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Posts posted by uchiha101

  1. You started this thread almost 2 years ago.

    I would occasionally take a look to see this experiment.


    After 2 years it's been nothing short of disaster.


    Businesses take an average of 2 years to be successful

    and that's with doing things properly.


    Sadly kiddo, it's time to find another path.

    You clearly don't have what it takes and that was evident by

    about page 40 or so.


    You're no entrepreneur and its my opinion that your work ethic

    is lacking. That seems to be normal with your generation these days.


    I wish you luck to be happy and not harm others.


    Where did you get that info? I've been told it's 5-7 years

  2. What makes you feel like you deserve a job that you love and pays well?


    Why do you deserve it more than the person working full time and going to school full time? Or the person working 2 jobs to take care of his family?


    Why do you deserve it more than the soldier fighting for his country?


    Why do you deserve it more than the soccer player born with innate skills and crazy work ethic?


    Why do you deserve it more than the PHD student who has done 15 years of schooling AFTER high school including research that might actually HELP someone someday?


    Why do you deserve it more than every other person who finished college? or trade school? Or served in the military? OR doesn't have emotional issues?


    Do you deserve it more than every single person with more business experience, sense, education, or experience than you?


    Do you even deserve it more than the son who's dad buys him a comic book store? Why or why not?



    Why on earth would you be entitled to a job you enjoy AND pays well? What if you had a passion for something but it didn't pay well? Or what if you had a valuable talent, but you didn't enjoy it?


    You can find joy, honor (more than you'll ever have), and respect in ANY honest job, done diligently and with pride.


    And if you want to find something you enjoy but pays well, why the eff are you even remotely interested in comics? How many full time comic dealers on the planet do you think pull down six figures? And how many are in Canada? Do you have any idea? You probably have a better shot at joining the CFL or being a rodeo clown.



    You are currently a million miles away from even THINKING about a job that pays well that you enjoy. You can work towards one, but your level of entitlement (especially when coupled with your political views) is absurdly disheartening and frustrating. You're not operating in a reality that actually exists. You're operating in an addicts spiral, exacerbated by mental, emotional, and learning issues, mixed with healthy doses of questionable (at best) entitlement world views.


    I never said I should get one immediately and without any effort but everyone deserves something career wise that makes them happy. I'm not responsible and shouldn't be responsible for the actions of others like all those examples you mentioned, I never forced their choices upon them. I'm interested in comics because I can make money with them and I read some of them as well. Again you're saying it like I want a amazing job now and that's not right it's something to work towards. I don't talk politics on here for more then one reason.







    You deserve what you earn in life.


    Anything else are gifts, gravy and icing on the cake.





    Why do you keep thinking I'm talking about the present?


    Past, present, or future, the statement "everyone deserves something career-wise that makes them happy" is never true. Believing it is true is why many people here have said you have an entitled attitude.


    You don't deserve a career that makes you happy simply by existing no matter how old you are. People who have careers that make them happy have earned their position in life through hard work and patience.


    This is what jcjames is trying to convey to you.


    Finally, it seems there are some here that are here simply to poke fun at or just flat out insult Gabe. If it's not constructive or at least funny (Gabe seems to have thick skin and a decent sense of humor), maybe try not to post here. And leave the election talk at the door lest this thread get scrubbed.


    Thanks for explaining that I always wondered why no matter what I said James would say I was entitled, having a sense of humor is needed in this world you can't be serious all the time or people won't want to be around you.


    Not even lip service to the main point this time? :pullhair:


    Acknowledge the fact that you (or me, or anyone) don't inherently deserve a career that makes you happy...such a situation is earned. This acknowledgement is typically the first step on the road to success. It seems like you're not even prepared to start down that road yet. :(


    I will admit it. No one deserves a career that makes them happy unless they earned it.


    Do you also admit that there are millions of people who hate their job but do it because they need to keep a roof over their head, pay for bills, etc??? Welcome to the real world, Gabe. That is what most people do.


    Yes but those are the type of people that refuse to change because they've settled in their positions and say that they can't leave for one reason or another.


    .. Gabe, if you lived in the same reality as the rest of us .. you'd know what you just wrote is absolute compostable_fertilizer.


    No it's not I've worked with many people like that and that's not to say everyone's like that but the ones I've spoken with are.

