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Everything posted by zhamlau

  1. I'm only a few episodes in and it feels like a chore getting through it. Its joyless and a little disjointed. I'm going to get to episode 5 before deciding if this is first season of any marvel I don't watch all the way through.
  2. I almost forgot about this Piece of cr-p movie then someone goes and quotes me giving me a notification...this bad penny just wont go away.
  3. And the foreground has been adjusted (arm position, leg shading etc). Wonder what the story is here.
  4. I’m gonna try and remember to take some pics this year.
  5. I haven’t seen one. Side note how many people here are going?
  6. 20 somethings don't have money to buy comic art. By all accounts they aren't good at savings, incur HUGE debts early, and spend it as they make it. I'm not trying to be mean, but i think its unreasonable to expect them be to able to afford this stuff...heck I dont know how I can afford this stuff anymore lol.
  7. Speaking of Copper Craziness, anyone see the sale price on that last Newton/Alacala batman page? 3300? for a good panel page from 83?
  8. Had the Hulk page at 2000-2400, over shot it by 400. It was actually a good page for the price.
  9. Bah, i forgot that one. That would easily be on my list. Man, talk about a movie that NEEDS and deserves a sequel!
  10. Eh, Off top of my head 1. Dark Knight 2. Captain America 3 3. Guardian of the Galaxy 1 4. Spider-man 2 5. Captain America 1 6. Avengers 1 7. Batman 8. The Incredibles 9. The Dark Knight Returns (animated both parts combined) 10. Watchmen I'm also going to give special consideration for the two animated batman movies Mask of the Phantasm and Return of the Joker. Those were awesome and maybe on a different day they make my list just not today.
  11. The only thing I didnt like about the STales cover is that the face was fixed in the published on Cloak. I Liked the published version better than the art, but overall it didnt detract enough to put me off it.
  12. Them's fightin' words, son!!! How Darest thee!!!
  13. Long Answer: Sorta Neither. I have a question when it comes to art: "does it look iconic, does it 'feel' right?" SO many pieces just dont stand out. They fall into the middle somewhere and just 'exist' without being special or bad. Nothing wrong with that, I have a LOT of pages that fall into that realm. But sometimes a piece comes up and you just know its right. This cover was 'right'. The characters positioning, the action, heck even the zipatone...all of it worked. When something does that, I go nuts. Ive owed Nowlan Strange Tales cover art before, I think he is a great, maybe my favorite framed piece on my wall is a DPS he inked from Azrael. This just hit the wheelhouse for me. I was going to pay to have trade craft made up for it and put it on the wall. I just wasn't prepared for other people to actually "see" this piece for how good it was. I thought I was gonna sneak it out...surprise...others picked up on it too. Short Answer: Nostalgic+
  14. Overall I think the AF15 prices in CL were decent when you look at what was sold. 1. The 9.0 seems in line with the last recorded 9.0 of 395k. 20k bump after a year makes sense. Maybe like 5% off full market but this isn't a stock its a bid on a rare item, you cant track it to the penny (at least I cant). 2. The 7.0 is about 15% higher at 110k then the last recorded sale 3 months ago. I know a few have moved hands privately but in public auctions this seems like a strong price. 3. The 6.5 voldy just proves again people are shying away from this company. Badly centered or not that book came in like 5-10k light. I bet whoever buys it is gonna crack and ccs press and regrade in hopes of getting a 6.5 CGC, or worse case a 6.0 and at least get out of the lesser respected case. 4. 7.5 restored, 'meh' its a shoot on those anyway 5. 5.0 was chipped and below average PQ, doing 34k seems right to me based on past sales. it should have been on the lower scale from last year and it was. Price moved up a LOT in the last 12 months. It leveled off and stabilized after the mania subsided. This seems like the new norm for chipped above average pricing. 6. 3.0 at 17k makes sense. Chipped up and a wear spot on on the cover with average for grade PQ. Its actually a strong price considering it was low end 3.0 7. 2.5 SS with Tan pages and Tape for 14k seems exactly right for this. No chips, but everything else not great. 8. 2.0 UK for 8200 seemed low. No chipping, good PQ and it overall looked nice for a 2.0 It just looked very nice for the grade. Had this been a US version Honestly I think it would be a great copy for a collection. I think to many copies up for sale hurt this. 9. 1.8 for 11.5k was a very strong sale, Think that's a public auction record? I know the cover had all those cracks and it had tape on the interior but it just looked better so i guess it makes sense. Prices all made sense and seemed strong overall. I really think the trend of "going up as we get to summer" makes sense. Prices just seem to rise the closer we get to summer and convention season. Nothing about this auction struck me as crazy low or high in terms of AF15. Looks stable, stable is good.
  15. the 5.0 was 34k. Heavy chipping and below average PQ for the grade, but good color and well centered (could just be me, but i find the more of the 12 cent circle you can see, the higher the price). Think it did what a low PQ chipped up copy should go for.
  16. I was bidding on the CD cover , for what I thought was pretty heavy. I was not prepared. My 3500 didn't even register. On review though that was me being a little naive and not thinking it through. Covers for Marvel and DC by known artists in the classic era (pencilled, inked, lettered, stats) are special rare things..I can see across the board those floating up still. I mean why would a copper age cover be so significantly cheaper then a bronze age? The art is just as good, they exist in similar numbers, and the people who want to buy them are in their prime earning point of their lives. On every measurable factor they should be very similar price wise.
  17. Picked up the cover to Amazing Heroes issue 45 from 1984. Its by Hannigan and Janson (think painted by Hannigan too). Have a look see if so inclined to CAF. If not ill post image here too. Just an awesome Jam cover you couldn't do today in a major publication (for comics at the time, this was huge lol) with all the legal wrangling that would happen. http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=1456767&GSub=145535
  18. Makes sense, positions and interests are already established. Bids will come in last hour of each lot, if not later.
  19. I tried to bid on that page but all i did was help move that bid up. I still love this but wow that price seems nuts.
  20. Same as we are Blade and the first Hulk. If it’s not MCU can’t count it.
  21. Its john Byrne, page 30 from the 1982 book which is a flash back to FF 155. Its worth 7-10k
  22. See i liked IM3 alot. I loved the entire scene of him having to fight with just pieces of armor. Also the entire narrative was him having almost everything stripped from him and getting punched in the mouth...hard...he came back as a better character and man. He did what all great marvel comic heroes do, come to the point they just say to themselves "whatever the cost to me, I have to get this done for the sake of others. If I die I die standing with my eyes open and fist clenched". That's the core of the hero archetype I grew up with, IM3 hits that flush so it gets a lot of respect from me. It has flaws hence it not being near the top but it fully accomplishes its goal and it does it in a human honest way.
  23. Why not add a poll "who was Big Johns best inker?" quick way to suss it out.