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Everything posted by VintageComics

  1. This is for buyers AND sellers. I preface this thread with the fact that it's not to pick on anyone. 19 years ago, I myself used to be guilty of taking too long to reply and so I speak from my own personal experience of being on the wrong side of this discussion. I've come to accept that expecting a reply within 24 hours is considered reasonable. Outside of 24 hours it starts to become questionable unless there are extenuating circumstances. 72 hours when doing a deal is probably a bit too long and outside of that I think sellers / buyers should rightfully be concerned about the deal. What are your thoughts?
  2. It's not what I think. Like I said in my previous post, we had this discussion years ago because a boardie got upset at ME for not responding fast enough. I responded within 18 or 20 hours (can't remember what the time frame was right now) and out of that discussion the forums generally agreed that 24 hours was a reasonable expectation and outside of that was starting to be a grey area. But now that you mention it, I think it WOULD be a good discussion to have again on what time frame people think is reasonable to expect a reply. I'll ask the question in another thread.
  3. This is not quite accurate. You, Randall Dowling and now ttfitz (surprise, surprise) are making it sound like the buyers (and the forum by extension) were impatient and unreasonable for expecting a reply sooner than a week. This is utterly ridiculous no matter how you look at it. I had a person I was dealing with get buried in 6 feet of snow in Buffalo, couldn't leave their home due to emergency road closures and had no power over Christmas weekend. ALL WEEKEND. They warmed up canned food on their body to eat and stay alive. They still managed to reply to me within 72 hours. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's really simple - the seller is likely a good person, nobody wishes any ill will towards them and e GENUINELY hope the sales thread helped but if someone chooses not to respond when they can, it was THEIR MISTAKE to break all communication for a week to a forum that genuinely cares about them and does a great job of being reasonable and policing this place. That's all this was about. All anyone really needs to do is keep people in the loop and most people are reasonable and will understand. Breaking communication will force people to start imagining all sorts of scenarios and people will get their pitchforks out. And if we are trying in any way to put some sort of onus on the buyers in a situation like this we're at risk of is opening a SLIPPERY SLOPE of giving nearly everything a free pass. We may as well stop charging people who break any laws. Oh wait... ---------------------------- And let me suffix this message by saying that I learned 20 years ago after first joining THIS FORUM that communication is key. As a young dad when I joined this forum, there were many sales threads where I needed funds in a hurry. That's normal life. I was that person, and there were times when I used to wait too long to respond to messages. So I am speaking from personal experience and from being on the wrong side of this discussion. Personally, I think 24 hours is the correct limit, 48 hours is a bit long but possibly acceptable under certain circumstances and after 72 hours you're just asking for trouble.
  4. I'm not sure what planet some of you live on but this is not how the world works..or at least now how the normal world is supposed to work OR USED TO WORK. The seller came here to ask for help in exchange for a reasonable service. People bought books to help him. He was happy to take the help but not happy enough to hold up his end of the bargain. That's not cool. Many years ago, I started a thread because a boardie was upset that I didn't reply to him in time and I asked what an acceptable amount of time was to reply to someone (incidentally, I had replied within 24 hours). The general consensus was 24 hours. You reply within 24 hours and you're good. If you reply outside of 24 hours, it's considered sketchy. That wasn't MY conclusion. It's what THIS COMMUNITY CONCLUDED. This guy didn't just not reply, he was reading messages, logging into the boards but waiting a WEEK to a reply. That is more than sketchy, it's unacceptable. I had a business partner once who was slow to reply to messages and I told him the same thing: If you avoid contact or go AWOL you heighten everyone's anxiety. and compound the problem. If he has the time to log in and read messages he has the time to reply and say "My bad, I'm going through something can I get back to you in a few days." Easy. Peasy. ANYTHING other than that is disrespectful to the community here. There were no pitch forks. It's unreasonable to log in and read PMs but not respond for a week. It's not the community's responsibility to conform to an unreasonable person. It's the unreasonable person's responsibility to conform to a reasonable community. And why the two of you (and possibly others) would defend such poor behavior and try to flip the tables on a good, reasonable community that was trying to help this guy out is unreasonable and ridiculous.
  5. @CGC Mike Why was my post removed? It was an honest question asking if G.G. aka Paul is a previously banned forum member? Is there another thread to ask that question in?
  6. I remember about 5 or 6 years ago when a 3rd of that price was considered a crazy number.
  7. I'm not sure how the "collective" you can see it coming unless you are reading the security filings of the banks and their holdings. We might be either talking past each other or misunderstanding each other. I was speaking about individuals who purport to know something based on their credentials and yet are dead wrong, like the banker I spoke to a few weeks ago. Or the people who thought that the inflation we're now experiencing was going to be "transitory" when 2 years later, it's still here and many of us knew it would be. As far as the banking industry goes, like every other it's hellish and ugly and full of espionage and cut throat tactics just like EVERY large industry. When you have $100 Billions at your disposal you can fabricate nearly any scenario you want. It's a scary world in that regard.
  8. All good points. I still lean towards the side that too much specialization and tunnel vision short sights those people. It's generally people with a more broad view of the world that tend to see things coming that others don't, like the 2007-08 collapse where a few truly saw it coming, and this one, which I personally believe was inevitable and just another extension of the collapse of 2007-08 which was never fundamentally address and simply had the fallout prolonged.
  9. 10 X (or whatever crazy figure you want to use) was the norm back in the 2000s for many books. Then the multiples dropped for most books and those staggering multiples were reserved for 9.9 + for a while but it seems they're back in vogue again. X-men #120 is an incredibly tough book key book. If there's an X-men movie in the works you KNOW Alpha Flight will be in the mix at some point and people may be trying to anticipate that as well.