  3. following this thread for so long -- so hard to leave -


    Gabe definately needs more accounting skills - but I think I can translate -


    Total Comics Bought $11,048.55

    Total Comics sold $10,424.16

    Inventory $1448

    Loss $624.39



    translates to ----


    Total cost of comics sold $11,048.55

    (may not include all expenses or COGS - but most likely ebay fees, paypal fees, shipping costs)


    Revenue from comics sold $10,424.16

    (the total price the books sold for - hopefully calculated before the fees)


    Inventory $1448

    (the price paid for the remaining books on hand - most likely underwater on a lot of them)



    Loss $624.39


    is- 11048 minus 10424









    That's correct and whether I buy or sell EVERY FEE is calculated and I've updated the numbers again and my inventory will be posted again.

  4. What makes you feel like you deserve a job that you love and pays well?


    Why do you deserve it more than the person working full time and going to school full time? Or the person working 2 jobs to take care of his family?


    Why do you deserve it more than the soldier fighting for his country?


    Why do you deserve it more than the soccer player born with innate skills and crazy work ethic?


    Why do you deserve it more than the PHD student who has done 15 years of schooling AFTER high school including research that might actually HELP someone someday?


    Why do you deserve it more than every other person who finished college? or trade school? Or served in the military? OR doesn't have emotional issues?


    Do you deserve it more than every single person with more business experience, sense, education, or experience than you?


    Do you even deserve it more than the son who's dad buys him a comic book store? Why or why not?



    Why on earth would you be entitled to a job you enjoy AND pays well? What if you had a passion for something but it didn't pay well? Or what if you had a valuable talent, but you didn't enjoy it?


    You can find joy, honor (more than you'll ever have), and respect in ANY honest job, done diligently and with pride.


    And if you want to find something you enjoy but pays well, why the eff are you even remotely interested in comics? How many full time comic dealers on the planet do you think pull down six figures? And how many are in Canada? Do you have any idea? You probably have a better shot at joining the CFL or being a rodeo clown.



    You are currently a million miles away from even THINKING about a job that pays well that you enjoy. You can work towards one, but your level of entitlement (especially when coupled with your political views) is absurdly disheartening and frustrating. You're not operating in a reality that actually exists. You're operating in an addicts spiral, exacerbated by mental, emotional, and learning issues, mixed with healthy doses of questionable (at best) entitlement world views.


    I never said I should get one immediately and without any effort but everyone deserves something career wise that makes them happy. I'm not responsible and shouldn't be responsible for the actions of others like all those examples you mentioned, I never forced their choices upon them. I'm interested in comics because I can make money with them and I read some of them as well. Again you're saying it like I want a amazing job now and that's not right it's something to work towards. I don't talk politics on here for more then one reason.







    You deserve what you earn in life.


    Anything else are gifts, gravy and icing on the cake.





    Why do you keep thinking I'm talking about the present?


    Past, present, or future, the statement "everyone deserves something career-wise that makes them happy" is never true. Believing it is true is why many people here have said you have an entitled attitude.


    You don't deserve a career that makes you happy simply by existing no matter how old you are. People who have careers that make them happy have earned their position in life through hard work and patience.


    This is what jcjames is trying to convey to you.


    Finally, it seems there are some here that are here simply to poke fun at or just flat out insult Gabe. If it's not constructive or at least funny (Gabe seems to have thick skin and a decent sense of humor), maybe try not to post here. And leave the election talk at the door lest this thread get scrubbed.


    Thanks for explaining that I always wondered why no matter what I said James would say I was entitled, having a sense of humor is needed in this world you can't be serious all the time or people won't want to be around you.


    Not even lip service to the main point this time? :pullhair:


    Acknowledge the fact that you (or me, or anyone) don't inherently deserve a career that makes you happy...such a situation is earned. This acknowledgement is typically the first step on the road to success. It seems like you're not even prepared to start down that road yet. :(


    I will admit it. No one deserves a career that makes them happy unless they earned it.


    Do you also admit that there are millions of people who hate their job but do it because they need to keep a roof over their head, pay for bills, etc??? Welcome to the real world, Gabe. That is what most people do.


    Yes but those are the type of people that refuse to change because they've settled in their positions and say that they can't leave for one reason or another.

  5. Wait, nobody else picked up on the fact that by his own accounting he has $1,448 in inventory that he expects to sell for between $500-750?


    I'm still trying to figure out why he's using a different accounting for his little books than he is for his big books.


    Little Books

    Bought $2455.12+247.01+699.53=$3401.68

    Sold $4007.43+1679.24=$5686.67

    Losses $1079.43+637.19= $1716.62

    Profit $568.37


    Big Books

    Bought $5329.03

    Sold $2340

    Losses $2989.03


    What are all the colored figures in the Little Books section for???????






