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Everything posted by uchiha101

  1. I appreciate the community's many attempts to help the OP. After hundreds of pages of great advice and repeated misfortunes, I think Revat really summed it up well. Assuming this is not an extremely well orchestrated social media experiment , it seems as if the percentage of total advice given that was acted upon is likely less than 1%. If history repeats itself, the OP will continue to post and the community will continue to give advice and consequently get frustrated when it's not followed. Could it be possible that this cycle is in some way enabling? What would happen if the community stopped responding to anything the OP does that is destructive and only post affirmations when he does something constructive? I know it sounds nice and fluffy , but could it be true? If this were the approach the community took, I'd 100% agree that encouraging any comic-related discussion would interfere. Another approach could be to only discuss comics with the OP, nothing else, and only when there is no discussion of money or value. Regardless, I wish the OP the very best. Now here's my to the OP: Be a collector again. Making money from comics does not seem to work for you. Don't trade unless value is the last thing on your mind. I'm not encouraging you to trade your $500 book for someone else's $10 book just because you like the $10 book better. I am saying don't do it with the objective of getting something more valuable. It rarely seems to go in your favor. Just collect. Also, don't seek affirmation from people here on the boards or anywhere. That must come from within, buddy. Everyone struggles with it too, so it's an endless, yet possibly enjoyable journey. I recommend not posting anything related to your personal life. But if you want to talk comics... This isn't a troll nor a social experiment, just a guy that wants to make money with comics. My personal life I've cut down on but I don't mind sharing since I don't hide things or try to make them appear better to impress others. My last few comics buys and sell have went well so that's something I'm proud of.
  2. Plan B: 1. Apologize and make amends. 2. Ask for more hours at current job. 3. Actually look/pound pavement for another job 4. Work on personal growth and skills development Alternate Plan B: 1. Join a cult No cults and I'll be looking for another job.
  3. 1. Will this shelter be available 7 days a week and provide food as well or will you have to move around? 2. You haven't been able to get more hours while living at home, why all of a sudden are they going to provide you more now? 3. Are you going to find a 2nd job or a full time job? What has stopped you up until now from doing so? You certainly paid plenty of lip service ( "I'm working on it" ) to it before. Was it lack of motivation? 4. Move it where? Can you afford storage? Do the shelters in Canada allow you to store your belongings there? If I were you, I would not go this route. Find a way to get back home and just swallow your pride. The thing you're being prideful about is not worth your health and safety, stop acting like a stubborn child. First thing you should do once you're back is look into programs for people with learning disabilities and learn a trade. Then you can make some real money and not just flounder around like you've been doing the last several years. 1) I would have to see what happens but last time I had to move around. 2) I was talking about looking for a different job with more hours 3) The closer I can get to a full time job the better it will be for me and yes it was a lack of motivation before because it's not often where I have to be serious about what I do with regards to jobs. 4) I have a few favors I can call in and the shelters have school sized lockers for storage but you have to carry what you have. If this is your plan then you're screwed. Like others have said, start kissing your parent's butt because that's your best way out of this mess. As mentioned way back in an earlier post, your history of not having a stable place to live (moved 3 times in a year) plus working in jobs for only a few months are RED FLAGS to any employer. If #2 on your list was so easy then why haven't you done so yet? You've been complaining about trying to get more hours but haven't done anything to better yourself. What you call your "lack of motivation" now was called "learning disability" in the past, but in reality you're just lazy. Wrong on that account as well. I do have a learning disability and that's the truth but when I was talking about getting more hours I was talking about a different job. Lack of motivation is you being lazy. A "learning disability" has nothing to do with you taking the initiative to get things done. Yes you're right I was lazy and didn't take things seriously because I didn't need to but this is my initiative you can say
  4. 1. Will this shelter be available 7 days a week and provide food as well or will you have to move around? 2. You haven't been able to get more hours while living at home, why all of a sudden are they going to provide you more now? 3. Are you going to find a 2nd job or a full time job? What has stopped you up until now from doing so? You certainly paid plenty of lip service ( "I'm working on it" ) to it before. Was it lack of motivation? 4. Move it where? Can you afford storage? Do the shelters in Canada allow you to store your belongings there? If I were you, I would not go this route. Find a way to get back home and just swallow your pride. The thing you're being prideful about is not worth your health and safety, stop acting like a stubborn child. First thing you should do once you're back is look into programs for people with learning disabilities and learn a trade. Then you can make some real money and not just flounder around like you've been doing the last several years. 1) I would have to see what happens but last time I had to move around. 2) I was talking about looking for a different job with more hours 3) The closer I can get to a full time job the better it will be for me and yes it was a lack of motivation before because it's not often where I have to be serious about what I do with regards to jobs. 4) I have a few favors I can call in and the shelters have school sized lockers for storage but you have to carry what you have. If this is your plan then you're screwed. Like others have said, start kissing your parent's butt because that's your best way out of this mess. As mentioned way back in an earlier post, your history of not having a stable place to live (moved 3 times in a year) plus working in jobs for only a few months are RED FLAGS to any employer. If #2 on your list was so easy then why haven't you done so yet? You've been complaining about trying to get more hours but haven't done anything to better yourself. What you call your "lack of motivation" now was called "learning disability" in the past, but in reality you're just lazy. Wrong on that account as well. I do have a learning disability and that's the truth but when I was talking about getting more hours I was talking about a different job.
