and dies out after the older Millennials age out.
  10. Yes, but I bet it was a carefully worded contract with stipulations and good pay. Not the SAG daily rate, we are scanning you, go stand in line or bounce out.
  11. You…just changed it to now they have a contract to sign instead of just showing up and being told they are being scanned. I think I understand what it’s like for some to debate with Roy now.
  12. Btw….They didn’t start off as extras or minor roles for and giggles. Its how most get into the industry and learn how filming scenes and the movements work.
  13. I don’t ask this as an insult, but to know where you are coming from. Have you ever been involved in a Hollywood production? Some sets are like a family, others are….not. You do realize that just about every actor was an extra or unknown at some point right? Imagine if you could have scooped up the rights to Denzel, DiCaprio, or Pacino before they were household names. Of course big stars would never sign it. They are already stars. But what about the person on their first role that is scared and do whatever is asked of them? They are trying to make it in the industry and they have a good memory. Hollywood may seem big but It isn’t. If someone likes you because of their interaction with you today you will get work tomorrow. If they don’t….well have fun working at Starbucks. You realize that it also sets the mood and atmosphere right? Talk to some big name actors and they will tell you they need that to get into the role. No one wants to do scenes in a baron sterile environment with nothing around them but empty chairs.
  14. Exactly! I think this article breaks it down perfectly. Apologies if someone already posted it. There are a few AI threads going on. https://www.npr.org/2023/08/02/1190605685/movie-extras-worry-theyll-be-replaced-by-ai-hollywood-is-already-doing-body-scan#:~:text=Grace Widyatmadja%2FNPR-,While working as a background actor on the the Disney%2B,create digital replicas of themselves.
  15. I don’t think selling the rights to ones image is the issue. That’s moving the goal post a bit. Its the scanning and using someone and only paying them for the original day’s work.
  16. I think being paid for it is the key. Not we hired you for today, but by the way we need a scan we can use anytime. Don’t like it, go home. (Not saying that happens but it needs to be stopped from happening).
  17. What about people being scanned and added to scenes they were never in? That’s a hard no.
  18. I enjoy going back and watching old 80s and 90s movies, some that I don’t remember ever seeing before.
  19. So, you're saying there is some "artificial" intelligence in here? You may be on to something!
  20. That’s over 20 years though. and he’s only in the 3rd spot. If we break it down by posts per year, we have been infiltrated for years!
  21. The scanning of the internet for rare collectibles is something I never thought of. It could scan Craigslist, Ebay, Facebook, etc and find rare items that someone listed without knowing it. A rare vase or crystal figure listed for $20 that is actually worth thousands. It could tag it and send an alert to check it out.