    I'm not sure why the others are colored but the red is for losses and the green is profit


    Wait, what? If the red is for a loss, how can you add it to two positive numbers to get a total number that's the sum of the absolute values of the three?


    And if the red is for losses, what's the line 'losses'?


    Seriously, I have no faith that you even know what your current situation is.


    Please do an introductory book keeping course, or at the very least buy 'book keeping for dummies'. And if you really don't want to invest any money there's always this.


    If you are ever successful at this, you'll have to pay taxes and might get audited. In that case you need books that can be scrutinised - which means they have to be understandable by people other than yourself.


    Sorry I didn't pay attention to what the color coded numbers were and I'm not sure why it turned out that way but put simple this it what I used to calculate it


    How much I spent - How much I sold it for - Losses = Profit made


    Nope - not how that equation works. Your losses are factored into the amount you sold them for.


    How much you sold it for minus all fees minus how much you spent then gives you profits.


    If Gabe sells a book for $30 shipped and it cost him $7 to ship and $4 in fees and cost him $20 to buy it then how much has he made in profits?


    I would be losing a dollar


    You're thinking this WRONG! .. it's not just "losing a dollar" .. it's NOT MAKING PROFIT/MONEY.


    I know but you wanted a answer

  6. []

    I calculate things like this


    How much I bought - How much I sold = Profit


    I just include losses for myself to see how well I'm doing and yes every fee is already calculated into this.


    Where in the hell did you learn that Expenses - Revenue = Profit???


    It's the other way around!!. Otherwise if your expense is $100 and your revenue is $150, then your profit will be a NEGATIVE number (i.e. a loss).


    Come one man, this is BASIC BASIC accounting! Stop everything and start LEARNING.




    And like I posted a page or so ago.....


    Why the heck do you use a different tallying system for "Little books" compared to your "Big books"???


    What's with all the extra additional numbers in the Little Books rows????


    Little Books

    Bought $2455.12+247.01+699.53=$3401.68

    Sold $4007.43+1679.24=$5686.67

    Losses $1079.43+637.19= $1716.62

    Profit $568.37


    Big Books

    Bought $5329.03

    Sold $2340

    Losses $2989.03


    Where do all those extra numbers come from???


    I don't have my business books on me anymore but I was always taught this


    Amount paid - Amount sold = Profit


    If that's not how it goes then I can fix that so basically I do the opposite of what I've been doing? Those numbers aren't extra at all it was calculated the max number my calculator count count at that time so I wrote do each one then added them.


    the correct way to calculate profit it is: GO TAKE A BASIC BUSINESS CLASS. If you can't pass it, business is not for you.


    its like you're trying to be a pro soccer player because you are physically capable of running and kicking a ball, but don't even know the rules of the game. And yes occasionally you can kick the ball in the right direction, but mostly its wrong and occasionally you get run over. Yes I guess you could keep running around the field and pick up some of the rules if you're an observant person and people are trying to tell to yell at you from the sidelines, but no rational person can possibly think that's the best way to become a pro soccer player. Why not take some time to understand some of the rules? Or if its apparent that your kicking isn't strong and you don't run very fast, why not work on those first before you get onto the field? If you never bother to learn the rules or learn to kick accurately, you will never be a pro soccer player.


    for the Canadians or other internationals, soccer = football (non-American) = futbol = footie


    I need to get better at the calculations and formulas I know that much


    Calculations and formulas??? It addition and subtraction not something you have to go to school for unless you're five years old. Seriously, for a person your age to be so lost is just pathetic. I know you want to be a success in life but the reality is you're probably going to be a lifer as a dish washer unless something worse comes up. I really sympathize for your parents.


    brutally harsh, but brings up a great point.


    Not everyone can be good at everything, whether it be math, reading, music, art, fighting, running, listening, etc., though all of those things can be worked on and improved over time, with a LOT of effort. More valuable than understanding of math is a self awareness of one's strengths, weaknesses, capabilities, and limitations.


    The OP doesn't appear to recognize his failings as a result of his limitations, but rather a lack of repetitions from which to learn from. Some things are like that, some things are not. Since you don't appear to have the sense to see that, please talk to someone you know, love, trust and think is genuinely smart to help you see those things.


    You might think the business math we're throwing around is tough, or requires a math wiz, but honestly most people find that math painfully simple and intuitively understand it without ever being taught. I'm not sure if that's ever been made clear to you. IT IS BRUTALLY SIMPLE, and if you never master it you will never be a success at selling comics or any type of sell owned/self run business


    BUT now knowing that (assuming you accept that), there's only three rational outcomes.