  5. No it's not free they want me to pay which I said no. This might be a good way to reestablish with your parents. It may not last forever but from what you are describing you are about to hit a wall hard and fast. It is clear they want you to stand on your own and the more of a buffer you have the better will be your quality of life. I have been through all of this. Alot of people on here avoid talking about how harsh reality is but you are in a position that life could become worse than you ever imagined. Kiss comic books goodbye , living in a shelter you will be lucky if no one robs you. It is a downward spiral from there. In order to support yourself all you are going to be doing is working, working and working some more. No I'm not doing anything with my parents anymore and I know what I'm about to face isn't easy but I've been to homeless shelters before, however my comic books will go to my local lcs.
  6. I'll be taking my comic books with me for sure and some of my important belongings.
  7. 1. Will this shelter be available 7 days a week and provide food as well or will you have to move around? 2. You haven't been able to get more hours while living at home, why all of a sudden are they going to provide you more now? 3. Are you going to find a 2nd job or a full time job? What has stopped you up until now from doing so? You certainly paid plenty of lip service ( "I'm working on it" ) to it before. Was it lack of motivation? 4. Move it where? Can you afford storage? Do the shelters in Canada allow you to store your belongings there? If I were you, I would not go this route. Find a way to get back home and just swallow your pride. The thing you're being prideful about is not worth your health and safety, stop acting like a stubborn child. First thing you should do once you're back is look into programs for people with learning disabilities and learn a trade. Then you can make some real money and not just flounder around like you've been doing the last several years. 1) I would have to see what happens but last time I had to move around. 2) I was talking about looking for a different job with more hours 3) The closer I can get to a full time job the better it will be for me and yes it was a lack of motivation before because it's not often where I have to be serious about what I do with regards to jobs. 4) I have a few favors I can call in and the shelters have school sized lockers for storage but you have to carry what you have. This is one of your main problems. Think about it...it took being kicked out of your home to finally get serious. It should never have gotten to this point. Yeah I agree it's a really bad habit of mine.
  8. sigh Gabe perhaps someday, somehow you'll think before you act or speak. Until then you're gonna face the harsh consequences of your choices. I did think it through and I knew this might happen, but I don't care I'm standing firm for what I believe in. Gabe, I learned a long time ago it's not worth arguing with someone about religion or abortion or a number of other loaded topics. It's best to believe in what you believe in and let others do the same. Hope you have a nice Christmas. Thanks you have a good Christmas as well.
  9. 1. Will this shelter be available 7 days a week and provide food as well or will you have to move around? 2. You haven't been able to get more hours while living at home, why all of a sudden are they going to provide you more now? 3. Are you going to find a 2nd job or a full time job? What has stopped you up until now from doing so? You certainly paid plenty of lip service ( "I'm working on it" ) to it before. Was it lack of motivation? 4. Move it where? Can you afford storage? Do the shelters in Canada allow you to store your belongings there? If I were you, I would not go this route. Find a way to get back home and just swallow your pride. The thing you're being prideful about is not worth your health and safety, stop acting like a stubborn child. First thing you should do once you're back is look into programs for people with learning disabilities and learn a trade. Then you can make some real money and not just flounder around like you've been doing the last several years. 1) I would have to see what happens but last time I had to move around. 2) I was talking about looking for a different job with more hours 3) The closer I can get to a full time job the better it will be for me and yes it was a lack of motivation before because it's not often where I have to be serious about what I do with regards to jobs. 4) I have a few favors I can call in and the shelters have school sized lockers for storage but you have to carry what you have.
