I know we're entitled to our own opinions, but I legit just can't understand how I can watch this episode and think it was from start to finish, one of the better ones of the past two seasons, and others thought it was a snoozefest. The plot development. The expansion of them shooting on a set that isn't in the middle of the woods. The 60 minute overview on who Carol started out as and who she is now (sight be my favorite character on the show).
That, plus they are on Beth's tracks?! I would actually love to know why someone didn't like this episode. Like, please, explain it.
Again, this is just my opinion. The best episodes are when the entire group is together. They finally got back together this season and made a big deal about never separating again. That lasted like 2 episodes and now they are separated again and having entire episodes dedicated to each sub group. I like seeing what happened to Carol, Beth, and everyone, but I don't think the entire episode needs to focus on them.