    1. You honestly, genuinely want to be successful so bad, that you are willing to work 5x harder to LEARN THE MATH, whether its going to school, getting a tutor, going to the library and starting from the beginning of grade school math, asking your family for help, anything and everything. I was being sarcastic when I said you could just keep buying and selling and you'd magically learn math. You won't, especially you.


    2. You decide there's too much math and decide to pursue any other job/career that doesn't involve math: telemarketing, customer service, uber driver, dishwasher, delivery person, chef (some math maybe), janitor, gardener, farm hand (don't knock this, can be a super lucrative job), truck driver, door-to-door sales, etc. With hard work, these can all be very lucrative.


    2a. You've stated before you wanted to be a voice actor. Did you even do everything you could to do that? Make recordings of yourself reading things day in and day out (and then listen of course)? Practice inflections? Mimic recordings of other actors? Read scripts along with muted televisions? Read out loud in church or school? Star in school plays? Practice accents? Did you have lessons or coaching?


    3. You can continue to ignore it. And your life will never get better. Which is fine, if you're satisfied with it. You've gotta roof over your head, I assume you don't starve, you've got enough $$ to play video games, surf the net, and lose a couple hundred here and there selling comics. Its not a terrible life, you've got farmworkers in California picking fruit in the sun for 12hrs per day for less than minimum wage who have to clothe and feed their kids and sleep in 1 bedroom shacks. You've got an ok life, nothing wrong with being satisfied there.


    Its just that you claim to want more...


    Again, I/we don't need answers to any of these, would strongly prefer silent action to vociferous inaction.


    I'm tired of my limitations holding me back, I'm tired of my learning disability getting in the way, I'm tired of people looking down on me, I'm tired of people take their abilities for granted, I'm tired of the state I'm in, I'm tired of people thinking I'm being lazy, making this up or being plain stupid. I have stated many time that "What you find obvious and simple to do" isn't the case for me.


    I'm going with the 1st option you gave me and guess what? I asked a teacher for basic math she laughed and refused it. I'm willing to work hard on math to make this work, I want to be smart, I want to be as smart as my friends in math.


    2 a) When I was doing voice acting I just did my best to copy what they did. Inflections were hard for me because at times I didn't know the context of the grammar I was reading. I used to print out -script and read them. I had no lessons or coaching nor did I star in any plays.


    I did however do a couple demo's to get a evaluation and they said I have a clear voice with no problem but it's very rough and take a lot of work to become top game, that's not even speaking about learning grammar and the dozens of other things that they do.

  7. I calculate things like this


    How much I bought - How much I sold = Profit


    I just include losses for myself to see how well I'm doing and yes every fee is already calculated into this.


    Where in the hell did you learn that Expenses - Revenue = Profit???


    It's the other way around!!. Otherwise if your expense is $100 and your revenue is $150, then your profit will be a NEGATIVE number (i.e. a loss).


    Come one man, this is BASIC BASIC accounting! Stop everything and start LEARNING.




    And like I posted a page or so ago.....


    Why the heck do you use a different tallying system for "Little books" compared to your "Big books"???


    What's with all the extra additional numbers in the Little Books rows????


    Little Books

    Bought $2455.12+247.01+699.53=$3401.68

    Sold $4007.43+1679.24=$5686.67

    Losses $1079.43+637.19= $1716.62

    Profit $568.37


    Big Books

    Bought $5329.03

    Sold $2340

    Losses $2989.03


    Where do all those extra numbers come from???


    I don't have my business books on me anymore but I was always taught this


    Amount paid - Amount sold = Profit


    If that's not how it goes then I can fix that so basically I do the opposite of what I've been doing? Those numbers aren't extra at all it was calculated the max number my calculator count count at that time so I wrote do each one then added them.


    the correct way to calculate profit it is: GO TAKE A BASIC BUSINESS CLASS. If you can't pass it, business is not for you.


    its like you're trying to be a pro soccer player because you are physically capable of running and kicking a ball, but don't even know the rules of the game. And yes occasionally you can kick the ball in the right direction, but mostly its wrong and occasionally you get run over. Yes I guess you could keep running around the field and pick up some of the rules if you're an observant person and people are trying to tell to yell at you from the sidelines, but no rational person can possibly think that's the best way to become a pro soccer player. Why not take some time to understand some of the rules? Or if its apparent that your kicking isn't strong and you don't run very fast, why not work on those first before you get onto the field? If you never bother to learn the rules or learn to kick accurately, you will never be a pro soccer player.


    for the Canadians or other internationals, soccer = football (non-American) = futbol = footie


    I need to get better at the calculations and formulas I know that much


    Calculations and formulas??? It addition and subtraction not something you have to go to school for unless you're five years old. Seriously, for a person your age to be so lost is just pathetic. I know you want to be a success in life but the reality is you're probably going to be a lifer as a dish washer unless something worse comes up. I really sympathize for your parents.