  10. Why should anyone be shocked here that his "makes no sense" comic flipping strategy would translate into all other aspects of his life? Once you understand what we're dealing with here it makes perfect sense to me. Yes I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but I do know how to make basic plans.
  11. Of course he'll be fine. Gabe may not ever make it into the comic book flipping hall of fame, but one thing he does exceptionally well is find people to pay his way for him, either his parents or the taxpayers of Canada. No it's not like that.
  12. 1. Find a shelter 2. Get more hours 3. Find a job with more more 4. Move all my important stuff
  13. Unfortunately, he'll probably spend that $1400 overpaying for a midgrade key. Nope
  14. Yes that's how it went and they aren't taking a vacation for the whole month just one week but someone needs to stay with the dog and they said I owe them.
  15. No it's not free they want me to pay which I said no.
  16. No I'm not hesitant to reveal it and I'll copy and paste it here.
  17. Don't assume that I'm a rude person, I have manners however this decision is something I stand by. The "decision" you seem to have made is to open your mouth at the wrong time, to the wrong people. The RESULT of your decision is your parents decided to pull your meal ticket and show you the door. I'm curious, as someone who has followed this thread from the beginning, what kind of "plan" you have that you are going to implement in 8 days? While a few months ago I would have said that this was probably the best thing that could happen to you, in that it might force you to grow up, your posts since then have convinced me that you are very likley not capable of living on your own. Being on your own can be tough, even for someone with a good, full time job, reliable transportation and plenty of time to find a decent place to live. You have NONE of these. So what, exactly, is your plan? Nothing is my plan. Sadly, I believe you. What happens when January 1st rolls around? Haha in reality I do have a plan but I'm pissed at what my parents want me to do. And what is it that they want you to do? Get out of the house more? Get a better job? Be more responsible? Have a better attitude? I think its a good thing your parents are kicking you out of the house. Maybe you'll take other people's advice more seriously and stop thinking you got everything figured out. They want me to stay another month and watch the dog and I said no. I don't have everything figured out but even I can make a basic plan. I don't get it. Did they kick you our or are you leaving? Why would they ask you to stay another month to watch the dog if they "kicked out out"? They kicked me out at the end of the month but now want me to stay another month and watch the dog since they want to be on vacation.
  18. Thanks I have the basic plan to keep myself going and if I need to check up on something I can always go through these pages and find it.
  19. Don't assume that I'm a rude person, I have manners however this decision is something I stand by. The "decision" you seem to have made is to open your mouth at the wrong time, to the wrong people. The RESULT of your decision is your parents decided to pull your meal ticket and show you the door. I'm curious, as someone who has followed this thread from the beginning, what kind of "plan" you have that you are going to implement in 8 days? While a few months ago I would have said that this was probably the best thing that could happen to you, in that it might force you to grow up, your posts since then have convinced me that you are very likley not capable of living on your own. Being on your own can be tough, even for someone with a good, full time job, reliable transportation and plenty of time to find a decent place to live. You have NONE of these. So what, exactly, is your plan? Nothing is my plan. Sadly, I believe you. What happens when January 1st rolls around? Haha in reality I do have a plan but I'm pissed at what my parents want me to do. And what is it that they want you to do? Get out of the house more? Get a better job? Be more responsible? Have a better attitude? I think its a good thing your parents are kicking you out of the house. Maybe you'll take other people's advice more seriously and stop thinking you got everything figured out. They want me to stay another month and watch the dog and I said no. I don't have everything figured out but even I can make a basic plan.
  20. Not in the sense like they are. Christians believe in Christ, as do Catholics. Both are Christians, but please try again. Jim Wrong. Catholics are a sub-set of Christianity and that also means not all Christians are Catholics. You have the logic confused. For example: A circle is a shape, but not all shapes are circles. A Catholic is a Christian, but not all Christians are Catholics. Yes I agree.