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Everything posted by VintageComics

  1. You people in the NW are always strange. Dude, this was in the Northeast - in NYC. My friend Richard and I who collected comics were big Wolverine fans by the time X-Men 100 hit the stands. I remember him lending me his Hulk 181 and X-Men 94 and me lending him my Giant Size X-Men 1. I'm just razzin' you. And time to buy the wife some more shoes.
  2. Rogue was popular acc. to my memory but not most popular.
  3. AGREED. Loved seeing him in this. True legend. Great to see him in the movie as he is a great actor...but I thought he aged horribly. He just looks bad overall....to me at least The dude is 77 - he looks pretty good for 77. That's almost 80. His skin started doing something strange as he aged but he's always looked great other wise. He was probably the biggest stud of his era. The Brad Pitt / Johnny Depp of the 70's and he still looks decent. Anybody ever notice that he and Brad Pitt look like father / son?
  4. 100% correct. I have the latest in a long line of submissions in my hands to prove the point. Not a single book came back lower than called. Almost every book came back higher than called, a number of them ridiculously so. This was never the case in the early 00s. Anybody who tells you different has skin in the game. This is your polite way of saying Roy has skin in the game. Whose call? Yours? Your books have always been tighter than CGC's. I don't want to poke the dragon if he's 16 Coronas in on a Saturday night but I'll tell you what skin I have in the game: Kicking and screaming and firing off emails to CGC over why their books are so tight. I resubmit a fair number of books over the years and the number of books going down in grade (not even staying the same grade) over the last 2 years is staggering to me. I wouldn't be surprised if my incoming phone number was labeled as 'the complainer' in Sarasota. Why would they go down in grade if they were tighter then? Sorry but I'm not protecting skin here, just real life experience. The litmus test for me is having CGC regrade their own books and they were not tighter back in the day in my experience. They had loose and tight periods then as they do now.
  5. It was a no brainer move to build a franchise like this. I can't believe nobody did it sooner. Brilliant.
  6. I'd still like to see a comparison of ASM #129 and Huk #181 values from 1980 to 1990.
  7. I don't know. I seem to disagree with this. We'd have to talk about which grade ranges. They might have loosened up on the bottom or middle ranges but on the top range they are still not bad. I probably see 1000's of CGC books each year and while there are many loose books and many tight books I don't see that CGC was 'stricter' back in the day. I think that's a myth. I've seen many horrifically over graded books in old labels. You'll always have misses or mistakes and outliers but for the most part I think over the last 2 years since their loose period a few years ago that everyone talks about they've tightened up substantially. Of course, again I'm mostly looking at and looking for higher grades.
  8. Seriously guys? I love hot girls as much as the next guy but these are the types of comments that drive women off the boards. This ain't the boys locker room.
  9. My man, you were in no way mislead. From the very start I let you know that Adam was held in high regard around here. Maybe people should wear stickers on their foreheads to help you navigate your story better? Apology? WTF? You don't tell the truth but someone else should apologize? You can bury the truth all you want with spin but the fact is that you lied about what you knew about your brother. That one lie is enough to show people that you are not truthful. You play a decent 'nice guy' routine but for all anyone knows it could just be another lie. Who besides the good Lord will ever know?
  10. The guy was untruthful, his brother is a thief, they have been in business together for many years and you think telling people this is thread crapping? I'll chalk it up to you being relatively new here (I don't mean that in an offensive way) and I am totally against thread crapping myself but since the forums are left to community members to self police there is no other way to do it than to post in the sales thread. Would you prefer that nobody mentioned anything? Roy, I greatly respect Adam but he did Thread . He should have posted his discussion in here with a link to F. Palma's listing. I think that would have been the better way to go with it. I'll disagree with you on that one. I was literally on the phone with Adam the day he was rushing around trying to find his $30,000 worth of stolen books. Imagine how you'd feel. I'd just forgotten about it until we fleshed all the facts out in these discussions. Doing the right thing and making the general public aware trumps political correctness in a sales thread (which is a privilege, not a right) and when there is dishonesty involved it's better to let the community know than to keep a sales thread clean. Again, just my opinion. Feel free to disagree.
  11. You have no idea how many people are reading this, how many people know each other (really well) and how deep of a hole you are digging here. Seriously. I have plenty of people who dislike me immensely as everyone does but even they are siding with me on this one. Think about that. At this point about the only thing that would clear you completely would be helping Adam get either his books or his money back. Anything short of that is really just hot air at this point. That's just my opinion of course but there it is.
  12. It is relevant because you initially said that you knew nothing about your brother's dealings which is untrue. You think I want to spend a Saturday afternoon with a gorgeous day out sitting here and arguing with someone on the internet? OK, with 60K posts maybe I do. What makes this place awesome is that unlike eBay or other forums people make an effort to keep the dirt out. People can choose who they want to deal with themselves but at least both sides of the story are out there so that they can make up their minds. That's how this place works and why it works.
  13. The guy was untruthful, his brother is a thief, they have been in business together for many years and you think telling people this is thread crapping? I'll chalk it up to you being relatively new here (I don't mean that in an offensive way) and I am totally against thread crapping myself but since the forums are left to community members to self police there is no other way to do it than to post in the sales thread. Would you prefer that nobody mentioned anything?