    I did the calculations and by what everyone else said they were wrong but when I did what they told me I got the same number on just had a - sign in front of it and the other didn't.


    I also used this website for reference



  8. I'm done - I'm out. I wish you all the luck in the world but I do not feel like you are taking in any of the advice you are getting. You are doing everything people suggest of you but actually understanding - I don't think it's getting thru. Got better things to do so I'm going to have to stop looking in here since it does nothing but frustrate me and it's borderline becoming an addiction of mine. Kind of like a car crash you can't look away from. Best of luck.


    Yep. Me too. Good luck dude.






  9. I'm done - I'm out. I wish you all the luck in the world but I do not feel like you are taking in any of the advice you are getting. You are doing everything people suggest of you but actually understanding - I don't think it's getting thru. Got better things to do so I'm going to have to stop looking in here since it does nothing but frustrate me and it's borderline becoming an addiction of mine. Kind of like a car crash you can't look away from. Best of luck.


    Ok thanks.

  10. I calculate things like this


    How much I bought - How much I sold = Profit


    I just include losses for myself to see how well I'm doing and yes every fee is already calculated into this.


    Where in the hell did you learn that Expenses - Revenue = Profit???


    It's the other way around!!. Otherwise if your expense is $100 and your revenue is $150, then your profit will be a NEGATIVE number (i.e. a loss).


    Come one man, this is BASIC BASIC accounting! Stop everything and start LEARNING.




    And like I posted a page or so ago.....


    Why the heck do you use a different tallying system for "Little books" compared to your "Big books"???


    What's with all the extra additional numbers in the Little Books rows????


    Little Books

    Bought $2455.12+247.01+699.53=$3401.68

    Sold $4007.43+1679.24=$5686.67

    Losses $1079.43+637.19= $1716.62

    Profit $568.37


    Big Books

    Bought $5329.03

    Sold $2340

    Losses $2989.03


    Where do all those extra numbers come from???


    I don't have my business books on me anymore but I was always taught this


    Amount paid - Amount sold = Profit


    If that's not how it goes then I can fix that so basically I do the opposite of what I've been doing? Those numbers aren't extra at all it was calculated the max number my calculator count count at that time so I wrote do each one then added them.


    No that is NOT what you were taught.


    NOBODY teaches that. Nobody has EVER taught that.


    Except maybe homeless people talking to each other.


    And you STILL haven't explained why your "Little Books" rows have multiple sets of numbers compared to your "Big Books" rows.




    And no, I am NOT going to tell you to just "do the opposite" of what you've been doing because you won't UNDERSTAND WHY you need to do it that way.


    Just stop. Please stop. Stop trying to turn your hobbies or your "passion" into a business or profit-making business - you don't even understand how to calculate profit or the basic math and concepts behind it.



    If you want comics to be a hobby, fine go play with $11/week.



    But go take all of Revat's advice and clean up your personal health, grooming, speech, writing and go do a manual labor job that you hate for a few years - you'll learn a LOT more doing that than trying to flip comics. Seriously.


    Grow up, move out, support yourself for a few years but STOP thinking you can buy and sell to make money. You don't know what you're doing.


    To the first part of what you said I'm not sure what I was taught then. The little books have more numbers beside them because I sold much more of them compared to big books. I thought the calculations of what I needed to do were simple but that's not the case it seems.

  11. I do like comics and enjoy reading some of them but I'm doing this to make money.


    Funny thing about a job is that you rarely have to worry about it losing you money.


    Yes but this isn't my job and all investments come with a risk my just happened to be one of the worst ones.


    Are you referencing a single comic investment or your comic dealing in general?


    For now I'm talking about in general

  12. I calculate things like this


    How much I bought - How much I sold = Profit


    I just include losses for myself to see how well I'm doing and yes every fee is already calculated into this.


    Where in the hell did you learn that Expenses - Revenue = Profit???