  10. So, here's the difference between the two groups. One group thinks they know it all. The other groups doesn't think they know it all. They know they know nothing. It's that simple. And the group that thinks they "know it all" is unaware of how little they know while the other group is totally aware of how much they don't know and proceed differently. I had an ex who was so brilliant in her field that she would manage 9 figure accounts and do the work in a fraction of the time that the rest of her people took. She'd get to the bottom of everything so quickly, innately and was always right. Her co-workers would go the long way around and get to the same answer. But the only REAL way to determine if both are right is to have the discussion and entangle ideas to prove them. The know-it-alls never want to have the discussion..because they know best. It's not that simple because you can be book smart and still be unintelligent. The banker dude I spoke to was book smart but unaware of how logic and physics work. He was sure that everything would continue to go up and up. Well, even my kids in single digit grades know that's not possible. And so often "education" can make people belief illogical things like "everything will keep going up" because they are in a manufactured reality, insular and disconnected from REAL reality. Basically, in a bubble. And yet they don't realize they're in the bubble. Just like the banks that are failing. Run by some incredibly smart people - arguably the smartest, and yet often making errors a high school dropout may not make. Why? Because they lose sight of reality in their manufactured bubbles.
  11. I believe the strategy is that not having a watchlist encourages bidding. If you throw in a tracking bid, then you can watch it.
  12. The SVB failure was mainly driven by the bank's investment strategies not being prepared for rising interest rates. I met a guy who is a high end banker leaning towards commercial real estate and I was dumbfounded at how ignorant and clueless he was. He kept saying things like "the market is in great shape" and "you can't lose". Inside my jaw dropped so I could scream. Outside I just smiled and tried to correct him. This was literally a few weeks before the bank collapse. He literally had no clue. None. Ziltch. Nada. And I think he's pretty indicative of how most of the world functions. Most of these sock puppets doing their jobs in banking and finance and everywhere else are like the crew in The Wolf of Wall Street. They're just muppets chasing a profit with no clue how things actually work or what destruction they're sowing. Any high school drop out with half a brain can see what's happening but the most educated and "smartest" minds in the world can't. That's scary.
  13. Not directed at you but it needs to be said: IT'S TRANSIENT. Inside joke. Carry on.
  14. Some people trust the opinions of others (like grading companies). Some don't. Just like some people trust what the news tells them, full stop. Some don't. Different folks for different strokes. I'm not trying to draw a parallel between the news and CGC. I'm simply trying to show that everyone has different levels of trust and also experience and understanding.
  15. Well, originally it was thought to be a gimmick but considering it's now affecting prices I'd say it's caught on.
  16. I think Mark Haspel was involved in some way. That's what I heard anyway. GOD BLESS ... It's not Haspel. @Rob It servers as a service that identifies books that look exceptional within a given grade. Collectors definitely pay more for them. History has proven that. They got the idea from the coin hobby, where they've had similar things for years.
  17. When you see a crazy price on a 9.6 often it can be someone driving the price up who thinks it may have a shot at 9.8 on a resub. Not always, but sometimes. Other times, it's just people who want a book bad for their collection. Right time, right place. As far as sales prices in general, I don't want to keep posting auction results but in my experience some books continue to sell below my expectations, some above my expectations and some right at my expectations. If I were I'd average them all out, they're definitely below recent GPA averages (averages not peaks - I don't like outliers) but not 20-30% below. More like 10-15% below. And NOTHING is selling for 2019-2020 money.
  18. The meanings of words are changing. The word "misogynist" doesn't always mean what people say it means anymore. It's become a flexible "catch all" phrase along with many other words to accuse and incite in the court of public opinion. I collected old romance comics for years. In many if not most of those comics, today, the men today would be called....you guessed it...misogynists. Except the way romance was portrayed in those comics of yesteryear is the same romantic relationships that the women I know want today. Does that make these women misogynists? Wait, what? Exactly.
  19. I've lost family in horrific ways due to cocaine addiction. My baby cousin was executed over it. Should I rail on people whenever they crack the "cocaine is a hellofa drug" joke? Everyone is offended or upset by something. Should we just all lock ourselves into insular cocoons and not even interact? It will actually have the opposite effect you are looking for. It will eventually make things worse. Your ideology is flawed. From a psychological and societal point of view, talking and working THROUGH things is the best way to deal with them...and it allows you to root out the bad apples along the way. And erasing or trying to block history is the best way to repeat it. Finally, accusing people who collect Nazi memorabilia of some sort of sadistic attraction to the evil involved is about as logical as accusing a comic collector of collecting WW2 comics and calling them sadistic for doing so. I know several people who have known Lemmy of Motorhead personally. Some for over 30 years in close friendship. They had nothing bad to say about the man. I'll take their word over yours. Well, there's the example I just quoted above.
  20. I agree but there is actually a divergence happening across culture in real time. In the West, if you talk about negative aspects of society or history, you are considered a sympathizer. It's offensive, it triggers and it needs to be quieted. In the East, if you talk about negative aspects of society or history, you are considered to be raising awareness. It's considered necessary, it's taught openly and needs to be kept alive to forever avoid it again. This seems to be one of the deepest rooted problems in society currently.
  21. Even the US Treasury sometimes lets mixed serial number dollars slip out into circulation. Those are typically worth more... Using the logic posited by some in this thread, then all money must be worthless because of those few errors.
  22. That's all for now, folks! If you have an interest feel free to reach out, make an offer, whatever. I'm easy to deal with. I'll likely be moving them in a day or two to another venue.
  23. X-men #101 CGC 9.8 White pages - 1st app Phoenix Asking $6250 (shipping included)