  14. You initially stated that you knew nothing about your brothers dealings. Adam said that you actually met with Adam to try to straighten your brother's dealings out. You obviously lied to cover up the fact that you knew about your brother's dealings in an effort to sell books on here. If you're untruthful about something like that (which is a pretty big thing in my opinion) what stops you from being untruthful about something small like ripping people off for a few $100?
  15. I'm not an energizer bunny because I like busting balls. Ask anybody, I'm the freaking forum hippie that loves almost everyone. No, I'm doing this because this isn't a random internet community with a bunch of nobodies. This place is a tight knit community and many people here know each other personally, sometimes for a lifetime. Many people here meet each other at shows, hang out, talk on the phone, visit each others homes, etc. I can tell you that I'd trust Adam before I'd trust my own brother...and you and I seem to have similar brothers. Interesting co-incidence I must say. You have been untruthful from the start about how much you knew about all of this and you're being untruthful now. Feel free to keep digging and pretending you don't know.
  16. For the record, as far as all of this goes I don't believe that you have no idea what your brother is into. It's unnatural to not have an idea what a brother is doing, especially if you spend a lot of time working with them (and in a small town no less) but in my books Adam's account trumps anything else. Remember how you said via PM to me that you didn't know what I was talking about when I said that the facts are not always the truth? Well you might sell books cheap or ship quick (the facts) but that doesn't change what has transpired (the truth). I wish you the best of luck in sorting out things between you and your brother. I really do. Lifestyles like that take a toll on family and friends.
  17. You made me dig out my old Overstreets. OPG 10 (80/81) $3.75 OPG 11 (81/82) $5.25 OPG 12 (82/83) $16.00 OPG 13 can't find my copy OPG 14 (84/85) $20.00 OPG 15 (85/86) $24.00 OPG 16 (86/87) $24.00 OPG 17 (87/88) $32.00 OPG 18 (88/89) $36.00 OPG 19 (89/90) $75.00 What this shows is steady increases except after the mini-series when it triples and between 18 and 19 when it doubles. My recollection is that Hulk #181 sold for double OPG if not more during the early 80s. What about ASM 129? That was my next question. (thumbs u
  18. Why do you continue to spin rather than just keep to the conversation? This is an amazing forum where Action #1's and Tec #27's have been sold. You can bring all the cool books you want and take all the money you can but that doesn't answer questions. Almost anybody can bring cool books but can everyone bring honesty? Many here have kids. Almost everyone here will see the Cap movie if they haven't seen it yet. Yes, you will always sell your books. This conversation is not about whether you will always sell your books or not. People will buy from Satan if it means some respite from the heat. Books always sell. Reputations don't. The question is whether the person selling the books is being truthful not whether the books are good or not. And again, it's not personal but there is a molehill medium hill of evidence making things look questionable. This is a hard crowd to please (not by my making - I'm just an observer but they're a bunch of frooking attention whores and drama queens) so the dilemma here is whether they approve or not, not me. And Oak's "your kind" is a board favorite. Don't try to take a dig at Oak. I'm getting the feeling that this conversation is not really going places.
  19. I have a brother and I love him a lot and always have but when I found out that he was extorting money from people, lying about his circumstances and in short stealing from people by taking advantage of their good nature. After giving him an opportunity to clear his name and pay people back by offering to help him make an honest living for himself, he declined and I threw him under the bus, cut him off from the family and told all his friends, family and contacts not to feed his problem. Adam is one of those guys where if I had a bag full of money I could leave it with him, come back 10 years later and it would still be there waiting for me untouched. Not too many people like that anymore. I'm glad to hear that you don't have any involvement. (thumbs u
  20. But didn't you and your brother own a comic book store together (or at the very least work together) until the store went out of business around the same time that Adam's books allegedly went missing? And didn't you tell me via PM that your brother works for (or at least with you) in your coin shop now? It's not like you and your brother are estranged. So you buy and sell comics, your brother owned a comic shop and buys and sells comics, you still work together now but you know nothing about what Adam is talking about? Again, nobody has accused you of anything. You are just getting your back up simply because people are asking questions for clarification.
  21. and thread krapping is allowed in this situation because? Which thread crapping? I can't get that link to work for me. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=7597757&gonew=1#UNREAD It's thread crapping if there is a possible smoking gun in the room and people are asking questions for clarity? Did I just enter the twilight zone?
  22. Exactly my point. Insert "wolverine" for batman and "1982" for 1986, and "1986" for 1989, and you have the exact point I'm making. You're a grinder. No one said Wolverine wasn't popular. So many folks on these boards take things to one extreme or the other...it's a little frustrating. Repeat: no one said Wolverine wasn't popular. The point was that in the early 80's, Wolverine wasn't NEARLY as popular as he was by the late 80's, not even close, and he had to share the spotlight with Dazzler (#1 selling book of 1981), Kitty Pryde, and the rest of the X-Men. I know I'm a grinder. I'm not saying Wolvie reached his peak in 1982. What I am saying is that he started rising above the pack at that point in time. And I full well realize that I could be entirely subjective about this as for me the Wolverine mini was just about the most amazing thing I'd ever read off the newsstand. Guide prices for #181 from 1980 to 1990 would probably be a good indicator. I fully agree that he went over the top in the late 1980's when he started appearing in Punisher books.