    It's the other way around!!. Otherwise if your expense is $100 and your revenue is $150, then your profit will be a NEGATIVE number (i.e. a loss).


    Come one man, this is BASIC BASIC accounting! Stop everything and start LEARNING.




    And like I posted a page or so ago.....


    Why the heck do you use a different tallying system for "Little books" compared to your "Big books"???


    What's with all the extra additional numbers in the Little Books rows????


    Little Books

    Bought $2455.12+247.01+699.53=$3401.68

    Sold $4007.43+1679.24=$5686.67

    Losses $1079.43+637.19= $1716.62

    Profit $568.37


    Big Books

    Bought $5329.03

    Sold $2340

    Losses $2989.03


    Where do all those extra numbers come from???


    I don't have my business books on me anymore but I was always taught this


    Amount paid - Amount sold = Profit


    If that's not how it goes then I can fix that so basically I do the opposite of what I've been doing? Those numbers aren't extra at all it was calculated the max number my calculator count count at that time so I wrote do each one then added them.


    the correct way to calculate profit it is: GO TAKE A BASIC BUSINESS CLASS. If you can't pass it, business is not for you.


    its like you're trying to be a pro soccer player because you are physically capable of running and kicking a ball, but don't even know the rules of the game. And yes occasionally you can kick the ball in the right direction, but mostly its wrong and occasionally you get run over. Yes I guess you could keep running around the field and pick up some of the rules if you're an observant person and people are trying to tell to yell at you from the sidelines, but no rational person can possibly think that's the best way to become a pro soccer player. Why not take some time to understand some of the rules? Or if its apparent that your kicking isn't strong and you don't run very fast, why not work on those first before you get onto the field? If you never bother to learn the rules or learn to kick accurately, you will never be a pro soccer player.


    for the Canadians or other internationals, soccer = football (non-American) = futbol = footie


    I need to get better at the calculations and formulas I know that much

  13. Amount paid - Amount sold = Profit


    This is the formula you've been using? Have you tried plugging in simple numbers to see if it even makes logical sense?


    If you pay $2 for something and you sell it for $3, what is your profit?


    Plug it into your formula and it's $2-$3 = -$1 (negative one)


    According to your formula, the profit is negative in this simple situation. It doesn't make sense.


    So that's why I need to flip it around. I checked the accounting stuff and they always make stuff confusing or I just need to re-learn it.

  14. I calculate things like this


    How much I bought - How much I sold = Profit


    I just include losses for myself to see how well I'm doing and yes every fee is already calculated into this.


    Where in the hell did you learn that Expenses - Revenue = Profit???


    It's the other way around!!. Otherwise if your expense is $100 and your revenue is $150, then your profit will be a NEGATIVE number (i.e. a loss).


    Come one man, this is BASIC BASIC accounting! Stop everything and start LEARNING.




    And like I posted a page or so ago.....


    Why the heck do you use a different tallying system for "Little books" compared to your "Big books"???


    What's with all the extra additional numbers in the Little Books rows????


    Little Books

    Bought $2455.12+247.01+699.53=$3401.68

    Sold $4007.43+1679.24=$5686.67

    Losses $1079.43+637.19= $1716.62

    Profit $568.37


    Big Books

    Bought $5329.03

    Sold $2340

    Losses $2989.03


    Where do all those extra numbers come from???


    I don't have my business books on me anymore but I was always taught this


    Amount paid - Amount sold = Profit


    If that's not how it goes then I can fix that so basically I do the opposite of what I've been doing? Those numbers aren't extra at all it was calculated the max number my calculator count count at that time so I wrote do each one then added them.


    the correct way to calculate profit it is: GO TAKE A BASIC BUSINESS CLASS. If you can't pass it, business is not for you.


    I already took a business class and at the time when I needed it I knew what I had to do.

  15. What makes you feel like you deserve a job that you love and pays well?


    Why do you deserve it more than the person working full time and going to school full time? Or the person working 2 jobs to take care of his family?


    Why do you deserve it more than the soldier fighting for his country?


    Why do you deserve it more than the soccer player born with innate skills and crazy work ethic?


    Why do you deserve it more than the PHD student who has done 15 years of schooling AFTER high school including research that might actually HELP someone someday?


    Why do you deserve it more than every other person who finished college? or trade school? Or served in the military? OR doesn't have emotional issues?


    Do you deserve it more than every single person with more business experience, sense, education, or experience than you?


    Do you even deserve it more than the son who's dad buys him a comic book store? Why or why not?



