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Everything posted by s-man

  1. Loving the awesome copies in this thread and am proud to say I have finally joined!!
  2. Gee, maybe another re-boot. I wouldn't care...as long as they got it right
  3. Hope this turns out as good as the comics! Now if they only went back and did the Dark Phoenix arc the right way
  4. Doesn't look anything like this, but who knows...
  5. It's about flippin' time!! They should've done that with the first series of movies!
  6. Would sell to again...thanks for the business!
  7. After reading this thread multiple times (and really considering the Microtek i800), I realized that I'm extremely cheap and ultimately just want something to give me better than average scans of my slabs. This Scanjet 8300 image looks incredibly nice with little glare, so I'm going for it. I also found it online for $92 shipped, so I'll hopefully (finally) have the ability to scan my slabs within a week! I'll plan to share a couple of scans once I get it. I just recently bought an 8300 and love it! There were a few slabs which did show glare for some reason or other, but most of them came out great.
  8. ... that should make them all happy sir. I suggest giving him a chance to resolve this with S-Man, rather than ridicule him and causing this transaction not to be completed. So I extended the olive branch with a PM to tell him the offer is still on the table if he wants and got this as an answer: I will have to talk a look at my finances after I get paid, and see if those are amounts I can afford right now. Nine minutes after receiving that, I then got this in the same PM: GoodAsh has removed themself from this topic. And with that, I am done playing games with this guy. The deal is null and void and the book will be offered at some point again on the boards.
  9. All this could've been avoided if you had simply said due to the passing of my grandmother, I cannot go through with the purchase at this time. I for one would've understood. But you didn't, you lingered and ignored PMs and emails and then blew up in this thread. So what are we supposed to think? You talk about people who you thought you could trust and then you do this to others? The dis-respect you showed to those who are not "in your real life" here on the boards is confounding!
  10. At this point, does it really matter? do you think anyone on these boards will conduct business with him again? Probably not... Yes, it does...that is the reason the HoS exists. I do not do so, but there are a number of boardies who overlook some of the probationary folks. Simple fact of the matter is that the HoS exists to alert others to wide ranging or severe violations of the selling guidelines, whereas the PL addresses individual and less serious violations. Also, through the HoS process more people are alerted to the danger (through discussion, and oftentimes a reference in CG) presented by the people placed there. I agree. Personally it doesn't matter to me. I was one of the individuals who agreed to sell him a book on time payments only to have him flake out and go AWOL on me. Luckily I was able to move the book quickly and wasn't hurt by his actions. I just know I wouldn't need a HoS list to not conduct business with him; I do see the need for it for others though... How many other people had bad transactions with him? Just to put this on record, I was also one of the ones he made a deal with and didn't follow through on.. I sold him an expensive sketch book at a very reasonable price at the end of November. We set up two time payments, he was supposed to send via MO. At this point he seemed very happy to be receiving this book as he had "been after something like this for YEARS" as he put it. He then "bought" another high priced WD book from another board member. I congratulated him for getting two books that he really wanted. I then pulled a dumb move and spent some money with the thought that I was going to eventually receive his payments. So a couple weeks go by and I was supposed to get the first MO. I PM'd him regarding it and he said: "Hey man. I had some untimely thing happen, my grandma is close to passing away, and I ended up having to use some of that money for seeing her. So,if its possible, an ok w you, if I send the first one near the end ofghis month. Then the rest in January." I told him I was sorry to hear it and sending it later would not be a problem. I guess I should've known! At the end of December he sends me an update: "first half the payment will be in the mail, either the end of this week, or first part of next. Then the other half at the end of jan." So I was still optimistic about getting paid. He then told me his grandma had passed away. Again I told him I was sorry and gave him time for what he needed to do. Ten days later I still hadn't received payment and inquired again. No response. I sent a second PM and again no response. Those two PM's were never even looked at even though he posted in this thread days after I sent him the first one. I also sent him a couple emails to his yahoo address and never got a reply. With all the boardies that he failed to follow through with and how he went about it, makes me even wonder if his relative did indeed pass. I hate to think that way but it just makes me wonder if it wasn't an excuse he used to flake out and get out of these transactions. So add my name to the list of those who wish to see him added to the HOS.