    Why on earth would you be entitled to a job you enjoy AND pays well? What if you had a passion for something but it didn't pay well? Or what if you had a valuable talent, but you didn't enjoy it?


    You can find joy, honor (more than you'll ever have), and respect in ANY honest job, done diligently and with pride.


    And if you want to find something you enjoy but pays well, why the eff are you even remotely interested in comics? How many full time comic dealers on the planet do you think pull down six figures? And how many are in Canada? Do you have any idea? You probably have a better shot at joining the CFL or being a rodeo clown.



    You are currently a million miles away from even THINKING about a job that pays well that you enjoy. You can work towards one, but your level of entitlement (especially when coupled with your political views) is absurdly disheartening and frustrating. You're not operating in a reality that actually exists. You're operating in an addicts spiral, exacerbated by mental, emotional, and learning issues, mixed with healthy doses of questionable (at best) entitlement world views.


    I never said I should get one immediately and without any effort but everyone deserves something career wise that makes them happy. I'm not responsible and shouldn't be responsible for the actions of others like all those examples you mentioned, I never forced their choices upon them. I'm interested in comics because I can make money with them and I read some of them as well. Again you're saying it like I want a amazing job now and that's not right it's something to work towards. I don't talk politics on here for more then one reason.







    You deserve what you earn in life.


    Anything else are gifts, gravy and icing on the cake.





    Why do you keep thinking I'm talking about the present?


    Past, present, or future, the statement "everyone deserves something career-wise that makes them happy" is never true. Believing it is true is why many people here have said you have an entitled attitude.


    You don't deserve a career that makes you happy simply by existing no matter how old you are. People who have careers that make them happy have earned their position in life through hard work and patience.


    This is what jcjames is trying to convey to you.


    Finally, it seems there are some here that are here simply to poke fun at or just flat out insult Gabe. If it's not constructive or at least funny (Gabe seems to have thick skin and a decent sense of humor), maybe try not to post here. And leave the election talk at the door lest this thread get scrubbed.


    Thanks for explaining that I always wondered why no matter what I said James would say I was entitled, having a sense of humor is needed in this world you can't be serious all the time or people won't want to be around you.


    Not even lip service to the main point this time? :pullhair:


    Acknowledge the fact that you (or me, or anyone) don't inherently deserve a career that makes you happy...such a situation is earned. This acknowledgement is typically the first step on the road to success. It seems like you're not even prepared to start down that road yet. :(


    I will admit it. No one deserves a career that makes them happy unless they earned it.

  16. Wait, nobody else picked up on the fact that by his own accounting he has $1,448 in inventory that he expects to sell for between $500-750?


    I'm still trying to figure out why he's using a different accounting for his little books than he is for his big books.


    Little Books

    Bought $2455.12+247.01+699.53=$3401.68

    Sold $4007.43+1679.24=$5686.67

    Losses $1079.43+637.19= $1716.62

    Profit $568.37


    Big Books

    Bought $5329.03

    Sold $2340

    Losses $2989.03


    What are all the colored figures in the Little Books section for???????






    I'm not sure why the others are colored but the red is for losses and the green is profit


    Wait, what? If the red is for a loss, how can you add it to two positive numbers to get a total number that's the sum of the absolute values of the three?


    And if the red is for losses, what's the line 'losses'?


    Seriously, I have no faith that you even know what your current situation is.


    Please do an introductory book keeping course, or at the very least buy 'book keeping for dummies'. And if you really don't want to invest any money there's always this.


    If you are ever successful at this, you'll have to pay taxes and might get audited. In that case you need books that can be scrutinised - which means they have to be understandable by people other than yourself.


    Sorry I didn't pay attention to what the color coded numbers were and I'm not sure why it turned out that way but put simple this it what I used to calculate it


    How much I spent - How much I sold it for - Losses = Profit made


    Nope - not how that equation works. Your losses are factored into the amount you sold them for.


    How much you sold it for minus all fees minus how much you spent then gives you profits.


    If Gabe sells a book for $30 shipped and it cost him $7 to ship and $4 in fees and cost him $20 to buy it then how much has he made in profits?


    I would be losing a dollar

  17. Inventory Update


    Total Comics Bought $11,048.55

    Total Comics sold $10,424.16

    Inventory $1448

    Loss $624.39


    Just joining in here so I don't know specifics but it seems you would have been better off dropping 11k into a Hulk 1 and flipping it.


    I was told that or a AF15 but I wouldn't have made all the mistakes that I have.


    .. but that would be a GOOD thing, Gabe.


    Maybe but then I wouldn't have all this advice

  18. Inventory Update


    Total Comics Bought $11,048.55

    Total Comics sold $10,424.16

    Inventory $1448

    Loss $624.39

    Not yet sold: 27

    Comics Lost on: 28





    Big Comics VS Little Comics Comparison



    Little Books

    Bought $2455.12+247.01+699.53=$3401.68

    Sold $4007.43+1679.24=$5686.67

    Losses $1079.43+637.19= $1716.62

    Profit $568.37


    Big Books

    Bought $5329.03

    Sold $2340

    Losses $2989.03



    The above numbers make no sense.


    You bought $3,401.68 in "little" books and $5,329.03 in "big" books and you currently have $1,448 in inventory? That's $10,178.71. Where did your "total comics bought" number of $11,048.55 come from?


    Furthermore, if these numbers are correct....


    Total Comics Bought $11,048.55

    Total Comics sold $10,424.16

    Inventory $1448


    You have a profit of $823.61, not a loss. You spent $11,048.55 on books, you still have $1,448 of inventory, you sold $10,424.16 of them.


    Sales ($10,424.16) - COGS ($11,048.55 - $1,448) = $823.61




    You total loss of ~$600 in the first section also doesn't come close to matching up with your profits and losses in the big and little books section.


    If this is how you are calculating your progress after 2 years, it's time to throw in the towel. No offense.


    He said his inventory amount is the amount he bought it for and estimates his inventory is probably worth $600 - $800. I still can't make sense of the rest of it but it looks like he is going to break even once he sells the rest of his inventory for a loss.


    Breaking even at this point is probably the best case scenario for him. 2c


    That would be good be making a profit would be better.

  19. there's more cost than just buying a book for X and selling for Y


    theres also cost of shipping, shipping supplies, fees, time etc.


    Are these numbers even factored into the numbers above?



    According to Gabe, all those numbers are factored in to the numbers he posted.


    What that really means is anyone's guess though.


    It means, shipping, supplies, ebay and paypal fees, and grading and pressing costs if applicable including what I paid for it in the first place.

  20. Inventory Update


    Total Comics Bought $11,048.55

    Total Comics sold $10,424.16

    Inventory $1448

    Loss $624.39

    Not yet sold: 27

    Comics Lost on: 28





    Big Comics VS Little Comics Comparison



    Little Books

    Bought $2455.12+247.01+699.53=$3401.68

    Sold $4007.43+1679.24=$5686.67

    Losses $1079.43+637.19= $1716.62

    Profit $568.37


    Big Books

    Bought $5329.03

    Sold $2340

    Losses $2989.03



    The above numbers make no sense.


    You bought $3,401.68 in "little" books and $5,329.03 in "big" books and you currently have $1,448 in inventory? That's $10,178.71. Where did your "total comics bought" number of $11,048.55 come from?


    Furthermore, if these numbers are correct....


    Total Comics Bought $11,048.55

    Total Comics sold $10,424.16

    Inventory $1448


    You have a profit of $823.61, not a loss. You spent $11,048.55 on books, you still have $1,448 of inventory, you sold $10,424.16 of them.


    Sales ($10,424.16) - COGS ($11,048.55 - $1,448) = $823.61




    You total loss of ~$600 in the first section also doesn't come close to matching up with your profits and losses in the big and little books section.


    If this is how you are calculating your progress after 2 years, it's time to throw in the towel. No offense.


    He said his inventory amount is the amount he bought it for and estimates his inventory is probably worth $600 - $800. I still can't make sense of the rest of it but it looks like he is going to break even once he sells the rest of his inventory for a loss.


    That would be correct

  21. there's more cost than just buying a book for X and selling for Y


    theres also cost of shipping, shipping supplies, fees, time etc.


    Are these numbers even factored into the numbers above?



    No kidding, but let's not run before we can walk here.


    I'm pretty sure that the more he buys and sells, the better he gets at math. I'm no biologist, but I'm pretty sure that's how math works. Many people are saying that's how people learn math. Trust me, I know all the best mathematicians and sellers of great things.


    My sister is one example and I've been doing more of this kinda math as well.

  22. there's more cost than just buying a book for X and selling for Y


    theres also cost of shipping, shipping supplies, fees, time etc.


    Are these numbers even factored into the numbers above?



    No kidding, but let's not run before we can walk here.


    to be fair, probably don't need to factor in his time as a 'cost' with 'value'. But I'd include grading and pressing fees when applicable.


    I already include those into the purchase price of what I buy at the time.